Access a Qlikview dashboard on an iOS app - ios

I have a Qlikview dashboard that I need to present and I've created a site that loads the Qlikview server onto the browser and runs it from there.
I now need to create an iOS app that does this. But the requirement is that the dashboard shouldn't open on the browser. The server should be loaded and run from the app itself. Is there any way to do this?
PS, I'm completely new to iOS App development and any help will be appreciated.

Yes. While saving it as a shortcut and opening it in the browser would be simple, using Apache Cordova is the best way to develop a smartphone app with HTML5/CSS/JavaScript. From the website:
When using the Cordova APIs, an app can be built without any native
code (Java, Objective-C, etc) from the app developer. Instead, web
technologies are used, and they are hosted in the app itself locally
(generally not on a remote http server).
And to make things better, it's open source.


How to connect a Node.js server to React Native?

I am creating a React Native app that needs a backend, and I only want to create a backend in Node.js (express.js).
How should I host/deploy this server so that it can interact with a React Native app?
From research, I have seen people simply deploy the node.js server to a web hosting service (like Heroku) then Fetch to that url in the react native app. My only concern is whether this entirely safe for a production app, as JWTs solve this problem but not exactly sure how to implement JSON Web Tokens into the React Native App.
Another way I have seen people do this is to add a server folder in the root of their react native project. I'm not sure exactly how this would work though because each app download would have a different local server attached.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

ReactNative - Why does a React Native App need to connect to Local Host?

I have been reading a book on React Native that builds a simple React Native App for IOS in the first few chapters. When compiling and running the project in Xcode, a packager runs in the background and I can also see my app trying to connect to local host.
My understanding is that React Native converts JSX elements to platform specific views. So my question is why does the App need to connect to a server and what is the purpose of the packager running in the background?
Also, how is running the app on an Xcode simulator different from deploying it on the app store?
I have tried to look online for answers, but no one has addressed them. It seems everyone is taking it for granted that all this is obvious.
After looking for an answer, I stumbled upon the following guide from Facebook that answers a different question but also addresses mine indirectly.
So apparently, the localhost is a development server used to link your javascript code to the app, which you use if you are testing on a physical device or a simulator. So the question that comes to one mind after reading this is why not bundle that javascript code with the compiled IOS files? Well, it is best to keep them separate because it enables you to simply change your javascript code from your computer and have it automatically sync with your IOS app.
Now, when it comes to deploying to the app store, you will need to bundle the javascript code and remove the implementation part where it connects to a localhost, which, again, is used for debugging purposes.
You answered your own question it appears! In development mode, the JavaScript bundle is served from the react-native packager server on your machine.
When making a release for the App Store and Google Play, the JavaScript is minified and bundled into the app file (.ipa/.app for iOS, .apk for Android).
Running the app in release mode is possible from Xcode. Depending on how your project is set up, release mode could be a different target, a different scheme within one target, or a build configuration within a target's scheme. For more on iOS targets/schemes, see: Xcode: What is a target and scheme in plain language?

How to open another iOS app from my PhoneGap app?

I have a PhoneGap application, which needs to communicate with an external iOS app on the same device. The external app will do some special processing, and return a unique value back to my PhoneGap app. PhoneGap app then uses this unique value to do some processing internally.
Given this use case, I have two questions
How do I open another iOS app from a PhoneGap app?
How do I return to the PhoneGap app with some data from the external app
I have searched so far, but haven't found very relevant documentation. I have also tried to open another app using appname:/// strategy, hasn't worked for me.
Any help will be appreciated. thank you!
Cordova has wide range of plugins for performing different operations.
For opening external application you can use:
If you want to open an application without using any plugin:
var iOS_specificUrl = 'custom_url_scheme://url-to-reach?parameter1=val1';
window.location = iOS_specificUrl;
or you can use inappbrowser
var iOS_specificUrl = 'custom_url_scheme://url-to-reach?parameter1=val1';, '_system');
Let's say you have app1 and want to open app2 then you need to assign custom url to app2 and for that you need to make changes in app2 configuration xml file; and to do this you can use following plugin:
Or if you want to open third party application then you need to get in touch with application provider for getting custom url.

How can i make an app that will work for desktop windows and IOS with phonegap?

I want to be able to access folders and files via my app, the problem is, when i want to access files on the desktop, i have to run it from a server or at least to emulate one using a program like xampp.
I know PhoneGap has it's own API to access files, but i need to make the app work on desktop too, and i don't mind it to be as normal offline website ( via index.html, not an exe ), but i still need to solve the security issues, i can't tell clients to run it from a server...
The big idea after it, is that i need the app to check for new files in the server, if there are any, to download them.
Also, i want the app to be able to access those downloaded files when it is offline as well.
I guess using only phonegap in ios will solve this, but i still need it to work on windows desktop as well.
PhoneGap released PhoneGap Desktop
I think this is what you are looking for!

Build an iOS app & Node.js API simultaneously

I'm building an iOS app that communicates to a Node.js API I'm also building. Locally, everything is ok, I've structured my iOS code in a way that I only declare the API base URL in one place (ie. - local).
However, you can imagine where I'm going with this.
Once I deploy the API to Heroku, what's the best way for me to manage the iOS side of things in regard to: 1. testing locally with the local API, 2. deploying the iOS app to the app store (ie. how do I tell it to use a different API URL?)
Any advice would be great on setting up a sane development environment for this...
In your XCode project, configure the "debug" version to use the local api and the "release" version to use the web api.
