I'm trying to set up a simple HTTP web server on ESP8266-01 (1MB flash), which has latest 1.9.3 MicroPython firmware. The purpose is to be able to configure the credentials for the home network, to which the STA interface would ultimately connect.
So the code at high level does this:
Turns on the AP interface
Some one would connect to, which would have a form for username and password. We just need to put admin/admin. Clicking on Submit button should do a POST to
Configure.html is a web page with a form, where SSID and password would be input. I hope you can follow more details by looking at the code below
I am facing two problems:
The total number of bytes that I receive when index.html form is submitted are not complete. I get to around Referrer (that too partial), all a total of around 560 bytes. This is when I do it from mobile browser. Funny thing, it always gets exactly those many bytes. I can share what I get if that's going to help.
The watch dog timer sometimes reboots my module. I'm doing most of the suggested changes in my code - using small sleeps. Is there any way in MicroPython on ESP8266, through which I can 'feed' the WDT so that it does not 'time-out' and reboot my module?
The following is my code:
import gc
import network
import machine
import ubinascii
import ujson
import uos
import utime
import socket
import select
html = """<!DOCTYPE html>
<head> <title>Ouroboros IoT Login</title> </head>
<form action="configure.html" method="POST">
Username : <input type="text" name="username"></br>
Password: <input type="password" name="password" ></br>
<input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit">
login_fail_html = """<!DOCTYPE html>
<head> <title>Ouroboros IoT Login</title> </head>
<h2>Incorrect Credentials!</h2><br>Please login<br>
<form action="configure.html" method="POST">
Username : <input type="text" name="username"></br>
Password: <input type="password" name="password" ></br>
<input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit">
# Check if file exists
def fileExists(fileName):
print("File " + fileName + " found!")
return True
except OSError:
print("No file " + fileName + " found!")
return False
# Turns WiFi ON for configuration
def turn_wifi_on():
# Setup the AP interface
ap_if = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF)
# Get the MACADDRESS - without any spaces
macaddress = ubinascii.hexlify(ap_if.config('mac'),'').decode()
ap_if.config(essid="OUB1_"+macaddress, password="12345678")
ap_if.ifconfig(('', '', '', ''))
# Configure the AP to static IPs
def turn_wifi_off():
ap_if = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF)
# Find out the stored IoT secret content
def get_iot_secret():
fileName = 'alpha.txt'
if fileExists(fileName):
f = open(fileName)
content_str = f.read()
return content_str
return 'asdasrefwefefergf9rerf3n4r23irn1n32f'
# Find out the stored home network credential if exist
def get_wifi_config():
fileName = 'wifi.conf'
if fileExists(fileName):
f = open(fileName)
content_str = f.read()
content = ujson.loads(content_str)
return content
return None
# Set the home network credentials
def save_wifi_config(essid, passphrase):
f = open('wifi.conf', 'w')
config = {'essid':essid, 'passphrase':passphrase}
config_str = ujson.dumps(config)
# Find out the stored login credentials
def get_login_config():
fileName = 'login.conf'
if fileExists(fileName):
f = open(fileName)
content_str = f.read()
content = ujson.loads(content_str)
return content
# No file exists so far, so use the admin/admin credentials
return {'user':'admin','password':'admin'}
# Set the login credentials
def save_login_config(user, password):
f = open('login.conf', 'w')
config = {'user':user, 'password':password}
config_str = ujson.dumps(config)
def turn_gpio_on(device_num):
# Device Num to Pin Mapping
if device_num == 0:
pin_num = 0
elif device_num == 1:
pin_num = 2
# Check Pin
pin = machine.Pin(pin_num)
if pin.value() == 0:
# else it is already at HIGH state, nothing to do
def turn_gpio_off(device_num):
# Device Num to Pin Mapping
if device_num == 0:
pin_num = 0
elif device_num == 1:
pin_num = 2
# Check Pin
pin = machine.Pin(pin_num)
if pin.value() == 1:
# else it is already at LOW state, nothing to do
def init_pin(device_num):
# Device Num to Pin Mapping
if device_num == 0:
pin_num = 0
elif device_num == 1:
pin_num = 2
#open GPIO0 in output mode & turn it off by default
pin = machine.Pin(pin_num, machine.Pin.OUT)
# Turn off both GPIO initially
# Find out the post parameters in a dictionary
def get_post_params(req):
print("Inside GET POST PARAMS : req = " + req)
post_params = req.split('\r\n')[-1:][0]
# Check if the post body contains the necessary fields
# Split the post_params by &
# params : ['username=', 'password=', 'method=POST', 'url=http%3A%2F%2Ftwig-me.com%2Fv1%2Fusergroups%2FWKMUYXELA9LCC', 'jsondata=', 'submit=submit']
print("post_params : " + post_params)
params = post_params.split('&')
# Initialize the key value pair dict
post_dict = {}
# Iterate on each param
for param in params:
# Each param would be like 'method=POST', etc
key_val = param.split('=')
print("Key Val :")
key = key_val[0]
val = key_val[1]
# Update post_dict
post_dict[key] = val
return post_dict
# This web server takes care of the WiFi configuration
# max_run_sec
def web_server(max_run_sec = None):
# Turn wifi interface ON
# Create server socket
addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1]
s = socket.socket()
# TODO : If both the wifi and sta are operating simultaneously, then bind only to WiFi
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
# s.settimeout(1)
poller = select.poll()
poller.register(s, select.POLLIN)
# Get the current time since epoch
startTimeEpoch = utime.time()
while True:
events = poller.poll(200) # time in milliseconds
if events:
res = s.accept()
client_s = res[0]
client_addr = res[1]
req = ''
#while True:
# data = client_s.recv(200)
# if data:
# req += str(data, 'utf8')
# else:
# break
# utime.sleep_ms(50)
req = client_s.recv(4096)
req = req.decode()
req = str(req)
# Came here means that there has been some connection!
# Reset the start time epoch in such a case:
startTimeEpoch = utime.time()
# Check route now
if req.find('configure.html') != -1:
print("Got configure request!\r\n")
# Check if the username and password are correct, if not, configure:
login_config = get_login_config()
username = login_config['user']
pwd = login_config['password']
print("Username : " + username + ", pwd : " + pwd)
# Find the POST PARAMETERS sent
# There would be just one entry in the array, so get the 0th index directly
# post_params : 'username=&password=&method=POST&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftwig-me.com%2Fv1%2Fusergroups%2FWKMUYXELA9LCC&jsondata=&submit=submit'
print("Came here A")
post_dict = get_post_params(req)
# Now check if the post_dict has the key and value for username and password as needed?
username_post = post_dict['username']
password_post = post_dict['password']
print("Came here B")
# Check if the password is same as expected
if (username_post == username) and (password_post == pwd):
hidden_input = '<input type="hidden" name="username" value="' + username + '"><input type="hidden" name="passphrase" value="' + pwd + '">'
# Send the login username and password inside the hidden input field
configure_html = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <title>Ouroboros IoT WiFi Configuration Page</title> </head><body><form action=\"configure_wifi.html\" method=\"POST\">WiFi SSID : <input type=\"text\" name=\"essid\"></br>WiFi Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"passphrase\" ></br>" + hidden_input + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"></form></body></html>"
# TODO : Also show link to webpage, where from we can change the login credentials
elif req.find('configure_wifi.html') != -1:
# Check if the username and password are correct, if not, configure:
login_config = get_login_config()
username = login_config['user']
pwd = login_config['password']
# Get post parameters
post_dict = get_post_params(req)
# Now check if the post_dict has the key and value for username and password as needed?
username_post = post_dict['username']
password_post = post_dict['password']
# Check if the password is same as expected
if (username_post == username) and (password_post == pwd):
# Do some sanity check for handling the new wifi ssid and password
new_wifi_ssid = post_dict['essid']
new_wifi_passphrase = post_dict['passphrase']
# Set the wifi credentials
save_wifi_config(new_wifi_ssid, new_wifi_passphrase)
client_s.send('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <title>Ouroboros IoT WiFi Configuration Success</title> </head><body>Configuration successful!<br>Device would go into reboot now!</body></html>')
# Reboot device now
elif req.find('index.html') != -1:
print("Got index.html request!\r\n")
else :
# Do nothing
print("Invalid request received! Show the login page again!\r\n")
except OSError:
# Got no request and it timedout!
print("Timed-out, no request received!\r\n")
except Exception as e:
print("Got some exception\r\n")
if max_run_sec is not None:
elapsedTime = utime.time() - startTimeEpoch
if elapsedTime > max_run_sec:
# Max run time of web server has elapsed, time to exit this mode!
# When while loop ends!
# Turn wifi interface OFF
# Starts a thread which runs the web server to handle WiFi
def start_web_server(max_run_sec = None):
# start_new_thread(web_server, (max_run_sec))
############# MAIN ##########################
# Initialize two pins to INPUT and OFF by default
# Check if the home wifi network has been setup
# Check if home wifi config is valid, if so, connect to it
# If home wifi is not configured, then use the Web server all the time.
if get_wifi_config() is None:
# Came here means the wifi is not configured
# Start the web server
print("Starting web server")
I'm able to setup WDT and feed it. So no more WDT reboots. However, POST issue is still there:
FYI, the following is the response:
POST /configure.html HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 43
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; Redmi Note 3 Build/LMY47V) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.123 Mobile Safari/537.36
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: g
As could be seen, the packet received is partial, the Content-Length header says 43 byte payload. But its not received. When using "nc", and running server locally, the packet received is follows:
POST /configure.html HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 43
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Origin: null
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/65.0.3325.181 Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Here, the 43 byte length payload could be easily seen.
So my question is, is the almost 800 byte payload too much to handle for ESP8266? Is there anything that could be done to remove the unnecessary headers that browser is sending? Any way to get all the data if its fragmented?
I faced a similar problem, my configuration is slightly different though.
I import my html from html_files.py as shown below.
cred_prompt = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>ESP8266 connection</title>
Enter the UID and Password to connect to WiFi
<form action="/post">
uid: <input type="text" name="uid">
password: <input type="text" name="password">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
This is the function I use to get the credentials. I later save them into a file (Successive boots will use them)
def get_new_creds():
print("Setting up webpage to get new credentials")
addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1]
soc = socket.socket()
print("Listening on", addr)
while True:
client, addr = soc.accept()
print("Client connected from", addr)
request = client.recv(1024)
request = request.decode().split()
uid, pwd = '', ''
if 'uid' in request[1]:
uid = request[1].split('&')[0].split('=')[1]
pwd = request[1].split('&')[1].split('=')[1]
write_new_creds(uid, pwd)
print("The UID is", uid, "and the Password is", pwd)
client.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n')
return uid, pwd
client.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n')
This is the whole boot.py code if that helps.
I'm trying to send a POST request but noticed the endpoint I'm trying to access doesn't seem to like the request, so to investigate the situation I redirected the request to localhost while listening with nc and saw the following request:
nc -vlp 444
Connection from
Host: localhost:4444
TE: trailers
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Connection: close, TE
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:67.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67.0
27 -- this line shouldn't be there
0 -- also this one
The code I'm using, just in case:
local http = require("socket.http") -- even tried ssl.https
function Session:post(url, payload) -- payload = "username=username&password=password"
local response = Response
local body = { }
local r, c, h, s = http.request{
url = url,
method = "POST",
sink = ltn12.sink.table(body),
source = ltn12.source.string(payload),
headers = {
["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:67.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67.0",
["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form"
-- you can ignore this
response.code = c
response.status = s
response.body = table.concat(body)
return response
Thinking it was a problem of ltn12 I copied the source code of it directly in my project but soon found out it only returned the payload without actually changing anything
function generate_payload(s)
if s then
local i = 1
return function()
local chunk = string.sub(s, i, i+BLOCKSIZE-1)
if chunk ~= "" then return chunk
else return nil end
else return source.empty() end
Managed to fix the issue by adding the Content-Length header.
I'm new to Lua and trying to implement TCP server and client in Openwrt using luasocket and copas. The goal is to make 3 program communicate with each other via socket in asynchronous networking.
Below is the script
local copas = require("copas")
local socket = require("socket")
local host = "localhost"
local port = 20000
local hostcl1 = "localhost"
local portcl1 = 20001
local hostcl2 = "localhost"
local portcl2 = 20002
local function echoHandler(skt)
skt = copas.wrap(skt)
while true do
local data = skt:receive()
print("data received:", data, "from:", skt:getsockname())
if not data or data == nil then
local function sendToNeighbor(host, port, data)
skt = socket.connect(host, port)
if (skt ~= nil) then
skt = copas.wrap(skt)
print("client connected to " ..host.. ":" ..port.. "...")
copas.send(skt, data.."\n")
print("data sent")
print("client failed to send to " ..host.. ":" ..port.. "...")
local server = socket.bind(host, port)
copas.addserver(server, echoHandler, 0)
SendInterval = 10
SecBefore = os.date('%S')
SecSend = (SecBefore + SendInterval)%60
while true do
local Sec = os.date('%S')
if ( tonumber(Sec) == SecSend ) then
dataToClient1 = "Test1"
dataToClient2 = "Test2"
sendToNeighbor(hostcl1, portcl1, dataToClient1)
sendToNeighbor(hostcl2, portcl2, dataToClient2)
SecBefore = Sec
SecSend = (SecBefore + SendInterval)%60
On script above, I use 3 similar program in host = "localhost" and 3 different port (20000, 20001, and 20002). I want each program listen to each other and send each other data every 10 seconds. The problem is every time the program send data with copas.send function, this error occurs.
luajit: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/copas.lua:285: attempt to yield across C-call boundary
I have try using lua 5.1, lua 5.1 + CoCo, and LuaJIT and this error always occur.
Any idea to solve this? thanks
I tried to render a variable('predictions') in URL(/predict) on url('/hello'). I am beginner in the web development. If someone knows , please help.
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/predict', methods=['POST'])
def apicall(responses = None):
test_json = request.get_json()
test = pd.read_json(test_json, orient='records')
query_df = pd.DataFrame(test)
clf = 'kmeans__model.pkl'
print("Loading the model...")
lin_reg_model = None
with open(clf,'rb') as f:
lin_reg_model = joblib.load(f)
# lin_reg_model = joblib.load('/home/q/new_project/models/kmeans_model.pkl')
print("The model has been loaded...doing predictions now...")
predictions = lin_reg_model.predict(test)
prediction_series = list(pd.Series(predictions))
final_predictions = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(prediction_series)))
responses = jsonify(predictions=final_predictions.to_json(orient="records"))
responses.status_code = 200
return (responses)
def hello():
**What should be used here to render *predictions*?**
return 'Hello, World '
You can return to template and show in html if you like. Create templates folder and create html file.
import requests
def hello():
response = requests.get(url_for('apicall'))
return render_template('<yourtemplate.html>', predictions=response.json())
{{ predictions }}
Note: Please follow this link for any problem with thread and deployment Handling multiple requests in Flask
As a quick background: I've already successfully set up a small application that will connect to Yahoo's API and set my lineups on a daily basis using PUT requests on my team's roster per the Yahoo Developer's Guide.
Specifically, where I'm having problems now:
Using POST, players can be added and/or dropped from a team, or trades
can be proposed. The URI for POSTing to transactions collection is:
The input XML format for a POST request to the transactions API for
replacing one player with another player in a team is:
My method for making a request is as follows:
def self.make_signed_request(address, method, user_id, input_file=nil )
# format http method and return false if not accepted API method
method = method.upcase
return false if ( method != "GET" ) && ( method != "POST" ) && ( method != "PUT")
# find user
user = User.find(user_id)
if ( user.yahoo_access_token_expiration.nil? || user.yahoo_access_token_expiration < Time.now )
# expired token, so renew
# normalize text HMAC-SHA1
digest = OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha1')
nonce = rand(10 ** 30).to_s.rjust(30,'0')
timestamp = Time.now.to_i
text = method + "&" + CGI.escape("#{address}") + "&" + CGI.escape("oauth_consumer_key=#{YAHOO_OAUTH_API[:CLIENT_ID]}&oauth_nonce=#{nonce}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=#{timestamp}&oauth_token=#{CGI.escape(user.yahoo_access_token)}&oauth_version=1.0")
# create key for HMAC-SHA1
key = CGI.escape("#{YAHOO_OAUTH_API[:CLIENT_SECRET]}")+ "&" + CGI.escape("#{user.yahoo_access_token_secret}")
# create HMAC-SHA1 signature for api request
hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, key, text)
signature_sha1 = CGI.escape(Base64.strict_encode64(hmac))
# make API request
response = nil
if method == "GET"
response = Curl.get("#{address}?oauth_consumer_key=#{YAHOO_OAUTH_API[:CLIENT_ID]}&oauth_nonce=#{nonce}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=#{timestamp}&oauth_token=#{CGI.escape(user.yahoo_access_token)}&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=#{signature_sha1}")
elsif method == "POST"
# return "Not implemented"
response = Curl.post("#{address}?oauth_consumer_key=#{YAHOO_OAUTH_API[:CLIENT_ID]}&oauth_nonce=#{nonce}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=#{timestamp}&oauth_token=#{CGI.escape(user.yahoo_access_token)}&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=#{signature_sha1}", input_file) do |http|
http.headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml'
http.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
elsif method == "PUT"
response = Curl.put("#{address}?oauth_consumer_key=#{YAHOO_OAUTH_API[:CLIENT_ID]}&oauth_nonce=#{nonce}&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=#{timestamp}&oauth_token=#{CGI.escape(user.yahoo_access_token)}&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=#{signature_sha1}", input_file) do |http|
http.headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml'
http.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
# return raw XML result
return response.body
When I make my request --
def add_drop(players)
# players are added in [{player_key}, {add/drop}, {faab_bid (or nil if not FAAB)}] form
url = "http://fantasysports.yahooapis.com/fantasy/v2/league/#{self.league.league_key}/transactions"
builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new(:encoding => 'UTF-8') do |xml|
xml.fantasy_content {
xml.transaction {
xml.type "add/drop"
xml.faab_bid players[0][2] unless players[0][2].nil?
xml.players {
players.each do |player|
xml.player {
xml.player_key player[0]
xml.transaction_data {
xml.type player[1] # this will be "add" or "drop"
# adds use "destination_team_key," drops use "source_team_key"
if player[1] == "add"
xml.destination_team_key self.team_key
xml.source_team_key self.team_key
} # transaction_data
} # player
} # players
} # transaction
} # fantasy_content
end # builder
xml_input = builder.to_xml
YahooOAuth.make_signed_request(url, 'put', self.user.id, xml_input)
--the XML generated is shown below --
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<fantasy_content>\n <transaction>\n <type>add/drop</type>\n <players>\n <player>\n <player_key>357.p.10171</player_key>\n <transaction_data>\n <type>add</type>\n <destination_team_key>370.l.4801.t.7</destination_team_key>\n </transaction_data>\n </player>\n <player>\n <player_key>357.p.9317</player_key>\n <transaction_data>\n <type>drop</type>\n <source_team_key>370.l.4801.t.7</source_team_key>\n </transaction_data>\n </player>\n </players>\n </transaction>\n</fantasy_content>\n"
-- and the two responses I'll get from Yahoo are:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error xml:lang="en-us"
> yahoo:uri="http://fantasysports.yahooapis.com/fantasy/v2/league/370.l.4801/transactions/?oauth_consumer_key=dj0yJmk9dHBIa0h4ekhTSVBnJmQ9WVdrOVlUZHFkMnhMTXpJbWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD1lNQ--&oauth_nonce=892057444475304460343340318332&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1492097395&oauth_token=A%3D2.86iTDxtT4nQ.wxTcn33mgnA8dm3AeME87YRjNthVjxiwfhqKr_oWt0HBgbBeS2DC_dNObN72m0ucgi7CsSFaRjpc5IcnZ_bpJNTC3pUXc37bgH8f0S4irpyXLz8s9ONAYYB.LIDT0sOUvdTgk_lPDnlr1GlPhCe7u54Sq.m_vwq1JQlNUzEVrEs3kOW9wiXk17BditA9OGaVE.tuepvpthDRVBhOye8qjb_ic7UZtT.lvccoGEdgvcShHSyg.YYcnShl7ks23G01hAcXrfGveEk0UncWKNmma42cYbg7bzSOY9ZZj3_hvU5rK3SjB1ADPe8bsIEe_Ba9KBhYxlWd9iyyAR_bloL9n0eeL_OQ6PoR4uGJ6VMUDn9n_ovDGvfgAfvtJs15pCcXPhYusuo1S7SJF1O3fLtR8TitmU1qW88x3SenY2U50dlRG9Y73iNUdnyYBpIHLg._pPkms26QhnuxSFfqpXcGleGXOuZ0.TNOE3Cp8VbLEOEIg6QkavgGLKyFetYhSQ879T4rfhfeEoWvwkjsO1BL2Y3n4Hp9cgfU4y3wZvT.b8qhP7QY0UTYtZkyYH.sydFUXUCec.yVGm29S.s.2N96tfr4qWaI0qntRE.X5MVdwfbhz94n9JshmduqurjKRLlMYVWnLZ_Yderm0HDvT7dnowjyUwBx2UxUKJooauQnNU67QQECmh.HZqcm_OBysLABvdtTtaPhnvJ1QViN_UUjslToVPOs1oyxoTNRbL0VL8yxJc&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=UVmcj2S8c5vqkRgAxsdQ3MQZI54%3D"
> xmlns:yahoo="http://www.yahooapis.com/v1/base.rng"
> xmlns="http://www.yahooapis.com/v1/base.rng">
> <description>subresource 'transactions' not supported.</description>
> <detail/> </error>
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <error xml:lang="en-us"
> yahoo:uri="http://fantasysports.yahooapis.com/fantasy/v2/league/370.l.4801/transactions?oauth_consumer_key=dj0yJmk9dHBIa0h4ekhTSVBnJmQ9WVdrOVlUZHFkMnhMTXpJbWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD1lNQ--&oauth_nonce=503128074504907304111221170641&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1492097198&oauth_token=A%3D2.86iTDxtT4nQ.wxTcn33mgnA8dm3AeME87YRjNthVjxiwfhqKr_oWt0HBgbBeS2DC_dNObN72m0ucgi7CsSFaRjpc5IcnZ_bpJNTC3pUXc37bgH8f0S4irpyXLz8s9ONAYYB.LIDT0sOUvdTgk_lPDnlr1GlPhCe7u54Sq.m_vwq1JQlNUzEVrEs3kOW9wiXk17BditA9OGaVE.tuepvpthDRVBhOye8qjb_ic7UZtT.lvccoGEdgvcShHSyg.YYcnShl7ks23G01hAcXrfGveEk0UncWKNmma42cYbg7bzSOY9ZZj3_hvU5rK3SjB1ADPe8bsIEe_Ba9KBhYxlWd9iyyAR_bloL9n0eeL_OQ6PoR4uGJ6VMUDn9n_ovDGvfgAfvtJs15pCcXPhYusuo1S7SJF1O3fLtR8TitmU1qW88x3SenY2U50dlRG9Y73iNUdnyYBpIHLg._pPkms26QhnuxSFfqpXcGleGXOuZ0.TNOE3Cp8VbLEOEIg6QkavgGLKyFetYhSQ879T4rfhfeEoWvwkjsO1BL2Y3n4Hp9cgfU4y3wZvT.b8qhP7QY0UTYtZkyYH.sydFUXUCec.yVGm29S.s.2N96tfr4qWaI0qntRE.X5MVdwfbhz94n9JshmduqurjKRLlMYVWnLZ_Yderm0HDvT7dnowjyUwBx2UxUKJooauQnNU67QQECmh.HZqcm_OBysLABvdtTtaPhnvJ1QViN_UUjslToVPOs1oyxoTNRbL0VL8yxJc&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=oNaLute5djkIryUEKq0zF6prVFU%3D"
> xmlns:yahoo="http://www.yahooapis.com/v1/base.rng"
> xmlns="http://www.yahooapis.com/v1/base.rng">
> <description>Invalid XML POSTed. Error code 25 at line 3, column 0 of input XML.</description>
> <detail/> </error>
I'm honestly not sure what differentiates between the two responses, as I've gotten both responses with what I'm pretty sure are the same XML inputs and POST parameters.
Does anybody have any insight?
Just ran into the same issue, and this Stack Overflow article was the only relevant link I found on the web. Decided it was time I gave back to this community...
The problem is that one of the sample XMLs on Yahoo's transaction page is wrong. The sample with the { } placeholders and without the <faab_bid> node is correct, but the FAAB example below it has <destination_team_key> instead of <source_team_key> as part of the "drop" transaction. When I made sure to use "source_team_key" instead of "destination_team_key" for the drop set of nodes, the transaction started working.
I'm guessing that Error Code 25 is a generic error indicating that some part of the XML is wrong or unexpected. If this doesn't resolve your issue, try starting with the first add/drop sample XML and filling in values one by one.
Hope this helps.
We have a Rails 3.2.12 app that fetches data from a partner API by making POST requests. However, we're finding that our code seems to be a bottleneck, as it takes longer to process requests than expected. Can we do anything to speed up the code?
Should we use another XML parser? Is there a faster way to post SSL requests in Ruby?
def ced( ad )
# Set vars
u = 'e'
pw = 'p'
ad = ad.join ','
url = 'https://r.e.com/interface.asp?ResponseType=XML&Command=BC' + '&UID=' + u + '&PW=' + pw + '&DL=' + ad
results = []
# Invoke API command
uri = URI.parse url
http = Net::HTTP.new uri.host, uri.port
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new uri.request_uri
resp = http.request req
# Parse API response
resp_xml = Nokogiri.XML resp.body
num_errors = resp_xml.at_xpath('//ErrCount').content
# Any errors?
if num_errors != '0'
error = true
# No errors, process domains
resp_xml.xpath('//CheckResult').each do |elem|
results << {
:domain => elem.xpath('D').text.downcase,
:status => case elem.xpath('RRPCode').text
when '210' then 'a'
when '211' then 't'
error = true