Modifying an angulardart material component - dart

I am working with angular_dart and angular_components (material).
I am trying to use a material-dropdown-select with long strings. However, the max width of the popup is limited to 448px, hard-coded. (see source)
What would be the best way to edit / inherit / override that component, so that I can specify the width I want?

Found a solution:
1) Add PopupSizeProviderDirective in the directives of the parent component
2) Use something like ....


issue with material-icons : no picture icon on Apache Royale

I want to use an icon image like in TourDeJewel, but when I use this code then the text "MENU" is showing instead of icon picture. (sdk 0.9.6)
<j:IconButton >
<js:FontIcon text="menu" material="true"/>
After check with browser inspector tool then material-icons css is missing
Could someone tell me why ?
Thank you in advance...
To get the CSS linked automatically you need to use MaterialIconType class at least one time so compiler can process it.
The reason is that class has an inject_html directive in its constructor so when the compiler finds it includes it automatically.
In Tour De Jewel we use that class through binding:
<j:IconButton click="drawer.isOpen ? drawer.close() :">
<js:FontIcon text="{MaterialIconType.MENU}" material="true"/>
(Note in that file we use a binding bead at top level to make the binding work (i.e: <js:ContainerDataBinding/>).
If you don't want to use MaterialIconType you can link it manually using a custom html template.

GXT 3.x Custom PropertyEditor / ValueBaseInputCell

I'm trying to write a custom field editor that will translate between Long and String. IE: String representation on screen but field type is a Long.
I've implemented the PropertyEditor (HrMinPropertyEditor) but don't know how to wire it in. My HrMinField is quite clunky as I needed to use a TriggerFieldCell because the generic types inside TextInputCell etc. prevented me from using them.
Do I need to do a subclass of ValueBaseInputCell? That seems strange since my PropertyEditor has all the Long / String conversions. It also looks difficult.
If so, is there a simple example or some documentation I can read?
BTW, my learning project is Maven based and should be easy to fire up if necessary:
svn checkout learn-gwt
cd learn-gwt
mvn gwt:run
Navigate to GXT | Forms | Time Edit
Thanks in advance,
PS: I've asked this on the Sencha forum too.
You should use method setPropertyEditor from Field class to specify your custom property editor:
HrMinField f = new HrMinField();
f.setPropertyEditor( new HrMinPropertyEditor() );
I managed to come up with a solution using a Converter and a Validator.
The more complete answer is on the Sencha thread.

Rolling custom control buttons

do you have a reference or tutorial on customizing skins graphics/css for mejs?
here's what i've hacked on:
i copied the mejs-ted block in the mejs-skins.css file and renamed its elements to mejs-custom. i created a new PNG file similar to the existing control-ted.png and noted the coordinates of each control. with those coordinates i changed the x/y offsets in mejs-custom (i could really use help with that, too).
but now how to activate this skin? and can you confirm the technique above is correct procedure to create skins? source has switchable skins, but the switching mechanism is pretty well obfuscated in the code, and the mediaelementplayer-skins.html file is missing from the demos section of the mu distribution.
Set up your player then use the changeSkin() method to add the class of your skin to the container div, which is reflected in your skin css file
var player = new MediaElementPlayer('#player-ID');
Then you can style all the elements.
.skin-container-class .mejs-controls {

Create column in TEasyListView

I use TEasyListView from I'd like to create a combobox in a column. I can't find any sample to do this from the component demo. If I use TListView, I could follow a trick from but I need to use TEasyListView. Please, give me some guides.
I am not sure but I would guess TEasyListView is a descendant of TListView since pretty much everyone creates new components based on lower level components. Try checking back into the components and you will more then likely find a way to use the "trick" you named above.

Field with 2 columns

I need to make a field with 2 columns in it. Instead of overriding the layout() and draw() methods, I'm looking for something easier, something like using HorizontalFieldManager. Is that possible?
You can use Blackberry Advanced UI Toolkit containers
Use GridFieldManager for that. See the Java Development Guide "Create a grid layout"
