How to do a telnet from Solace appliance - solace

I want to telnet to check firewall opened from Solace to a server.
Telnet command is not available in Solace.
How do you do a telnet from Solace appliance?

The answer depends on which VRF you want to check. There are two VRFs on the solace appliance: management and msg-backbone.
The msg-backbone VRF is mainly for the data plane where all messages get brokered. This is on specialized hardware, and there is no support for the regular Linux networking stack. Telnet naturally is not supported. You can, however, test ping connectivity through the CLI: ping msg-backbone:<ip-address>.
The management VRF, as the name suggests is for management traffic. This is on a typical ethernet NIC and is on the Linux networking stack. SolOS base is a CentOS-7 image. So the answer can be found in


How to connect MS Sentinel with GN3 network?

I am trying to use a GNS3 network as input data to Microsoft Sentinel. My GNS3 server with GNS3 network is running on a virtual Linux machine, so I can monitor it with Syslog connector successfully. However I am unable to detect anything from the GNS3 network. Any idead how to solve this? I would be grategul for any answer.

How can I run docker behind the GRE Tunnel?

So I am having a pterodactyl installation on my node,
I am aware that pterodactyl runs using docker so to protect my Backend IP from being exposed when connecting to the servers I am using a GRE Tunnel from
After installing the script I was provided by X4B I got this message
Also Note: This script does not adjust the configuration of your applications. You should ensure your applications are bound to or the appropriate tunnel IP.
At first I was confused and tried connecting to my server but nothing worked, so I was thinking that it was due the docker not being bounded to
As for the network layout I was provided with: Network, Unified Gateway, Bound via NAT to, Broadcast
So If I host a minecraft server what IP address would I use?

How to connect Windows application to Docker network?

I have a legacy system. It contains a number of servers running on Linux and a number of GUI clients running on Windows. All the components (servers and clients) are in the same network and they communicate with each other directly. They are identified by ip and port number.
For development purpose, I now run the servers in containers using compose on a Linux host. The servers communicate with each other within the docker network without any issues. However, I have trouble to make the client work with servers. Port mapping doesn't work here since a client needs to talk to many servers with different or same port. What I am asking is if it is possible to treat the Windows client as part of the docker network. I read about tools such as weave net, etc., but haven't found anything useful. Any suggestions?

Openstack OvS native firewall driver drops SCTP

I have a clean install of Openstack Pike on Ubuntu 16.04 server with OvS bridge. When using iptables_hybrid as the firewall driver, I have no problem sending SCTP packets to VMs from the external network. However, when using the native openvswitch firewall driver, SCTP packets never arrive at the VM but TCP/UDP works fine.
I have tried adding SCTP in the policy groups and I have also created ports with security disabled but nothing helped.
Neutron is configured with DVR and redundant DHCP, otherwise it's pretty standard configuration based on the install guide for OvS with self-service networks. I can provide log and config files if needed.
Any ideas what might be causing this? Iptables has a huge performance impact on the network and I would like to go back to openvswitch firewall.

Port Forward Directly to a Guest OS with VirtualBox

I am currently using Ubuntu 10.04 for some rails development. It is installed as a guest machine using VirtualBox on a Windows 7 x64 host.
Within Ubuntu, I am trying to port tunnel several ports from a remote server directly to the Guest OS in order to avoid having to download a remote database.
Let's say I want to forward port 5000 on the remote server to port 5000 on the guest os.
I have set up a forwarder for the port on the Windows side, using VBoxManage.exe. This forwards HostPort 5000 to GuestPort 5000.
Then within ubuntu I run, ssh -L5000: However, whenever I try to access "", I receive the message "channel 7: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused"
Am I missing something?
Thanks for the help!
connect failed: Connection refused
This means that you'r not able to connect to 5000 on the remote end.
If you'r only using this connection from within your guest through your SSH tunnel then you don't need the forward from VBoxManager, as this will open op so that outside computers can connect directly to your guest, it won't help your guest connect to the outside.
Are you sure the server you connect (SSH) to is the same server that runs your database? And is the database running on that server?
When you've connected (SSH) to the server, you can try to list what ports are listening for connections or you could try to connect to the database with telnet. To list listeners you can run "netstat -lnt" (-l shows listening, -n is numeric (show IP and port number) and -t is tcp). You should have a line like "tcp 0 0* LISTEN" if you have a service listening for TCP on port 5000. To try and connect you can simply do "telnet 5000", if you can't connect with telnet from the server then the database ain't listening/allowing your connection, or the server is running on another port or server.
SSH uses TCP traffic by default, right?
Just to verify, NAT in VirtualBox does have these limitations (per the User Manual):
There are four limitations of NAT mode which users should be aware of:
ICMP protocol limitations: Some frequently used network debugging tools (e.g. ping or tracerouting) rely on the ICMP protocol for sending/receiving messages. While ICMP support has been improved with VirtualBox 2.1 (ping should now work), some other tools may not work reliably.
Receiving of UDP broadcasts is not reliable: The guest does not reliably receive broadcasts, since, in order to save resources, it only listens for a certain amount of time after the guest has sent UDP data on a particular port. As a consequence, NetBios name resolution based on broadcasts does not always work (but WINS always works). As a workaround, you can use the numeric IP of the desired server in the \server\share notation.
Protocols such as GRE are unsupported: Protocols other than TCP and UDP are not supported. This means some VPN products (e.g. PPTP from Microsoft) cannot be used. There are other VPN products which use simply TCP and UDP.
Forwarding host ports lower than 1024 impossible: On Unix-based hosts (e.g. Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X) it is not possible to bind to ports below 1024 from applications that are not run by root. As a result, if you try to configure such a port forwarding, the VM will refuse to start.
Try ssh -L5000: instead of ssh -L5000:
There is something called a "loopback" that is tangled up with that will cause you grief if trying to access ports from a different machine. I.e. your host machine.
