This is the issue I am having:
Is there a recommended/workable way to downgrade to 1.x?
Sorry to bother with basic question.
would like to know which version of any cocoapods, suits particular xcode version. If I know the exact podfile version for my xcode directly can be used without any interruption
I would suggest to save everybody and yourself a lot of trouble and use a fairly recent verion of both xcode and cocoapods.
I'm using Carthage and getting this error with a dependency or two:
Skipped installing mixpanel-swift.framework binary due to the error: "Incompatible Swift version - framework was built with 3.1 and the local version is 4.0."
I understand generally what Carthage is seeing as the problem, but I haven't found a satisfactory answer on my own or looking through other issues posted that feels as clean or solid as I'm assuming it should be.
I've seen carthage bootstrap --platform iOS --no-use-binaries as a potential solution, but I can't tell if thats solving the actual problem I'm having or not, or if it is the best solution long term?
Any help on a solution or guiding me to my way there? Thanks!
To solve this you need to use the Swift 4 version of Mixpanel. It is failing because the code you are getting from Github is for Swift 3. On their Github page they say you should use the Swift 4 branch - Mixpanel Swift 4 branch. I think your Cart file needs to use: github "mixpanel/mixpanel-swift" "swift4"
Failed to build DependencyGraph: #providesModule naming collision:
Does anyone know how can I fix this react-native problem?
I was getting this with version 3.38.1 of react-native-router-flux. Downgrading to 3.38.0 resolved the errors.
EDIT: Adding GitHub issue
There looks to be an issue already for this -
There are several related posts here, but solutions provided is not available for now.
I discovered a bug, that is only occur on iOS 7 version. Unfortunately, i don't have device running on that version. I need to add a simulator that run on older version. Is there any way to achieve that? I did not find a solution (only download old XCode, but i hope there is a better way).
Unfortunately, there's no other solution than downloading older versions of Xcode.
I needed this a few months ago, and tried a lot of different things, but I didn't found a solution.
Only downloading old Xcode version...
I am new to iOS development with phonegap,
im trying to use the sharekit plugin, i followed all the steps mentioned in the Readme (sharekit 2.0), but it is still not working, I have receive following 3 errors:
/..path../Plugins/ShareKitPlugin.m:31:63: Use of undeclared identifier 'SHKURLContentTypeWebpage'
/..path../Plugins/ShareKitPlugin.m:85:63: Use of undeclared identifier 'SHKURLContentTypeWebpage'
/..path../Plugins/ShareKitPlugin.m:102:63: Use of undeclared identifier 'SHKURLContentTypeWebpage'
The problem is that i can't find any sharekit working properly for cordova 2.2.0, as I conclude that the old version of this plugins doesn't support the new cordova 2.2.0.
any suggestion to get the latest plugin? or How to fix these errors?
I had the same problem using phonegap 2.7.0 and the latest sharekit and sharekitplugin from the repo. Add this line below the import statement. It compiles and the plugin works for me. I don't know for sure if this is right though.
#import "SHKMail.h"// Add below this statement
char *SHKURLContentTypeWebpage="text/html";
The plugin has not been updated for 2 years so this is probably an incompatibility with the new Sharekit.
Did not get these errors myself. But just a quick tip. Did you follow the wiki? Don't forget the first step, as downloading the plugin directly from the Github page doesn't include the submodules.