Travis CI has failures on unchanged code for pull request - travis-ci

I submitted my first pull request to the Apache Flink project on github, but the Travis CI check is saying two of the tests it ran have failed. The thing is that where it says the failures are occurring is in a module that I haven't modified at all. So what am I missing? I am very new to Travis CI as well, so I could just be reading something the wrong way, but I doubt it.
Here is the pull request on Travis CI:
The module I made changes to was Flink-connector-cassandra and the failure is happening in the module flink.
Thanks for any help in advance!

Actually such problems should be asked on the dev# mailing list of the corresponding project and not on Stackoverflow. Sometimes builds are not stable and thus tests might fail even though you have nothing to do with them. In most cases there exists already an issue in the corresponding bug tracker that mentions the test instability. If the community says everything is fine, you can still open your PR.
However, in your case you have "Too many files with unapproved license" which clearly indicates a mistake on your side. You need to add an Apache License header to your newly created files.


VSTS, create build definition gets AllowScriptsAuthAccess error

long time listener, first time caller!
I've spent two days searching for an answer to this so hopefully someone here may be able to help.
I've set up a personal/free VSTS instance and created a project.
One of the first tasks I want to do is setup the build pipeline, so create a new pipeline, define the agent pool as VS2017, connect to my Github repo etc, all of which is fine.
Next I try to add an Agent Job, again choosing VS2017 as the agent. With no other options chosen, if I try to save the build definition I get the following error message (and cannot save it);
The AllowScriptsAuthAccess build option is not supported in API versions greater than 4.0.
Allow scripts to access the OAuth token is unchecked on the Agent job configuration under phases and on the Build/Options tab (slider set to disabled)
I've googled and searched for all sorts of stuff to try and find someone with the same problem but it's almost like I'm the first to discover this - which is highly unlikely!! It has almost driven me to using Bing to search for a solution, but let's not get carried away.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
So it turns out that turning off the "New YAML pipeline creation experience" and "New Navigation" under preview features fixes the problem, insofar as I can now create and save a build pipeline without the error.
Also, if you have "Build YAML Pipelines" enabled under preview features for the Organisation, you get the "View YAML" link that I was missing also.
Thanks all for your help. I'd be interested to know the root cause of this still. I'll update the Microsoft support ticket with the same and post back here if they have any insights.
There's an similar issue here:
Seems the build template was broken. So, you can try with other build templates or starting over with an empty template, then add the needed tasks manually to check if that works.
Besides, you can try below things:
Clean the caches on your client machine, also clean the browser
caches, then check it again. See How to clear the TFS cache on
client machines.
Create a new team project and create a new build pipeline within the
new team project to check if that works
I am assuming this is a bug in the VSTS system and it will likely be fixed soon. But for the time being, I found a workaround:
I was also getting the AllowScriptsAuthAccess error and struggled with it for hours. I don't think any of the configuration settings you mentioned have anything to do with it (free account, GitHub, OAuth token unchecked).
To solve it, I converted the Agent Job to YAML (which is as easy as clicking "View YAML" in the upper right). Save the code to a file named .vsts-ci.yml, and save this in the root folder of your solution. Commit/push the new file, then queue the build. (Note that the conversion to YAML is one-way, so you may want to Clone your build.)
That should get rid of the AllowScriptsAuthAccess error. After that I had to add a few variables, but then it's just a matter of following the error messages.
I hope this helps. Sorry I can't answer this more authoritatively. Please post a comment if I am missing any steps.
I had this issue and it turned out that I didn't have Build Admin permissions in VSTS for the project. Not a very helpful error message for this.

"Failed to load the key" error in Jenkins, not sure why or what this means

I am trying to set up Jenkins locally on my Macbook, and after installation and unlocking, I put together a very basic job where I would echo "Hello World", but I keep getting this error in the stack trace when I run the build:
org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: jar:file:/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/war/WEB-INF/lib/jenkins-core-2.60.3.jar!/hudson/model/Run/console.jelly:65:27: <j:whitespace> Failed to load the key: hudson.console.AnnotatedLargeText.consoleAnnotator
at org.apache.commons.jelly.impl.TagScript.handleException(
I haven't the foggiest idea of what this could be referring to and I have yet to come across anything online that points me to a potential answer. The only thing I have seen that is even marginally related refers to the Subversion not being current, but I am pretty confident that I have the correct versions of all of the required packages, plugins, etc. I also really don't have any real experience with Jenkins, so I could very well have missed something, but I followed the instructions to the letter. Could this be a permissions thing? I tried asking folks in the Jenkins IRC channel but no dice. Thanks in advance.

Integrating Jenkins with BitBucket Server

I have an Bitbucket Server that is running currently quite well.
I also have an Bamboo Server which crashed on me today so badly that I would need to reinstall the complete bamboo stuff again. (Plugins, Server etc.)
This was not the first time. The Atlassian team couldn't even help me, so I moved to Jenkins instead.
Everything works so far.
I checked on several posts on the Internet but didn't find anything really useful or up2date on my question.
Here is what I am planing to do:
Build every Branch on creation
If Build Succeeds notify BitBucket Server that Build was successful
Update Jira and start Code Review (already in place)
I'm currently missing only step 1 and 2 as step 3 is quite easy to do with the according plugins.
But I need step 1 and 2 as well as an pull request should not be mergeable if the branch itself was not successfully built.
If anybody already solved this, notify me and I will look into it right away
Thanks for your help :-)

How to start another build on CodeClimate after the initial build fails?

Here's the first fail build. I forgot to configure file. So I added it again and recommit. Now it won't fire again.
Do I have to get a CI (using Travis CI) to first successfully test it first?
You can press the refresh button in the top right corner on your repo.
Support got back to me and told me it was a problem on their end.
Sorry that your repository got stuck in that weird "limbo" state.
Currently, we don't automatically install our webhook for open-source
repositories and without that we don't see any subsequent commits if
the first analysis errors. Our dev team plans to improve this
experience, but in the meantime, I'd recommend installing our webhook.
This hook is what notifies us of certain events happening in your
repository including commits made to your default branch.
To get that installed you'll need to run through steps 5-7 in this
help doc here:

TFS Online Build Fails on local Build Server with TF270016 / TF270002

We're using Visual Studio Online, but we have local Build Controller and Build agent. This has been running fine for the past 6 months or so, but just this week the builds have consistently failed.
The software itself appears to build successfully, and the tests also seem to pass, but it fails due to an error during the publication of the log files (see error below).
The build uses an unmodified Default Template, and is setup so that it "does not copy output files to a drop folder" (in the Build Defaults of the build definition).
After a few hours of head-banging this feels like some sort of permissions thing, but I have no idea how to go about debugging, or verifying this assumption.
Can anyone offer any suggestions, or better yet, a solution! :-)
One other thing to note is that we have been mucking about with our users in Visual Studio Online to change some accounts from Basic to Stakeholder accounts in order to reduce costs. I'm wondering if we've also managed to remove a critical account or permission that has caused this...?
An error occurred while copying diagnostic activity logs to the drop location.
Details: TF270002:
An error occurred copying files from
Details: BadRequest: Bad Request
An error occurred while copying diagnostic activity logs to the drop location.
Details: TF270002:
An error occurred copying files from
Details: BadRequest: Bad Request
One thing to note is that this error is consistent across all builds for different C# projects that are executed through the same build controller. I've tried removing and re-registering the controller, restarting the build service and the build server itself.
we are also experiencing similar issue. We have not done any changes to VSO permissions, so I doubt it is that.
Two things that coinside this:
1. There was an update to VSOnline during the same timewindow that this issue appeared
2. Our local build controllers/agents were updated with latest Patch Tuesday updates
So the solution to this (in my case anyway) was to upgrade the Build controller software to v12 (TFS 2013).
