Rails: When Escape Javascript - ruby-on-rails

My question is if ruby code inside script tag MUST be always escaped?
Have I to escape javascript when I set a class/id of a div for example?
$("#button_<%= comment.id %>").click(function(){
... ...
... ...
$("#button_<%= escape_javascript comment.id.to_s %>").click(function(){
... ...
... ...
Or ruby code must be escaped only when render partials? Thank you


Rails wait for Turbolinks to be loaded to execute JavaScript import

Ich want to call a JavaScript function within the application.html.erb. The function is imported and provided in the application.js:
import myFunction from 'myJSModule';
window.myFunction = myFunction;
I am using turbolinks and vite_rails and it seems like the JS function is called before the application.js is loaded and it is undefined.
<script type="text/javascript">
<%= vite_javascript_tag "application", 'data-turbolinks-track': "reload" %>
<%= render "layouts/partial" %> # here I call the window.myFunction
window.myFunction is undefined.
When I try to call the function in the console, after the side is loaded, then it is defined.
Also when I wait for the turbolinks:load event:
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() { window.myFunction }
The Problem with the event is, that it is triggered every navigation event, but I want to call the function only when the partial is re-rendered.
I recently migrated from webpack to vite. For webpack the solution seemed to be to move the render partial below the java_script_tag. Unfortunately, this does not work with with vite.
I could find a solution. Appending the attribute type of the script with module:
<script type="module">

Need to pass parameter from partial render to a javascript function in .html.erb file?

I will post only the relevant snippet of the file
<%= render "trace/outbound_message", error => #msg_error,:selector => "#ui-accordion-accordion-panel-3", :tab => "ui-id-1" %>
<% unless error.blank? %>
<%= error.html_safe %>
$(function() {
show_error(<% selector %>,<% tab %>);
But this function is not able to be called successfully, as I don't think js undersands the embedded ruby code. What is my quickest workaround? Do I have to call a js.erb file, and how do I pass parameters to & in it?
I changed the script to
$(function() {
show_error(<%= selector %>,<%= tab %>);
And even that alert is not being shown? Any ideas?
Use the ruby code in a block like:
In Ruby code:
v = "show_error(<%= selector %>,<%= tab %>);"
In javascript:
$(function() {
I think the problem is you quotes ! You should have something like this
and you need something like
And don't forget to escape your JS :
show_error('<%= escape_javascript(#selector) %>', '<%= escape_javascript(#tab) %>');
How about this ?
$(function() {
show_error(<%= selector.to_json %>,<%= tab.to_json %>);
The to_json function will wrap your variable between quotes, that were missing.
I was playing around, and I figured it out.
<%= javascript_tag( "$(function() {show_error('#{selector}','#{tab}');});")%>
The javascript_tag played a vital role. You can't enclose it in ...
Btw #Saurabh - You were exceptionally close to the answer, no idea why somebody down-voted you.

Rendering a partial using ajax

It seems simple but my partial is not rendered in a view(dash.html.erb) using ajax.
match "users/dash" => "users#dash"
users controller
def dash
respond_to do |format|
<div id= "mydiv">This view is not shown using ajax.</div>
$('#mydiv').html('<%= raw escape_javascript render("cart_payment") %>');
My partial- _cart_payment.html.erb
<p>This is a partial.</p>
<script type= "text/javascript">
url: "users/dash",
data: {
//params if needed
Please note that I am calling- users url in browser because ajax is called from here.
Is it not correct way or Am I missing something?
When you call the dash method remotely, it actually is executing the $('#mydiv').html... code. The problem is, your index.html.erb file has no <div id='mydiv'> to update in the first place.
If you replace your index.html.erb with this, it should work:
<div id='mydiv'></div>
<script type= "text/javascript">
url: "users/dash",
data: {
//params if needed

How to safely embed JSON with </script> in HTML document?

In a Rails 3.1 app, how can I safely embed some JSON data into an HTML document?
Suppose I have this in a controller action:
#tags = [
{name:"tag1", color:"green"},
{name:"</script><b>I can do something bad here</b>", color:"red"}
And this in a corresponding view:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var tags_list = <%= #tags.to_json %>;
// ]]>
Then I get this in resulting HTML:
var tags_list = [
{"name":"</script><b>I can do something bad here</b>","color":"red"}
which triggers a SyntaxError: Unexpected token & in Chrome
If I remove the Rails' default HTML escaping with <%=raw tags.to_json
%>, then it returns this:
var tags_list = [
{"name":"</script><b>I can do something bad here</b>","color":"red"}
which, of course, breaks the HTML document with </script>.
Can I somehow tell to_json() method to return something more like this:
var tags_list = [
{"name":"</script><b>I can do something bad here</b>","color":"red"}
I asked this question on rubyonrails-talk mailing list, and I understand now that some people think that's a very bad idea to begin with, but in my case it works very nicely, as long as there are no HTML special chars in the data. So I just want to make the string returned by to_json HTML safe and still have JavaScript parse it properly.
Based on #coreyward comment, I did make it a JS string literal, and that seems to be working great now. Its not quite as elegant of a solution as I was hoping for, but its not too bad either. Here is the code that is working for me:
<% tags = [{name:"tag1", color:"green"}, {name:"</script><b>I can \n\ndo something bad here</b>", color:"red"}] %>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var tags_list = $.parseJSON('<%=j tags.to_json.html_safe %>');
// ]]>
which results in:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var tags_list = $.parseJSON('[{\"name\":\"tag1\",\"color\":\"green\"},{\"name\":\"<\/script><b>I can \\n\\ndo something bad here<\/b>\",\"color\":\"red\"}]');
// ]]>
Your code using just #tags.to_json works in rails3, if you enable it with:
ActiveSupport.escape_html_entities_in_json = true
Otherwise, your other option is this:
var tags_list = <%= raw #tags.to_json.gsub("</", "<\\/") %>;
This saves the client having to parse the whole thing through $
The proper way in 2019 is to wrap obj.to_json with json_escape function. json_escape is directly intended for escaping specific HTML symbols inside JSON strings. Example below from the documentation:
json = JSON.generate({ name: "</script><script>alert('PWNED!!!')</script>"})
# => "{\"name\":\"</script><script>alert('PWNED!!!')</script>\"}"
# => "{\"name\":\"\\u003C/script\\u003E\\u003Cscript\\u003Ealert('PWNED!!!')\\u003C/script\\u003E\"}"
JSON.parse(json) == JSON.parse(json_escape(json))
# => true
It seems this page appears on top of Google Search results, that's why I decided to provide a comment with an update :)
btw, this works but is not a good solution in my opinion:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var tags_list = <%=raw #tags.to_json.gsub('/', '\/') %>;
// ]]>
I think that if you try this it will work:
var tags_list = "<%== #tags.to_json.gsub('/', '\/') %>";
(Notice the double == and the " ")
For instance with this in app/layouts/application.html.slim:
window.translations = #{raw t("js").to_json};
And this in the translations:
must_be_present: Must be present<script>alert(1)</script>
The result will be escaped:
<script>window.translations = {"name":{"must_be_present":"Must be present\u003cscript\u003ealert(1)\u003c/script\u003e"}};</script>

how to access javascript variable in rails view

Is there any way to access javasript variable inside the rails view.
I just set some value of javascript variable and want to access it in rails view.
You have to understand that ruby code in your views gets executed on the server - before any javascript on the page gets a change to be executed.
That's why you cannot do stuff like this:
var js_var = 1;
<%= get_value_of_js_var_somehow %>
The other way round it works:
var js_var = <% generate_value_with_ruby %>;
You can pass a javascript variable to rails using AJAX. For example if you want to pass the id for an user to a method in a rails controller from javascript you can execute the following code:
var id = 1;
<%= remote_function :url => {:controller=>'controller_name', :action=>'method_name'}, :with => "'user_id=' + id" %>
You will receive the variable through a POST request, as a parameter. You can access it using params[:user_id].
def method_name
if params[:user_id].exists?
u = User.where('id = ?', params[:user_id]).first
puts u.path
Hope I've answered your question.
If you have this Javascript variable in a higher piece of javascript (per se: the application.js), then you can always just reference it in the view.
var someVar = "Hello World";
Then in your view (executed on the client), you could to...
<script type='text/javascript'>
I think we need more specific ellaboration if one of these three posts doesn't answer your question.
Suppose we are having script as follows
<script type="text/javascript">
var a="some value";
document.getElementById('tagid').innerHTML='<%= tag(:div,content_tag(:p,' " +a+ " '), :id=>' " +a+ " ', name=>"somename") %>';
