C-Tree vs R-Tree for circular range query - spatial

Why is it better to have a circular range query answered with an already constructed C-tree than an already constructed R-tree? (Assuming I'm correct).
It seems to be more complicated to calculate the intersection of a rectangle and a circle than a between to circles. Compare
\sqrt{max(abs(r.x - C.x) - r.length, 0)^2 + max(abs(r.y - C.y) - r.height, 0)^2}
\sqrt{abs(c1.x - c2.x)^2 + abs(c1.y - c2.y)^2}$
Am I right?


Numerical Stable way of implement norm2 loss function

I have a loss function mean{|| x^i - y^i ||^2} where x^i is i-th data point. || x^i - y^i ||^2 = sum_j (x^i_j - y^i_j)^2. (where x^i_j is the i-th data point's j-th variable)
I could easily have one of (x^i_j - y^i_j)^2 explodes up to inf
My alternative is to logsumexp(2 * log(abs(x^i_j - y^i_j))) to deal with norm2 but I could also have x^i_j - y^i_j to be zero. Is there numerical stable way of doing this ?
I tried logsumexp(2 * log(abs(x^i_j - y^i_j) + 1e-20)) but no very good as I need differentiate this loss function backwards so the gradient still gives Nan sometimes

What is the best algorithm to match two people based on their radiuses and the distance between them?

I have two models in my rails application: student and tutor. Each model has their own location attributes: latitude, longitude, radius(the radius is input by student/tutor since they decide how far they wanna meet to learn or teach). The latitude and longitude are decided by Google api, and I can get the distance between them with the API also.
Let call the distance between them is distance, r1 for the radius of the student, and r2 for the radius of the tutor.
Now my job is to match the student and tutor that can satisfy the condition r1 and r2. I've come up with the solution:
match tutor and student if distance - r1 - r2 <= 0
However, I am not sure about the accurate of my solution even though I think that algorithm covers all the cases:
Both circles have one common point.
Both circles have 2 common points.
One of the circles is inside of the other.
I think this is not a difficult problem, but I haven't touched geometry for a while since high school, so any advice here would be appreciated.
You also need the position x of both objects, not only the radii r.
Then both circles intersect when
dx = x1 - x2
dy = y1 - y2
dz = z1 - z2
sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) <= r1 + r2
The rest is simple.

Uniform discretization of Bezier curve

I need to discretise a 3rd order Bezier curve with points equally distributed along the curve. The curve is defined by four points p0, p1, p2, p3 and a generic point p(t) with 0 < t < 1 is given by:
point_t = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * p0 + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * p1 + 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * p2 + t * t * t * p3;
My first idea was to discretise t = 0, t_1, ... t_n, ..., 1
This doesn't work as, in general, we don't end up with a uniform distance between the discretised points.
To sum up, what I need is an algorithm to discretise the parametric curve so that:
|| p(t_n) - p(t_n_+_1) || = d
I thought about recursively halving the Bezier curve with the Casteljau algorithm up to required resolution, but this would require a lot of distance calculations.
Any idea on how to solve this problem analytically?
What you are looking for is also called "arc-length parametrisation".
In general, if you subdivide a bezier curve at fixed interval of the default parametrisation, the resulting curve segments will not have the same arc-length. Here is one way to do it http://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#tracing.
A while ago, I was playing around with a bit of code (curvature flow) that needed the points to be as uniformly separated as possible. Here is a comparison (without proper labeling on axes! ;)) using linear interpolation and monotone cubic interpolation from the same set of quadrature samples (I used 20 samples per curve, each evaluated using a 24 point gauss-legendre Quadrature) to reparametrise a cubic curve.
[Please note that, this is compared with another run of the algorithm using a lot more nodes and samples taken as ground truth.]
Here is a demo using monotone cubic interpolation to reparametrise a curve. The function Curve.getLength is the quadrature function.

Backpropagation algorithm through cross-channel local response normalization (LRN) layer

I am working on replicating a neural network. I'm trying to get an understanding of how the standard layer types work. In particular, I'm having trouble finding a description anywhere of how cross-channel normalisation layers behave on the backward-pass.
Since the normalization layer has no parameters, I could guess two possible options:
The error gradients from the next (i.e. later) layer are passed backwards without doing anything to them.
The error gradients are normalized in the same way the activations are normalized across channels in the forward pass.
I can't think of a reason why you'd do one over the other based on any intuition, hence why I'd like some help on this.
The layer is a standard layer in caffe, as described here http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/tutorial/layers.html (see 'Local Response Normalization (LRN)').
The layer's implementation in the forward pass is described in section 3.3 of the alexNet paper: http://papers.nips.cc/paper/4824-imagenet-classification-with-deep-convolutional-neural-networks.pdf
I believe the forward and backward pass algorithms are described in both the Torch library here: https://github.com/soumith/cudnn.torch/blob/master/SpatialCrossMapLRN.lua
and in the Caffe library here: https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/blob/master/src/caffe/layers/lrn_layer.cpp
Please could anyone who is familiar with either/both of these translate the method for the backward pass stage into plain english?
It uses the chain rule to propagate the gradient backwards through the local response normalization layer. It is somewhat similar to a nonlinearity layer in this sense (which also doesn't have trainable parameters on its own, but does affect gradients going backwards).
From the code in Caffe that you linked to I see that they take the error in each neuron as a parameter, and compute the error for the previous layer by doing following:
First, on the forward pass they cache a so-called scale, that is computed (in terms of AlexNet paper, see the formula from section 3.3) as:
scale_i = k + alpha / n * sum(a_j ^ 2)
Here and below sum is sum indexed by j and goes from max(0, i - n/2) to min(N, i + n/2)
(note that in the paper they do not normalize by n, so I assume this is something that Caffe does differently than AlexNet). Forward pass is then computed as b_i = a_i + scale_i ^ -beta.
To backward propagate the error, let's say that the error coming from the next layer is be_i, and the error that we need to compute is ae_i. Then ae_i is computed as:
ae_i = scale_i ^ -b * be_i - (2 * alpha * beta / n) * a_i * sum(be_j * b_j / scale_j)
Since you are planning to implement it manually, I will also share two tricks that Caffe uses in their code that makes the implementation simpler:
When you compute the addends for the sum, allocate an array of size N + n - 1, and pad it with n/2 zeros on each end. This way you can compute the sum from i - n/2 to i + n/2, without caring about going below zero and beyond N.
You don't need to recompute the sum on each iteration, instead compute the the addends in advance (a_j^2 for the front pass, be_j * b_j / scale_j for the backward pass), then compute the sum for i = 0, and then for each consecutive i just add addend[i + n/2] and subtract addend[i - n/2 - 1], it will give you the value of the sum for the new value of i in constant time.
Of cause,you can either print the variables to observe the changes with them or use the debug model to see how errors change during passing the net.
I have an alternative formulation of the backward and I don't know if it is equivalent to caffe's:
So caffe's is :
ae_i = scale_i ^ -b * be_i - (2 * alpha * beta / n) * a_i * sum(be_j * b_j / scale_j)
by differentiating the original expression
b_i = a_i/(scale_i^-b)
I get
ae_i = scale_i ^ -b * be_i - (2 * alpha * beta / n) * a_i * be_i*sum(ae_j)/scale_i^(-b-1)

OpenCV DFT_INVERSE different from Matlab's ifft

I try to filter a signal using opencv's dft function. The way I try to this is taking the signal in time domain:
x = [0.0201920000000000 -0.0514940000000000 0.0222140000000000 0.0142460000000000 -0.00313500000000000 0.00270600000000000 0.0111770000000000 0.0233470000000000 -0.00162700000000000 -0.0306280000000000 0.0239410000000000 -0.0225840000000000 0.0281410000000000 0.0265510000000000 -0.0272180000000000 0.0223850000000000 -0.0366850000000000 0.000515000000000000 0.0213440000000000 -0.0107180000000000 -0.0222150000000000 -0.0888300000000000 -0.178814000000000 -0.0279280000000000 -0.144982000000000 -0.199606000000000 -0.225617000000000 -0.188347000000000 0.00196200000000000 0.0830530000000000 0.0716730000000000 0.0723950000000000]
Convert it to FOURIER domain using :
cv::dft(x, x_fft, cv::DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT, 0);
Eliminate the unwanted frequencies:
for(int k=0; k<32;k++){
if(k==0 || k>6 )
Convert it back to time domain:
cv::dft(x_fft, x_filt, cv::DFT_INVERSE, 0);
In order to check my results I've compared them to Matlab. I took the same signal x, convert it to FOURIER using x_mfft = fft(x); The results are similar to the ones I get from opencv, excepting the fact that in opencv I only get the left side, while in matlab I get the symmetric values too.
After this I set to 0 in Matlab the values of x_mfft(0) and x_mfft(8:32) and now the signal look exactly the same except the fact that in Matlab they are in complex form, while in opencv they are separated, real part in one channel, imaginary part in the other.
The problem is that when I perform the inverse transform in matlab using x_mfilt = ifft(x_mfft) the results are completely different from what I get using opencv.
0.0126024108604191 + 0.0100628178150509i 0.00278762121814893 - 0.00615997579216921i 0.0116716145588075 - 0.0150834711251450i 0.0204808089882897 - 0.00937680194210788i 0.0187164132302469 - 0.000843687942567208i 0.0132322795522116 - 0.000108642129381095i 0.0140282455278201 - 0.00325620843335947i 0.0190436542174946 - 0.000556561558544529i 0.0182379867325824 + 0.00764390022568001i 0.00964801276734883 + 0.0107158342431018i 0.00405220362962359 + 0.00339496875258604i 0.0108096973356501 - 0.00476499376334313i 0.0236507440224628 - 0.000415067678294738i 0.0266197220512826 + 0.0154626911663024i 0.0142805873081583 + 0.0267004219364679i 0.000314527358302778 + 0.0215255889620223i 0.00173512964620177 + 0.00865151513638104i 0.0169666351363477 + 0.00836162056544561i 0.0255915540012784 + 0.0277878383595920i 0.0118710562486680 + 0.0506446948330055i -0.0160165379892836 + 0.0553846122152651i -0.0354343989166415 + 0.0406080858067314i -0.0370261047451452 + 0.0261077990289579i -0.0365120038155127 + 0.0268311542287801i -0.0541841640123775 + 0.0312446266697320i -0.0854132555297956 + 0.0125342802025550i -0.0989182320365535 - 0.0377079727602073i -0.0686133217915410 - 0.0925138855355046i -0.00474198249025186 - 0.111728716441247i 0.0515933837210975 - 0.0814138940625859i 0.0663201317560107 - 0.0279433757588921i 0.0426055814586485 + 0.00821080477569232i
OpenCV after cv::dft(x_fft, x_filt, cv::DFT_INVERSE, 0);
Channel 1:
0.322008 -0.197121 -0.482671 -0.300055 -0.026996 -0.003475 -0.104199 -0.017810 0.244606 0.342909 0.108642 -0.152477 -0.013281 0.494806 0.854412 0.688818 0.276848 0.267571 0.889207 1.620622 1.772298 1.299452 0.835450 0.858602 0.999833 0.401098 -1.206658 -2.960446 -3.575316 -2.605239 -0.894184 0.262747
Channel 2:
0.403275 0.089205 0.373494 0.655387 0.598925 0.423432 0.448903 0.609397 0.583616 0.308737 0.129670 0.345907 0.756820 0.851827 0.456976 0.010063 0.055522 0.542928 0.818924 0.379870 -0.512527 -1.133893 -1.184826 -1.168379 -1.733893 -2.733226 -3.165383 -2.195622 -0.151738 1.650990 2.122242 1.363375
What am I missing? Shouldn't the results be similar? How can I check if the inverse transform in opencv is done correctly?
Later EDIT:
After struggling with the problems for a few hours now I've decided to plot the results from Matlab and OpenCV and to my surprise they were very much similar.
Imaginary parts
Real parts:
So obviously it's something about a SCALE factor. After dividing them element by element apparently this factor is 32 - the length of the signal. Can someone explain why this happens?
The obvious solution is to use cv::dft(x_fft, x_filt, cv::DFT_INVERSE+cv::DFT_SCALE, 0); so I guess this topic is answered but I'm still interested in why is it this way.
There is no standard for scale factor used by all FFT libraries. Some use none, some include a scale factor of 1/N, some 1/sqrt(N). You have to test or look in the documentation for each particular library.
