I want to show timezone as "IST", "EST", etc.
That seems to be simple but there is an issue.When I use following code:
let timeZone = TimeZone.current.abbreviation()
For India I get "GMT+5:30" but for Toronto, I get "EDT".
Please help, or let me know some other way to show such abbreviations.
I came up with a workaround but still, sometimes I get some weird timezones:
func getTimeZoneAbbrevation() -> String {
var returnTimeZone = ""
let timezone = TimeZone.current.identifier
let dict = TimeZone.abbreviationDictionary
for (key,value) in dict {
if value == timezone {
returnTimeZone = key
if returnTimeZone == "" {
if let timezone = NSTimeZone.default.abbreviation() {
returnTimeZone = timezone
return returnTimeZone
Try this
let timeZoneDict = TimeZone.abbreviationDictionary.filter {
$0.value == TimeZone.current.identifier
if !timeZoneDict.isEmpty {
let timeZone = timeZoneDict.first?.key
This should work.
let someTime = TimeZone(identifier: "America/Toronto")
let timezone = someTime?.abbreviation()
Now timezone contains value "EDT" so you can directly use this.
Just FYI if you want to check for these identifier so you can get it from
var timeZoneIdentifiers: [String] { return TimeZone.knownTimeZoneIdentifiers }
I hope this will help now.
I would like to sort my data by date from newest down to oldest. I am getting Transaction objects from Firestore in the form of "2020-12-29". I have seen previous answers on how to sort arrays by date but I am unsure how I can sort it with my current object structure.
func loadTransactions(){
if let catId = self.categoryId{
guard let user = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else { return }
.whereField("catId", isEqualTo: catId)
.getDocuments() {
snapshot, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
for document in snapshot!.documents {
let data = document.data()
let title = data["name"] as? String ?? ""
let date = data["date"] as? String ?? ""
let amount = data["amount"] as? Double ?? 0
let id = data["transId"] as? String ?? ""
let absolute = abs(amount)
let trans = Transaction(transId: id, catId:catId,title: title, dateInfo: date, image: UIImage.grocIcon, amount: absolute)
// let testArray = ["25 Jun, 2016", "30 Jun, 2016", "28 Jun, 2016", //"2 Jul, 2016"]
// var convertedArray: [Date] = []
// var dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
// dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd MM, yyyy"// yyyy-MM-dd"
// for dat in testArray {
// let date = dateFormatter.date(from: dat)
// if let date = date {
// convertedArray.append(date)
// }
// }
// var ready = convertedArray.sorted(by: { $0.compare($1) == .orderedDescending })
var tranSet = Set<Transaction>()
self.budgetData = self.budgetData.filter { (transaction) -> Bool in
if !tranSet.contains(transaction){
return true
return false
DispatchQueue.main.async {
You can sort the data in your Firebase query using order(by:): https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/order-limit-data
In your example, it'll probably look like:
.whereField("catId", isEqualTo: catId)
.order(by: "date")
If you implemented this, you could get rid of your tranSet and just append the Transactions in order (this is out of scope of the question, but I'd probably look at compactMap to transform snapshot.documents instead of appending them in order).
This assumes that your dates are in the format you listed (YYYY-MM-DD), which will alphabetize correctly, even though they aren't actually date/timestamp objects. If your data is in the format in your commented-out testArray section, than a different method would have to be used.
In my Application I create an array of "NSDate" in order to send local notifications.
The values saved are "UUID" and "deadline" and they are saved using let gameDictionary = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().dictionaryForKey(GAME_INFO) ?? [:]
The result is somenting similar to this:
UUID = "546C5E4D-CFEE-42F3-9010-9936753D17D85";
deadline = "2015-12-25 15:44:26 +0000";
}, {
UUID = "7C030614-C93C-4EB9-AD0A-93096848FDC7A";
deadline = "2015-12-25 15:43:15 +0000";
What I am trying to achieve is to compare the "deadline" values with the current date and if the deadline is before than current date the values need to be removed from the array.
func compareDeadline() {
let gameDictionary = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().dictionaryForKey(GAME_INFO) ?? [:]
var items = Array(gameDictionary.values)
for i in 0..<items.count {
let dateNotification = items[i]["deadline"]!! as! NSDate
var isOverdue: Bool {
return (NSDate().compare(dateNotification) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending) // deadline is earlier than current date
if (isOverdue == true){
When I try to remove the values from the array I get Fatal Error: Array index out of range
Any Idea How can I solve this?
You should use the .filter method on the array to remove anything that you don't want in that array. The result is a new array with just the filtered results.
.filter requires you to set the filter criteria in a closure that you send into it
Here is a good article on how to use it
You can use filter method of swift array
For example to filter even numbers in array:
func isEven(number: Int) -> Bool {
return number % 2 == 0
evens = Array(1...10).filter(isEven)
There are a few problems. The reason you are getting an error is because you cannot remove elements while iterating inside for-in block. You can filter the items with the following code:
func compareDeadline() {
let gameDictionary = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().dictionaryForKey(GAME_INFO) ?? [:]
let items = Array(gameDictionary.values)
let currentDate = NSDate()
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ"
let filteredItems = items.flatMap({
guard let stringDeadline = $0["deadline"] as? String, let deadline = dateFormatter.dateFromString(stringDeadline) else {
return nil
return deadline
currentDate.compare($0) == .OrderedDescending
I am trying to save a Date into a textfield and have that save into CoreData. I have the textfield set up and am able to use the date picker just fine with the NSDateFormatter but I am having trouble with getting it to save into the textfield into CoreData.
extension NSDate{
var stringValue: String{
return self.toString()
func toString() -> String {
let formatter = NSDateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
let str = formatter.stringFromDate(self)
return str
extension String{
var dateValue: NSDate?{
return self.toDate()
func toDate() -> NSDate? {
let formatter = NSDateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
if let date = formatter.dateFromString(self) {
return date
// if format failed, Put some code here
return nil // an example
add this befor your class or another swift file,
then change textFieldDDate.NSDate = ddate to:
textFieldDDate.text = ddate.stringValue
you can only use text(String!) with UITextField,also only NSDate in your newItem.ddate.
change newItem.ddate = textFieldDDate.text to
newItem.ddate = textFieldDDate.text.dateValue
I see var ddate = data.valueForKey("ddate"), I guess it is type of NSDate? maybe you need change it to String, it can't be just use as!(?) String,if I am right, you need use my code of extension NSDate{} to change it too.
I checked your codes, just find some lines maybe it is save data to coreData:
if segue.identifier == "update" {
var selectedItem: NSManagedObject = myDivelog[self.tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow()!.row] as! NSManagedObject
let ADLVC: AddDiveLogViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! AddDiveLogViewController
ADLVC.divenumber = selectedItem.valueForKey("divenumber") as! String
ADLVC.ddate = selectedItem.valueForKey("ddate") as! NSDate
ADLVC.divelocation = selectedItem.valueForKey("divelocation") as! String
ADLVC.existingItem = selectedItem
am I right? I get this link of an answer of how to save a Data to CoreData for you. because maybe something wrong in there.
here it is https://stackoverflow.com/a/26025022/5113355
I have an array of dates. I need to find the latest one. Can someone show me an example?
You can make NSDate conform to Comparable, as shown here
Given this, you can then use maxElement to find the maximum (i.e. the latest).
import Foundation
extension NSDate: Comparable { }
public func ==(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool {
return lhs.isEqualToDate(rhs)
public func <(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool {
return lhs.compare(rhs) == .OrderedAscending
let dates = [NSDate(), NSDate()]
let maxDate = maxElement(dates)
Note, maxElements goes bang for empty arrays so you may want to guard it with isEmpty:
let maxDate = dates.isEmpty ? nil : Optional(maxElement(dates))
Or, if you don’t want to go the extension route:
if let fst = dates.first {
let maxDate = dropFirst(dates).reduce(fst) {
or, to return an optional:
let maxDate = dates.reduce(nil) {
(lhs: NSDate?, rhs: NSDate?)->NSDate? in
lhs.flatMap({rhs?.laterDate($0)}) ?? rhs
You can make use of reduce:
guard let dates = dates, !dates.isEmpty else { return nil }
dates.reduce(Date.distantPast) { $0 > $1 ? $0 : $1 }
Edit: Handle empty or nil array
Swift has Array methods for getting both the min and max values for dates.
You can use the following:
let maxDate = myArrayOfDates.max()
let minDate = myArrayOfDates.min()
So if you have an array of dates like so:
And here is the code if you want to copy it:
let now = Date()
let dates = [
let sut = dates.max()
Hope this helps someone!
Run this in your playground
var dates = [NSDate]()
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
let date1 = dateFormatter.dateFromString("02-06-1987")
let date2 = dateFormatter.dateFromString("02-06-2001")
let date3 = dateFormatter.dateFromString("02-06-2010")
//var date1 = NSDate()
var maxDate = dates[0]
for i in 0...dates.count-1
if(maxDate.compare(dates[i]).rawValue == -1){
maxDate = dates[i]
have a good day :)
I'm trying to use Firebase timestamps in a Swift app. I'd like to store them in my Firebase, and use them as native NSDate objects in my app.
The docs say they are unix epoch time, so I've tried:
with no luck.
according to the debugger. What is the best way to pass these timestamps around?
ServerValue.timestamp() works a little differently than setting normal data in Firebase. It does not actually provide a timestamp. Instead, it provides a value which tells the Firebase server to fill in that node with the time. By using this, your app's timestamps will all come from one source, Firebase, instead of whatever the user's device happens to say.
When you get the value back (from a observer), you'll get the time as milliseconds since the epoch. You'll need to convert it to seconds to create an NSDate. Here's a snippet of code:
let ref = Firebase(url: "<FIREBASE HERE>")
// Tell the server to set the current timestamp at this location.
// Read the value at the given location. It will now have the time.
ref.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: {
snap in
if let t = snap.value as? NSTimeInterval {
// Cast the value to an NSTimeInterval
// and divide by 1000 to get seconds.
println(NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: t/1000))
You may find that you get two events raised with very close timestamps. This is because the SDK will take a best "guess" at the timestamp before it hears back from Firebase. Once it hears the actual value from Firebase, it will raise the Value event again.
For me in swift 5 use in another class:
import FirebaseFirestore
init?(document: QueryDocumentSnapshot) {
let data = document.data()
guard let stamp = data["timeStamp"] as? Timestamp else {
return nil
let date = stamp.dateValue()
This question is old, but I recently had the same problem so I'll provide an answer.
Here you can see how I am saving a timestamp to Firebase Database
let feed = ["userID": uid,
"pathToImage": url.absoluteString,
"likes": 0,
"author": Auth.auth().currentUser!.displayName!,
"postDescription": self.postText.text ?? "No Description",
"timestamp": [".sv": "timestamp"],
"postID": key] as [String: Any]
let postFeed = ["\(key)" : feed]
The particularly relevant line of code is "timestamp": [".sv": "timestamp"],
This saves the timestamp as a double in your database. This is the time in milliseconds so you need to divide by 1000 in order to get the time in seconds. You can see a sample timestamp in this image.
To convert this double into a Date I wrote the following function:
func convertTimestamp(serverTimestamp: Double) -> String {
let x = serverTimestamp / 1000
let date = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: x)
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .long
formatter.timeStyle = .medium
return formatter.string(from: date as Date)
This gives a timestamp that looks like this:
You will get the right time if you use:
let timestamp = FIRServerValue.timestamp()
let converted = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: timestamp / 1000)
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone.localTimeZone()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "hh:mm a"
let time = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(converted)
let serverTimeStamp = ServerValue.timestamp() as! [String:Any]
Store in Firebase something like [ktimeStamp:timestamp as AnyObject]
than after you convert in seconds using Firebase Server Time:
let timestampDate = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(timestamp as! NSNumber)/1000)
Firestore has an API for this --> -(NSDate *)dateValue
For example, if you have saved(set) a new document with a field "createdAtDate"
NSDictionary *dataToBeSaved = #{
//Tell the server to save FIRTimestamps when the document is created
#"createdAtDate":[FIRFieldValue fieldValueForServerTimestamp],
#"lastModifiedDate":[FIRFieldValue fieldValueForServerTimestamp],
//Other fields
#"userName":#"Joe Blow"
[myFirReference setData:[dataToBeSaved]
options:[FIRSetOptions merge]
completion:^(NSError* error) {
You can get back this information either with a get query or via setting a listener. When you have the snapshot back, just access the dates you saved and convert to NSDate.
NSDate *date1 = [snapshot.data[#"createdAtDate"] dateValue];
NSDate *date2 = [snapshot.data[#"lastModifiedDate"] dateValue];
There will be a slight loss in precision, but as most people use dates for data synchronization or sorts, I can't think of a case where the loss of precision would be an issue.
You can create a new transformer for ObjectMapper,
import Foundation
import ObjectMapper
class FirebaseDateTransform: TransformType {
public typealias Object = Date
public typealias JSON = Double
open func transformFromJSON(_ value: Any?) -> Date? {
if let millisecondsSince1970 = value as? Double {
return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: millisecondsSince1970 / 1000.0)
return nil
open func transformToJSON(_ value: Date?) -> Double? {
if let date = value {
return Double(date.timeIntervalSince1970) * 1000.0
return nil
Here is some code, based on alicanbatur's answer, that allows a date to be a Double or a server timestamp, and yet still work within an object mapping layer such as ObjectMapper.
enum FirebaseDate {
case date(Date)
case serverTimestamp
var date: Date {
switch self {
case .date(let date):
return date
case .serverTimestamp:
return Date()
class FirebaseDateTransform: TransformType {
public typealias Object = FirebaseDate
public typealias JSON = Any
open func transformFromJSON(_ value: Any?) -> FirebaseDate? {
switch value {
case let millisecondsSince1970 as Double:
let date = Date(millisecondsSince1970: millisecondsSince1970)
return .date(date)
case is [AnyHashable: Any]?:
return .serverTimestamp
return nil
open func transformToJSON(_ value: FirebaseDate?) -> Any? {
switch value {
case .date(let date)?:
return date.millisecondsSince1970
case .serverTimestamp?:
return ServerValue.timestamp()
return nil
You can get a date approximation from Firebase. For example if you're trying to change a firebase user's creation date (a Timestamp) to a Date:
Swift 4 and updated Firebase library variation of Katfang's answer:
let currentTimeStamp: TimeInterval?
let ref = Database.database().reference().child("serverTimestamp")
ref.observe(.value, with: { snap in
if let t = snap.value as? TimeInterval {
currentTimeStamp = t/1000