Optimal way to make multiple independent requests to server in Dart - dart

I want to make to multiple requests to same server in an optimal way. So I have
Future<List<Item>> getAllItems() async {
var client = new http.Client();
List<String> itemsIds = ['1', '2', '3']; //different ids
List<Item> itemList = [];
for (var item in itemsIds) {
//make call to server eg: 'sampleapi/1/next' etc
await client.get('sampleapi/' + item + '/next').then((response) {
//Do some processing and add to itemList
return itemList;
Now, the api calls are made one after other. But the api calls are independent of each other. Whats the best way to implement so as to avoid the async await hell?

You can use Future.wait(...) to wait for a set of Futures to complete:
Future<List<Item>> getAllItems() async {
var client = new http.Client();
List<String> itemsIds = ['1', '2', '3']; //different ids
return Future.wait<Item>(['1', '2', '3'].map((item) =>
client.get('sampleapi/' + item + '/next').then((response) {
//Do some processing and add to itemList
return foo; // some Item that is the result of this request
See also https://api.dartlang.org/stable/1.24.3/dart-async/Future/wait.html

Günter beat me to it by a couple minutes, but I've already typed it out so here's a slight alternative which would also work and avoids using 'then' completely.
Future<List<Item>> getAllItems() async {
var client = new Client();
List<String> itemsIds = ['1', '2', '3']; //different ids
List<Response> list = await Future.wait(itemsIds.map((itemId) => client.get('sampleapi/$itemId/next')));
return list.map((response){
// do processing here and return items
return new Item();


Break down activity function

I have an Activity function that reads child elements of a parent in an organization as follows:
public async Task<List<User>> GetChildren([ActivityTrigger] User parent)
var children = await GetChildrenAsync(parent);
return children;
public async Task<List<User>> GetChildrenAsync(User parent)
var allUsers = new List<User> { parent };
List<User> children = null;
children = await ExecuteQueryAsync("tableName", $"Parent eq '{parent.Id}'");
var taskIndex = 0;
var readTasks = new Task<List<User>>[children.Count(x => x.Childcount > 0)];
foreach (var child in children)
if (child.Childcount > 0)
readTasks[taskIndex++] = GetChildrenAsync(child);
var validTasks = readTasks.Where(task => task != null).ToList();
if (validTasks.Count > 0)
foreach (var result in await Task.WhenAll(validTasks))
Console.WriteLine($"Got {allUsers.Count} children for {parent.Id}");
return allUsers;
This works perfectly when I use premium plan with a timeout of 2 hours. I'm trying to convert this to a consumption plan with a timeout of 10 min. On testing out, I see timeout exception. Is there a way to breakdown this durable function and complete execution in 10 min?
I tried to update this logic by using a queue as follows:
public async Task<List<User>> GetChildren([ActivityTrigger] User parent)
var allUsers = new List<User>();
var directReportEntities = new List<User>();
Queue<User> myQueue = new Queue<Person>();
while (myQueue.Any())
var current = myQueue.Dequeue();
if (current.Childcount > 0)
var children = await GetChildrenAsync(parent);
foreach (var child in children)
Console.WriteLine($"Got {allUsers.Count} children for {parent.Id}");
return allUsers;
public async Task<List<User>> GetChildrenAsync(User parent)
return await ExecuteQueryAsync("tableName", $"Parent eq '{parent.Id}'");
This also gives a timeout exception. Any suggestions on what other approach I could try?
You might think about trying to figure out which parts of this method are slow. Perhaps it isn't the method itself that is slow but the query to the database. How many rows are you trying to download?
Also, you have a recursive call in your method. That may lead to many queries being executed. Can you think of a different way to grab the data all at once instead of a little bit at a time?

Future.then() is executed too early

I have a method which is supposed to return a Future, containing a list of groups.
This works fine as I can loop the list of groups in that method itself, but somehow list is returned before it could be filled. Surely this is an error on my part but I can't seem to grasp what I'm doing wrong.
Future< List<GroupData> > getGroups(String uniqueUserID) async
List<GroupData> groups = new List<GroupData>();
try {
var result = Firestore.instance
.where("members", arrayContains: uniqueUserID);
.listen (
(data) {
// Handle all documents one by one
for (DocumentSnapshot ds in data.documents)
List<String> members = new List<String>();
for (dynamic member in ds.data['members'])
members.add( member );
groups.add( new GroupData(ds.data['name'], ds.data['description'], ds.documentID.toString(), ds.data['admin'], members) );
} catch (exception)
print ('Something went wrong while fetching the groups of user ' + uniqueUserID + ' !');
return groups;
This method is being called using the method Future.then() but the list is empty while there should be several resuls (and there are, I can loop all items in the list in the above method and access/print their data). What am I missing?
The execution of your function is never locked. It doesn't wait until your listened stream finished.
There are a few solutions:
change stream.listen into await for (final item in stream)
add an await stream.done
Stream<List<T>> stream;
stream.listen((list) {
for (final item in list) {
await for (final list in stream) {
for (final item in list) {

ASP.NET Core MVC 2.2 Batch Requests Middleware

I would like a simple middleware that I can use to combine multiple requests into one request and return the result as a single array response.
I don't want to use OData because its too heavy, plus I don't like it.
I have no idea how I can split one HttpContext into multiple small internal sub HttpContext's.
This is my attempt:
public static IApplicationBuilder BatchRequest(this IApplicationBuilder app)
app.Map("/api/batch", builder =>
builder.Use(async (context, next) =>
string[] paths = (context.Request.Query.Get("path") as StringValues?) ?? new string[] { };
Stream originalBody = context.Response.Body;
RecyclableMemoryStreamManager _recyclableMemoryStreamManager = new RecyclableMemoryStreamManager();
IEnumerable<string> responses = await paths.SelectAsync(async path =>
context.Request.Path = path;
MemoryStream newResponseBody = _recyclableMemoryStreamManager.GetStream();
context.Response.Body = newResponseBody;
await next.Invoke();
return RequestResponseLoggingMiddleware.ReadStreamInChunks(newResponseBody);
await context.Response.WriteAsync(responses.Serialize());
return app;
There is this example, but i am not yet sure how to use it: https://github.com/Tornhoof/HttpBatchHandler
Please be kind.

How to select an item from a List in flutter

I have list from a model like this
I want to just select amount and add it to another list of string, but I'm always getting this error A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'List<String>'. , I thinks its because im not doing it right, here is my code below
void setupList() async {
DebtDatabase db = DebtDatabase();
listCache = await db.getMyDebt();
setState(() {
filtered = listCache;
List<String> amount = new List<String>();
listCache.map((value) {
amount = value.amount; } );
can anyone help me, so I can get list of ammount from this model list and then sum all the ammount?
The map function returns an iterable and you can then transform it into a list.
You should try something like this:
void setupList() async {
DebtDatabase db = DebtDatabase();
listCache = await db.getMyDebt();
setState(() {
filtered = listCache;
List<String> amount = listCache.map((value) => value.amount).toList();

Future is completed before function-call is done

I'm working with two functions, both of them should return a future. A third function gets called when both of them are done. Right now the future is returned too early, so that my third function is called before my second function is completed.
static var getObjectDataCompleter = new Completer();
static var fillObjectCompleter = new Completer();
static Future getObjectData(List jsonMap) {
for (int i = 0; i < jsonMap.length; i++) {
fillObjectCompleter = new Completer();
var request = buildRequest("GET", resourceUrl);
request.onLoadEnd.listen((event) => fillObject(request));
if(fillObjectCompleter.isCompleted) {
return getObjectDataCompleter.future;
static Future fillObject(HttpRequest request) {
String responseText = request.response;
List stringJson = JSON.decode(responseText);
return fillObjectCompleter.future;
Function1 is returning the future before the call "fillObject()" is completed.
What am I doing wrong?
The function1-future should be returned when the "for-loop" is done and all "fillObject-calls" are completed.
Async code is just scheduled for later execution and the sync code continues executing without waiting for the async code. The method you pass ot Future.then(...) is executed when the scheduled async code is finished. You find a lot of such questions and examples tagged [:dart-async:] here on StackOverflow.
I have a hard time figuring out what you actually try to accomplish. Can you please explain in prosa what you actually try to accomplish, then I can try to fix your code example to do what you want it to do.
Usually there is no need to use a Completer in custom async functions. You just have to ensure that nested async calls are properly chained by always returning the future of the call.
See these two lines of the following code as example. The returns are important for the example to work.
return async.Future.forEach(jsonMap, (item) {
return request.onLoadEnd.first.then((event) => fillObject(event.target));
The Future returned from getObjectData completes after the response of all requests are processed.
import 'dart:html' as dom;
import 'dart:async' as async;
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;
class Xxx {
static async.Future getObjectData(List jsonMap) {
return async.Future.forEach(jsonMap, (item) {
//var request = new dom.HttpRequest();
//request.open("GET", "https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis?fields=");
var request = buildRequest("GET", resourceUrl);
return request.onLoadEnd.first.then((event) => fillObject(event.target));
static fillObject(dom.HttpRequest request) {
String responseText = request.response;
List stringJson = JSON.decode(responseText);
void main() {
var json = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
Xxx.getObjectData(json).then((_) => print('done'));
See https://www.dartlang.org/articles/event-loop for more details about async execution.
