Can Jenkins job watch one repo for changes, to trigger a build on another repo? - jenkins

Using Jenkins and pipelines;
I have one repo which drives deployments and cloning its Jenkinsfile should kick off a new build; but I need the jenkins job which wraps it to watch another repo representing the site (not its build process), to watch for and build changes to the site, expected to change often, rather than the build process which hopefully will soon be stable and not subject to much additional change.
Can anyone please advise me how it is I would accomplish this feat?

Use the jenkins build step.
In the repo experiencing the changes, have its Jenkins job kick off a for the repo you want to build. You can configure the build step to either wait or not wait for the result of the kicked off job.
build(job: "org/${jobName}/${BRANCH_NAME}",
parameters: [
new StringParameterValue('ENV', env),
new StringParameterValue('ENV_NO', env_no),
propagate: false,
wait: false,

Usually I‘d recommend to have the Jenkinsfile in the very same repository like your source code. Only that way you will have a combined history so it‘ll be much easier to reproduce an older build from - let’s say - one year ago.
However if you still want to go for the separation: The git/checkout steps will usually have the possibility to add a hook in Jenkins so the job will get triggered automatically on changes.
If I did understand your use case correctly the Jenkinsfile will go into stable state. If it’s stable it won’t change. When there are no changes it won’t trigger the job, right?
If that still is not enough I think I would need more details on what you’re trying to achieve and why.


Jenkins: How to keep specific builds longer?

I have a declarative pipeline that executes almost regularly.
Upon specific condition (evaluated during the job run) I'd like to keep the job longer than usual.
Usual runs I keep for one week.
If condition 1 is true I want to keep the build for up to a month.
If condition 2 is true, I want to keep the build for up to six months.
Can Jenkins do something like that out of the box, or can it do it by adding some plugin?
So I found a solution to this job: Jenkins out of the box cannot do what I was searching for. However Jenkins can run plugins. Not finding any plugin that would satisfy my need I started creating my own. Here are the highlevel steps if someone wanted to do the same:
follow the Jenkins Plugin development tutorial. From that you have a plugin with a build step and a build action
modify the build action to store the information about the two conditions, or even better the resulting keep period.
modify the build step so the information can be set from freestyle builds or pipeline steps.
create a BuildDiscarder that reads the information from the action and honors it before triggering a delete

Gitea Jenkins plugin: discovering branches to build

Gitea recommends a separate Gitea Plugin for Jenkins. I'm puzzled why two identical builds are triggered when a PR is created.
I'm trying to achieve the following:
Without a PR, a push to a branch should NOT trigger a build
Every time a PR is requested in Gitea, a build is triggered for the PR.
If a new revision pushed to the branch for which a PR is created, another check build should be triggered
It's kinda working... But for some reasons two builds are created. Could someone please explain, what are these pipeline/head and pipeline/pr-master builds, and why there are two of them?
Here is the relevant part of my Jenkins configuration. I understand that this selection is a "legacy" one, however it's the only one that allows me to build only on PR. If I select the "recommended" one, then every push triggers a build, which is not what I want.
Answering my own question. Awwww what a silly sausage I am. The only thing that needed to be done was removing the "Discover branches" behaviour. And, naturally, it stops discovering "just branches" :) For some reasons I did not realise I can remove the default behaviours.

Prevent branch-indexing triggering builds when a manual build has already picked up changes

I have just setup a basic multibranch pipeline build job and have a feature branch with a jenkinsfile present which I am experimenting with.
I have the job configured to poll the scm every 5 mins and trigger a build if necessary.
I am finding however at times when I manually start a build for my branch after I have pushed up a tweak on my Jenkinsfile for example (as I don't want to wait for the next scm poll interval), the branch re-indexing activity can still trigger another build to be performed.
See the image below for what I mean, so here build 7 is one I kicked off manually on jenkins, so it picked up my commit, but then the branch indexing kicked off build 8 but there were no new changes for the branch.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Other than me being patient and waiting 5 mins of course!
I experienced this also. I tried playing with the polling settings in the Multibranch pipeline to see if this could fix it but that only led to no builds being spawned at all in response to SCM changes.
So this behaviour to which you refer was the best of a bad lot.
At time of writing, I think this behaviour is a bug with no current resolution.
Can't remember if I raised a ticket or not as I am in Azure DevOps world now.

Multibranch Pipeline - configure branch projects

When I create a plain pipeline project I have the option to periodically poll the scm and if changes are detected, the build is run. that worked well for me.
Now I created a multibranch pipeline and added 2 branches. However, in the configuration I can not set the same as in the normal pipeline project, because it tells me I can only view the configurations of the sub-branch-projects.
Maybe I'm also doing it wrong, so I try to tell you what I actually want to achieve.
I have a PHP project inside of a Git repository. There are two branches that I want to be built on new commits (when pushed to the main repository)
The main repository resides on a self hosted version of Bitbucket Server. If possible, I want to avoid hooks and let Jenkins poll for changes on the bitbucket server. So how can I achieve that?
You just need to check the option Periodically if not otherwise run trigger at the multibranch level. This replaces per-job polling, because it also detects new branches and the like.
If I got you right, all you want to do is to build ONLY these 2 branches?
If so, under "Branch Sources" just click the "Advanced" and fill in the textfield "Include branches" your branches e.g. test test2 (note the space between the branch names)
Actually you'll have configure SCM pollig (the way you expect it) in the Jenkinsfile itself. It's the properties DSL elelement that handles the configuration:
pipelineTriggers([pollSCM('H 20 * * 1-5')])
Anyways I highly suggest to have a closer look at the Pipeline Snippet Generator:
it s easy to miss but extremely helpful and it s populated based on your currently installed plugins. There you will also find a comprehensible set of options available for properties

Build every branch but only those newly pushed to

I want to have Jenkins CI test every branch but not all existing one, solely the ones which received a recent push.
I have set up a GitHub web hook which triggers new builds. This works fine for the branch specifier set to master. Now I tried ** so every branch is built.
The problem: on the first push it tries to build every branch, which is simply too much and would take ages. Is there a way to limit this?
There is no configuration which supports the feature you are requested and since it looks like there is no plugin yet. Your best shot would be to implement your own plugin that can specify a certain date threshold for branches.
Having said that, to solve your problem I would simply:
Empty the shell script for your job
Trigger a new build
Set your shell script again
This way all remote branches get checked out, run and marked as successful within no time due to the empty shell script. After re-enabling your actual shell script you are good to go.
