PayPal Express Checkout - PayPal button not getting rendered on iOS - ios

I am building a hybrid application using cordova. Also I am using Express checkout to integrate PayPal with the application referring this example
This code is working well on Android but not working on iPhone. The PayPal button is not getting rendered.
Is there any other way to integrate PayPal in hybrid apps?

More than likely it's the external javascript that's causing you an issue. Check for XSS permissions to load them. Also ensure that javascript is enabled for your web view.
You can also debug a Cordova application (or any web view in iOS) using the developer menu in Safari and see any Javascript or XSS errors in that layer.


Installing iOS App Directly From Safari Web UI?

I was using a website, and noticed that from my iphone on Safari, I could directly install their app from the Web UI. This was from the top of the page at . I can't find what this is called or how to do it anywhere in the iOS documentation. This only seems to work in Safari.
Does anyone know what they are doing, or how I can do it?
This is done via adding Universal Link support (documentation here).
The banner you are seeing is the Universal Link smart banner (documentation here).
In-short, you should have a website, the website should be SSL enabled, you need to add an apple-app-site-association-file which defines the links your app needs to handle, make changes in your app to handle Universal Links and you should be good to go.
The app you shared has its apple-app-site-association file here. You can view this file for any app that supports Universal Links using the pattern https://<SITE_BASE_URL>/.well-known/apple-app-site-association or https://<SITE_BASE_URL>/apple-app-site-association.

PayPal Express Checkout - iOS

I want to integrate PayPal express checkout sdk in one of my application as my client requirements. Initially I was trying to add new Braintree iOS sdk but Braintree rejected my client's business purpose as the application is an open marketplace. I am in a confused state whether iOS app or iTunes supports this Paypal Express checkout and it suits to my app as well. Following are the links that I have referred.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
PayPal express checkout is currently in .js so you need to use PhoneGap/Cordova for the plugin detail see the link
For android
Don't forget to read detail is in the README file

Access a Qlikview dashboard on an iOS app

I have a Qlikview dashboard that I need to present and I've created a site that loads the Qlikview server onto the browser and runs it from there.
I now need to create an iOS app that does this. But the requirement is that the dashboard shouldn't open on the browser. The server should be loaded and run from the app itself. Is there any way to do this?
PS, I'm completely new to iOS App development and any help will be appreciated.
Yes. While saving it as a shortcut and opening it in the browser would be simple, using Apache Cordova is the best way to develop a smartphone app with HTML5/CSS/JavaScript. From the website:
When using the Cordova APIs, an app can be built without any native
code (Java, Objective-C, etc) from the app developer. Instead, web
technologies are used, and they are hosted in the app itself locally
(generally not on a remote http server).
And to make things better, it's open source.

Titanium - Application having just webview gets rejected?

I have created an demo application in Titanium for ipad that contains just a single webview. And this webview loads a url that is large tool for drawing, scaling and other tones of features. Are there any chances of application getting rejected. As per my knowledge application containing just a webview would get rejected. If yes then is there any features that could be integrated which ensures that app doesn't get kicked off from app store.
Yes, its surely reject by the apple. If web pages are specifically design for the application and thats simple putting in your website into an application, then application will be accepted. You don't put such kind of application which AppStore that are't needed.
Web browser is access same content.

Porting native apps to Phonegap?

I have a native app for iOS and am being tasked to create a new app that includes portions/sections of that original native app within this new project. The caveat being that the app I am now tasked to develop must be done with Phonegap/Cordova.
My question is, what options do I have for utilizing the native code within the Phonegap project, or does the same functionality all need to be rewritten in HTML5/JS? I'm new to Phonegap so I don't fully know it's capabilities.
Generally phonegap apps are coded in javascript, css, html and where ever they need access to the native layer, they use phonegap plugins to access the native functionality. If you want use your existing code for integration into a phonegap app, you can do it by wrapping your code using phonegap plugin architecture and create plugins for the functionality from the code that you wish to reuse. Then you call those plugins where ever required in your application.
The below link is good starting point for creating plugins.
