Firebase Unity Google-services-info.plist iOS not working - ios

I'm trying to use Firebase in my unity project for IOS I imported the plist file but when I run the program I get the following error
Unable to load options for default app ([/Users/.../ Coding AR Demo/Assets/StreamingAssets/google-services-desktop.json, /Users/.../Assets/StreamingAssets/google-services.json] are missing or malformed)
Firebase app creation failed.
Firebase.FirebaseApp.CreateAndTrack (Firebase.CreateDelegate createDelegate, Firebase.FirebaseApp existingProxy)
Firebase.FirebaseApp.Create ()
Has anyone had a similar problem I'm not sure if I'm importing the file wrong it just says to drag it in the main assets folder

I fixed the issue by also importing the android setting, that is google-services.json in a folder named streaming assets
That seemed to fix it

I had the same problem today. In my case, I solved this issue by placing both google-services.json and Google-services-info.plist in Assets > StreamingAssets under my project directory, so Firebase was able to autoconfigure. I hope this helps somebody.

I created StreamingAssets folder in the Assests folder and copied the google-service.json file into that folder. then it was fixed


why I got error Build input file cannot be found when I remove the file from my download folder?

I have GoogleService-info.plist file in my project file of my app. The way I copy that file to my project is like this
I download the GoogleService-info.plist from Firebase site to my download folder on my Mac. and then I copy by dragging that file from download folder to Xcode by using this
and my problem is ....
when I delete the GoogleService-info.plist from the download folder on my mac, it will cause error on my Xcode project, the file is also dissappear from my project like this
Build input file cannot be found:
what went wrong in here ?
I have tried to search the answer like in this thread Problems after upgrading to Xcode 10: Build input file cannot be found but it seems the problem is little bit different
do I have the wrong way when copying the file to my project ?
I am using Xcode 10.
Look for Added folder options while adding GoogleService-Info.plist. You should select the first radio button Create groups instead of Create folder references and it will not be removed when you remove it from the other location, for now you are just referencing the item while adding it to the workspace.
Hope it helps.

Xcode Project cannot build after adding iOS Charts Framework (Info.plist not found)

I recently added the iOS-Charts framework to my Xcode Project. The project would build before I added the framework to my project, but will not afterwards. I am not even using any of the framework's features yet, it is not imported anywhere, I have just added it in embedded binaries according to the instructions here.
The build fail message: could not read data from .../AppName/Supporting Files/Info.plist': The file "Info.plist" couldn't be opened because there is no such file.
This does not make sense because nothing has been moved and if I remove the framework from the embedded binaries section the project does build.
Help will be much appreciated, thank you.
The error message has said clearly: The file "Info.plist" couldn't be opened because there is no such file. When you see this, double check the Info.plist file in your disk, to make sure it does exists.
If you removed the library and it start building again, it's more like the Info.plist is modified but broken. You may want to google and do some testing, like creating a new project and import the library to give a try. If the new project has the same issue, file an issue on its github page.
Turns out the project file for iOS Charts was moved when I was setting it up. The project file had to be dragged into the Xcode interface, not actually moved into the project directory.
I have met the same problem with you, as it said "no such file", and it provides the path of it. So I realized that I forget to copy "Supporting Files" to folder.
Notice the file in this screenshot:
the missing Info.plist
Then in your project: TARGET -> Building Settings -> Packaging -> Info.plist File
By the way, due to the bug of Xcode, you should build before import Charts.
Good Luck!

How to integrate Unity inside native iOS App?

I'm having troubles integrating a simple Unity project inside a native iOS App.
I followed this this tutorial but I think that some things have changed since it was written. I'm stuck with this error:
And thats not the only one, there are 1600 files that include include that file. The problem is that all this 1600 files have a wrong reference to il2cpp-codegen.h
This are my build settings for the Unity project:
So, after following all the tutorial, should I change all the files so that all the references would be correct? Or am I missing something else?
I'm currently using Unity 5.1.1f1 Personal version.
Do you have a warning saying folder not found or something like it?
I think you didn't set the path for Libraries/libil2cpp/include in your header search paths.
You probably didn't copy the Libraries/libil2cpp folder.
That folder isn't visible inside the Xcode project but you can find it in Finder. You should try and copy that folder also and maybe add it to the Build Phases in Xcode. Not sure about this last step.

FBDialogClosePNG.h not found in Facebook iOS SDK

I've been trying to upgrade the Facebook iOS SDK used in my app. I cloned the Git repo and copied everything across to the directory containing the old version, and attempted to build the project. However I get the error "FBDialogClosePNG.h" file not found. I can't find that filename anywhere in the repo, or anywhere else through Google. It appears that it is meant to be a wrapper class for an image, since it appears to be called through the following line:
UIImage* closeImage = [FBDialogClosePNG image];
Does anyone know what we're meant to do with this?
Removing Xcode's DerivedData directory and the generated Pods directory fixed this for me.
there is a file in the path {FB_SDK_DIR}/scripts/ which will generate a bunch of files including FBDialogClosePNG.h.
To get this file, you need to compile facebook's source codes using src/facebook-ios-sdk.xcodeproj first, then locate the DerivedSources folder, put the whole folder into your project.
And you will need a to switch off a lot of compiler warning before your code could compile. Then you should good to go
For me, it was because my Facebook-iOS-SDK pod didn't get fully updated for whatever reason. I deleted the Facebook-iOS-SDK folder from my Pods folder, then ran pod update again, and now the problem is fixed.
I was getting lots of missing files: FBDialogClosePNG.h, FBLikeButtonPopWAV.h, FBLikeButtonBackgroundPNG.h, FBLoginViewButtonPNG.h, FBPlacePickerViewGenericPlacePNG.h and FBProfilePictureViewBlankProfilePortraitPNG.h.

File not found when archiving iOS project

I am trying to archive my app into an .ipa file with Xcode 4.3.2 to send to the app store but I am getting this error when attempting to archive it:
'KKGridView/KKGridView.h' file not found
KKGridView is a different project in my workspace producing a single target which is a static library.
When performing a regular build it works well, also when deploying to a device.
I have read alot about this issue, I have tried setting Skip Install to YES on the static library project but that doesn't help.
I have encountered some tips regarding user headers or something but it wasn't very clear to me since I am not very familiar with the whole headers concept of Xcode.
Should I change the setup of my workspace or is there some configuration I am missing?
Eventually I just copied the entire source code of the library into my project and deleted the second project.
