get git repository from multi pipelines jobs with groovy script - jenkins

I have 200-300 jobs of multibranchPipelineJob , I want to to create all of them with DSL.
I have this script to get the job name
for(job in Hudson.instance.getAllItems(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob)
) {
println job.fullName
it gives me the job name , but I can't figure out how to get the git repository from it.
any idea ?

In Multibranch pipeline project only the top level job contains information about a repository. So you should iterate over WorkflowMultiBranchProject instead of WorkflowJob.
This way you can get a repository URL and a List of RefSpecs.
for(job in Hudson.instance.getAllItems(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch.WorkflowMultiBranchProject)) {
def repositoryUrl = job.SCMSources[0].remote
def refSpecs = job.SCMSources[0].refSpecs
Note that this is applied only for GIT repositories. For SVN it would be slightly different.


Jenkins Multibranch pipeline pull request

I am using multibranch pipeline for pullrequest. When a pr is created it triggers the pullrequest job. Is there anyway to trigger the job only on specific pull requests instead of all.
example: I have three branches develop, fb and master. I want to trigger the job only when I create a pull request from develop to master, not when I create a pullrequest from fb to develop or fb to master.
In this case you may want to run your pipeline, analyze the base branch, and stop if the base branch is not to your liking.
The environment variable CHANGE_ID is set by the github branch source plugin in case the branch is a pull request.
If it's set, you can explore the global object named pullRequest, e.g. like this:
if (env.CHANGE_ID) {
echo("Looking for PR: PR detected, change id is ${env.CHANGE_ID}")
def prBase = pullRequest.base
if (prBase != 'master') {
currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
error("This PR is over ${prBase} branch, not 'master'. Aborting.")

TFS -Jenkins multi branch project

Hi I am using Jenkins for CI/CD setup. I want to make the Jenkins project/job customization so that during runtime i can select which branch it has get the code and build from. Please let me know how to achieve this as TFS holds the workspace(TFS) pointing to one branch at a time on a particular jenkins job workspace.
I am using pipeline project btw.
Do i have to have separate jobs for separate branch or it can be done in single job only.
You can have a parameter like in job configuration:
And later configure the git repo to build $branch:
When you with a build with params you can set the tag you want to build.
If you use pipeline, u can wrap the git plugin with a dir block, it clones the repositories in runtime to the specific folder:
node ('slave9') {
stage {
// clone master branch of repo1 into folder f1
dir('f1') {
git([url: "", branch: "master"])
// clone BR2 branch from repo2 into folder f2
// BR2 is a string parameters passed in from jenkins job ui
dir('f2') {
git([url: "", branch: "${BR2}"])

jenkins pipeline get repository url variable under pipeline script from scm

I'm using Jenkins file that located in my git repository.
I have configured new job using the pipeline script from SCM that point to my jenkinsfile. I'm trying to use in my Jenkins file pipeline script the git module in order to pull my data from my git repo without configure pre-static variable and just to use the variable of the repository URL under pipeline script from SCM that already was configured in my job .
There is a way to get somehow the variable Repository URL
from this plugin without using parameters in my Jenkins pipeline script.
I have already tried the environment variable GIT_URL and other stuff that related to git from here but this didn't work.
You can find all information about scm in scm variable (instance of GitSCM if you are using git).
You can get repository URL this way
def repositoryUrl = scm.userRemoteConfigs[0].url
But if you just want to checkout that repository you can simply invoke checkout scm without needing to specify anything else. See checkout step
from this post I found a way that you can use the checkout scm to get the git repo url like this:
checkout scm
def url = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git config remote.origin.url').trim()
but checkout scm will pull the code and I want to avoid from that.
So I found another way (not the pretty one):
command = "grep -oP '(?<=url>)[^<]+' /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/${JOB_NAME}/config.xml"
GIT_REPO_URL = sh(returnStdout: true, script: command).trim();
echo "Detected Git Repo URL: ${GIT_REPO_URL}"
throw err
error "Colud not find any Git repository for the job ${JOB_NAME}"
this is did the trick for me.
Probably not directly a solution for your particular case, as you're working with git.
But for those still working with SVN using the SubversionSCM, the repository URL can be obtained using
def repositoryUrl = scm.locations[0].remote
I believe that the best solution is like this answer.
An example using declarative pipeline:
pipeline {
agent any;
stages {
steps {
script {
def s = checkout scm;
if (s.GIT_URL != null) print s.GIT_URL
else if (s.SVN_URL != null) print s.SVN_URL
else print s
Note - this does a full checkout. If that is not desirable, I would try to handle that in checkout parameters (like here)

how to get repo name in Jenkins pipeline

I'm using Jenkins Scripted Pipeline that uses Groovy style scripting, and created a Jenkinsfile to describe the pipeline. I need to create the workspace with the folder name same as git repo name, and then checkout the code in the workspace folder.
My question is, before doing the checkout scm, is there a way to know the git repo name or the git repo url?
String determineRepoName() {
return scm.getUserRemoteConfigs()[0].getUrl().tokenize('/')[3].split("\\.")[0]
This relatively ugly code is what I use to get the repoName. The key is that the URL of the repo is stored in:
from there you need to do some string ops to get what you want.
String determineRepoName() {
return scm.getUserRemoteConfigs()[0].getUrl().tokenize('/').last().split("\\.")[0]
This works also for repositories with a deeper hierarchy (https://domain/project/subproject/repo or ssh git repo which does not contain the two // at the start.
Maybe a silly answer, but isn't it possible using the environment Jenkins environment variable env.BITBUCKET_REPOSITORY?

How to configure a Jenkins 2 Pipeline so that Jenkinsfile uses a predefined variable

I have several projects that use a Jenkinsfile which is practically the same. The only difference is the git project that it has to checkout. This forces me to have one Jenkinsfile per project although they could share the same one:
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
def artifactId
def pomVersion
stage('Commit Stage'){
echo 'Downloading from Git...'
git branch: 'develop', credentialsId: 'xxx', url: ''
echo 'Building project and generating Docker image...'
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn clean install docker:build -DskipTests"
Is there a way to preconfigure the git location as a variable during the job creation so I can reuse the same Jenkinsfile?
stage('Commit Stage'){
echo 'Downloading from Git...'
git branch: 'develop', credentialsId: 'xxx', url: env.GIT_REPO_LOCATION
I know I can set it up this way:
This project is parameterized -> String Parameter -> GIT_REPO_LOCATION, default= http://xxxx, and access it with env.GIT_REPO_LOCATION.
The downside is that the user is promted to start the build with the default value or change it. I would need that it were transparent to he user. Is there a way to do it?
You can use the Pipeline Shared Groovy Library plugin to have a library that all your projects share in a git repository. In the documentation you can read about it in detail.
If you have a lot of Pipelines that are mostly similar, the global variable mechanism provides a handy tool to build a higher-level DSL that captures the similarity. For example, all Jenkins plugins are built and tested in the same way, so we might write a step named buildPlugin:
// vars/buildPlugin.groovy
def call(body) {
// evaluate the body block, and collect configuration into the object
def config = [:]
body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
body.delegate = config
// now build, based on the configuration provided
node {
git url: "${}-plugin.git"
sh "mvn install"
mail to: "...", subject: "${} plugin build", body: "..."
Assuming the script has either been loaded as a Global Shared Library
or as a Folder-level Shared Library the resulting Jenkinsfile will be
dramatically simpler:
Jenkinsfile (Scripted Pipeline)
buildPlugin {
name = 'git'
The example shows how a jenkinsfile passes name = git to the library.
I currently use a similar setup and am very happy with it.
Instead of having a Jenkinsfile in each Git repository, you can have an additional git repository from where you get the common Jenkinsfile - this works when using Pipeline type Job and selecting the option Pipeline script from SCM. This way Jenkins checks out the repo where you have the common Jenkinsfile before checking out the user repo.
In case the job can be triggered automatically, you can create a post-receive hook in each git repo that calls the Jenkins Pipeline with the repo as a parameter, so that the user does not have to manually run the job entering the repo as a parameter (GIT_REPO_LOCATION).
In case the job cannot be triggered automatically, the least annoying method I can think of is having a Choice parameter with a list of repositories instead of a String parameter.
