Trouble with changing image on splashscreen - ios

everyone. I have one more question about trouble with changing the picture on the launch screen. If you change your picture on launch screen, you will see your old picture. I read about it iOS Keeping old launch screen and app icon after update. How long you will see your old picture if you don’t restart your device?

Follow below steps:-
Uninstall App.
Restart Device.
Note:- This issue will not come in Simulator


Flutter splash screen Xcode white background for first 2 seconds

Flutter splash screen Xcode white background for first 2 seconds. After that, it correctly shows the images from my storyboard... I tried everything to get rid of that first white blank screen, but I can't. Can someone help, please?
Removed Launchscreen.storyboard and regenerated.
Removed app from
device and reinstalled
Tried everything here:
Launch Screen not displaying iOS 8
Changed these configurations.
Bot nothing works at all. I am using Flutter and flutter_native_splash and generated the icons with this, but they did not help either.
Note: I noticed that I only see launchscreen and main as options in general > app icons and launch images in Xcode. Shouldn't I be able to see the option launschreen_storyboard as well?
Note: Android works fine. It only is a problem at iOS.
I have fixed the issue by restarting my device. Apparently this is an iPhone/iOS cache bug.

App icon not appearing in app switcher in ios

I have recently developed a set of icons for my ios app using This provides a folder of appropriately sized images. I then have dragged each of these images into the appropriate slot in the AppIcon section in Assets.xcassets. The icon shows up fine in on my phone screen but not in the app switcher (see circled in image). There are no errors showing.
I have:
- Cleaned build folder and rebuilt
- I have restarted my iPhone
- I have manually placed all the images in the slots
- I have also tried replacing the original AppIcon folder with the one provided by make appicon
All to no effect. Be grateful for any suggestions.
Uninstall App → Restart Device → Install App
Just putting here for the sake of working answer !
As #cobberboy has mentioned in comment, doing above works - verified
I have been trying to figure out this issue, as I multiple times changed the icons removed the build, took new builds etc, but the app switcher icon was the default icon.
I have tried the app on a new phone and the desired icon was showing. So my guess is that the app switcher, (also apple watch OS's app switcher) has some sort of hardcore cache machanism.
If anyone coming from Google facing this issue, not sure how to flush this cache, but you can go ahead and ship your app, as this cache is only on your device.
Good luck!
Ensure you have provided icons for all sizes, deploy, then restart the device to clear any caches.

Big problem with iOS app in Xcode for Launch Screen Update

As title I have a big problem with my iOS app.
I'm working on an update of launch screen of my app and have make several layouts modification.
After modification I have launch the app on simulator and on the physical device but it's possible to se the new launch screen, it appare the old launch screen and not how it appare on the storyboard now.
I have try a lot of possible solution find in the apple developer forum and on Stack but nothings of these work for me.
Help me I'm in Hell....

iOS - iPhoneX show launch image when change app through home indicator

I found the app show launch image in iPhone X. When change the app through home indicator, even I didn't write any code for it but still happened.
I have this issues on my project, and saw the same problem in many apps.
I want to keep the launch Image, and not show it while change app.
Is there any way to solve this problem?
Video example :
Thanks in advance for any reply.

Splash screen still displayed although I removed the Default.png

I don't want any more the splash screen, I have removed the Default.png from the resources file, also I have removed the sleep function. However, when I run the app, the splash screen is still there, can you help me to figure out why it still displayed? Thanks in advance :)
Did you clean the targets after you removed the image? Xcode sometimes requires a clean between builds in order to notice changes to your images. And if that does not work, uninstall the app from the simulator and rebuild.
Try cleaning the targets (Cmd+Shift+K), and if this doesn't work try to delete the app from the simulator/device and to reinstall it.
iOS always displays a "splash screen", AKA launch screen. When you don't provide an image, it initially shows a black screen. When the quits the app, iOS takes a screenshot just after your code return the applicationDidEnterBackground: and uses it as the new launch image (as long as your app doesn't quit).
I experienced the same issue and none of the cleaning activities nor uninstalling the app from simulator helped.
From my point of view there was a bug in xcode 3.x which is now properly fixed in V. 4.x
