Is JavoNet a threadsafe library, and more imporantlty, does it allow usage of all threads? - javonet

Is javonet threadsafe? I couldn't find any documentation one way or the other. Even if it is threadsafe, is there some sort of "mutex" that's preventing full usages of all threads?
When I tried to run javonet in parallel, it did work, but the CPU usage did not significantly increase above the sequential load (ie on a 10CPU system, the CPU usage hovered around 20% for parallel load, whcih was only merely double the sequential CPU load of 10%); however, if I ran 10 version of the exact same sequential code (that used javonet), I achieved 100% CPU it "feels" like javonet must have some built-in mutexes that's preventing full parallel usage.

Javonet is thread safe. You just need to follow standard practices for writing multi-threaded applications and Javonet will take care of executing your code properly.
Javonet creates new corresponding .NET thread for calling Java threads. Also the other way for callbacks, events and delegates if called from other thread Javonet will create the corresponding thread on Java side. Once the calling thread completes, Javonet will close the thread on the other side.
If the corresponding thread already exists, Javonet will rejoin to valid thread.
Javonet does use internal mutexes / readwritelocks while accessing objects instances, some caching collections and types what depending on your Java code might affect the parallelization capabilities.


Synchronizing forked processes with pthread_mutex in C

Is it possible to use mutex from pthread.h to synchronize processes created with fork() from unistd.h? Afaik, both in the end are using system call clone().
I am asking it in the scope of shared memory segment (from ipc.h, shm.h) with critical data, which should be protected against concurrent writes from different processes. In that memory then semaphores can be defined and later used in different processes. Why couldn't mutexes be used instead of semaphores?
Why am I asking?
First of all I was told that it won't work, without receiving any explanation for that. On the Internet I was not able to find any answer so I decided to ask here.
Second, forked process is safer than thread created with pthread_create - if forked process crashes, the rest of the program continues to work and if thread crashes then whole program exits.
Third, mutexes seem to be more human-friendly than semaphores in managing.

Is there a way to limit the number of threads spawned by GCD in my application?

I know that the max number of threads spawned cannot exceed 66 through the response to this question. But is there a way to limit the thread count to a value which an user has defined?
From my experience and work with GCD under various circumstances, I believe this is not possible.
Said that, it is very important to understand, that by using GCD, you spawn queues, not threads. Whenever a call to create a queue is made from your code, GCD subsystem in its turn checks OS condition and seeks for available resources. New threads are then created under the hood based on these conditions – in the order and with the resources allocated, not controlled by you. This is clearly explained in official documentation:
When it comes to adding concurrency to an application, dispatch queues
provide several advantages over threads. The most direct advantage is
the simplicity of the work-queue programming model. With threads, you
have to write code both for the work you want to perform and for the
creation and management of the threads themselves. Dispatch queues let
you focus on the work you actually want to perform without having to
worry about the thread creation and management. Instead, the system
handles all of the thread creation and management for you. The
advantage is that the system is able to manage threads much more
efficiently than any single application ever could. The system can
scale the number of threads dynamically based on the available
resources and current system conditions. In addition, the system is
usually able to start running your task more quickly than you could if
you created the thread yourself.
Source: Dispatch Queues
There is no way you can control resources consumption with GCD, like by setting some kind of threshold. GCD is a high-level abstraction over low-level things, such as threads, and it manages it for you.
The only way you can possibly influence how many resources particular task within your application should take, is by setting its QoS (Quality of Service) class (formerly known simply as priority, extended to a more complex concept). To be brief, you can classify tasks within your application based on their importance, this way helping GCD and your application be more resource- and battery- efficient. Its employment is highly encouraged in complex applications with vast concurrency usage.
Even still, however, this kind of regulation from developer end has its limits and ultimately does not address the goal to control threads creation:
Apps and operations compete to use finite resources—CPU, memory,
network interfaces, and so on. In order to remain responsive and
efficient, the system needs to prioritize tasks and make intelligent
decisions about when to execute them.
Work that directly impacts the user, such as UI updates, is extremely
important and takes precedence over other work that may be occurring
in the background. This higher priority work often uses more energy,
as it may require substantial and immediate access to system
As a developer, you can help the system prioritize more effectively by
categorizing your app’s work, based on importance. Even if you’ve
implemented other efficiency measures, such as deferring work until an
optimal time, the system still needs to perform some level of
prioritization. Therefore, it is still important to categorize the
work your app performs.
Source: Prioritize Work with Quality of Service Classes
To conclude, if you are deliberate in your intent to control threads, don't use GCD. Use low-level programming techniques and manage them yourself. If you use GCD, then you agree to leave this kind of responsibility to GCD.

How to convert synchronous blocking shared memory model code to asynchronous coroutines running on thread pool?

While there are lots of solutions matching my question partially, I'd like to know if a complete match exists. It's hard to find a complete solution because of these partial ones occupying search results. This should be a runtime framework and (optionally) a transformation required to source language code when the language doesn't support coroutines.
There are libraries like lthread having lthread_cond_wait() API, but every lthread is bounded by a single pthread. I'd like lightweight threads to be able to run in several pthreads. They should be arbitrary picked by thread pool. Either single-threaded schedulers or global lock schedulers don't match. I think we can do better.
lthreads is also not an option because it neither involves source code transformation nor avoids it like protothreads.
Several green-threading runtimes (Erlang, Limbo) don't match because they are limited to CSP (communicating sequential processes) model only, but I'd like to have shared memory model synchronization primitives as well: mutexes, condition variables, rwlocks.
Transformation involves:
Transforming stack contexts into objects in heap
Transforming mutex calls into manipulating disabling and activating jobs on thread pool and publish-subscribe
Condition variables should also be transformed into publish-subscribe realtionships
It would be nice to have Ada-style rendezvous
I failed to do straightforward runtime implementation due to potential deadlocks in publish-subscribe mechanism without using global lock or single scheduler thread, but I still think this is possible.
Disclaimer: lthread author.
You can launch several pthreads and run an lthread scheduler in each one (this is done automagically by calling lthread_run() in the pthread function). This way each pthread will run a bunch of lthreads.

Why does Firemonkey application use no more than 20% of CPU?

I have a large binary file (700 Mb approximately) which I load to TMemoryStream. After that I perform the reading with TMemoryStream.Read() and make some simple calculations but the application never takes more than 20% of CPU. My PC has i7 processor.
Is there any chance to increase the CPU using and speed up the reading process without using the threads?
As far as I know, the only way to utilise the power of multiple cpu cores with Delphi is to use threads.
If you do choose to use threads in your application, there are a couple libraries that may ease development. How Do I Choose Between the Various Ways to do Threading in Delphi?
Adding on to Shannon's answer, on an i7 processor with multiple cores, one thread will only be utilizing one core. One thread cannot run on more than one processor core. Therefore, if you wish to utilize multiple cores, you need to create multiple threads to handle various tasks. Creating a thread isn't necessarily as simple as saying do this in that thread, there's a lot to know about multi-threading. For example, your application has one main GUI thread, then one thread might be dedicated for performing some long calculation, another thread might be updating a caption to real-time data, and so on.
Windows automatically decides which core to assign a thread to, and usually divides it up fairly. So, if you have 8 processor cores, and 16 threads, each core would get 2 threads (presumably) and since each core sends its own ticks apart from each other, more than one thread could literally be running at the same time (as opposed to a single core where it divides each 'tick' between each thread).
So to answer your question, if you had 5 threads performing something big at the same time, then you would see 100% processor usage.

Do NSThread have same memory privileges as main thread?

I'm using NSOperationQueue to manage a phase of an iOS application which is quite long so I would like to manage it asynchronously. Inside that phase I allocate big arrays in C by using directly calloc functions.
With big I mean a 1024x256 bidimensional array of floats and similar things.
If everything resides on the main thread than the app locks up while computing but everything goes fine, if, instead, I move the heavy part to a NSInvocationOperation then I got many strange results, with debugger sometimes I get a strange message in console stating
No memory available to program now: unsafe to call malloc
so I was wondering if threads managed by an operation queue have some different restrictions compared to main thread, and in case what is better to do to get around this issue.
There's no restrictions that I know of.. however, you may be hitting the edge of available RAM. Since iOS doesn't do virtual memory, when memory gets low, it'll send a warning to other apps to free up RAM. That may be the source of your issue.
Use instruments to profile how much RAM you're using. If it's more than about 20MB or so, you're probably in danger of being terminated due to excessive memory usage anyway.
