CSRF issue on embedded form - ruby-on-rails

I have a Wordpress site that embeds some elements of a Ruby on Rails site (which is our Members Area and is located on a subdomain). The elements include a login form. When people use it, Rails returns an error due to invalid CSRF token. Do I have to disable CSRF for the login action? What are my options? If the answer is to disable it, then is there a painless way to do so for Devise?

Do not disable the CSRF token for security purposes. Instead, look through the code and identify where the CSRF token is originating from, usually the DB, and then you can create a variable with that token value and echo it into an field within the form in question with the specific CSRF token parameter that PHP is expecting.


Alternative to CSRF Protection for iFrame embed?

I am using a server side framework that implements a csrf token in a form for CSRF protection. In this app I am creating a form that needs to be implemented in an iFrame in other sites. Whenever I try to submit this form from the iFrame I get an error: invalid CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery).
Because of this I need to skip the CSRF protection for when the form is embedded. Are there alternatives I can use to protect my site in this scenario? Are there things I should do in this scenario because I can't use CSRF? Sorry I am new to web development. Thanks in advance.

Get around CSFR token for iOS app

I am developing an iOS app for a RoR api (my co-worker made it). I am trying to develop the login portion, but while testing the api in POSTMan, I noticed it requires a CSRF token. Is there a way to get around doing an api call to get the CSRF?
Side note: I am using AFNetworking 2.0
There are a couple things you can do:
You can launch a GET request before you do the post, and retrieve the sessions CSRF token. Then submit the POST form with an authenticity_token parameter as the proper CSRF token. You can embed the original token anywhere in the view with the rails helper form_authenticity_token, or just get it from the sign up form's hidden tag. (This is my favorite option)
You can make a secondary loggin-in action on your site that is actually a GET request in and of itself. It's not too dangerous to bypass the CRSF token here because anyone should have access to log in. This has the advantage of keeping CRSF for any other action you may need, but it wouldn't work for actions that need more security.
You can make your iOS page consist of a UIWebView. I'm not sure if this will suit your needs, but it would have the proper CSRF token and you can remove the UIWebView after submitting. It's kind of like option 1, but bulkier.
Good luck!
Easiest fix is to change the server side to not authenticate the CSRF token. Here's an example of using a different controller for your API.
class Api::BaseController < ApplicationController
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
In general, your API is either going to require authentication for API calls (in which case you should have your own authentication, or OAuth, or any number of authentication mechanisms) or isn't (in which case it's a publicly accessible API and CSRF doesn't matter). There a few other threads here and here that discuss it.
From another answer on SO (go upvote it!):
CSRF attacks rely on cookies being implicitly sent with all requests to a particular domain. If your API endpoints do not allow cookie-based authentication, you should be good.

Where does Rails 4 store the authentication token for CSRF protection?

Inside one of my controllers, I write the following to protect certain pages from CSRF.
protect_from_forgery :only => [:foo, :bar]
When I load the URL's which correspond to foo and bar, and I view the HTML, I do not see any hidden input fields or meta tags which contain any security tokens, as described here.
However, during testing, I did observe that CSRF is not effective against these pages, although it is effective against other pages in the same application which are not protected.
So where does Rails 4 store the security token which is used for verifying that the request came from the original page?
Note that I have already read through the Ruby On Rails Security Guide, and from the section on protect_from_forgery, it says
This will automatically include a security token in all forms and Ajax
requests generated by Rails. If the security token doesn't match what
was expected, the session will be reset.
The problem is that this security token appears to be missing from the forms on the pages with CSRF protection enabled, even though CSRF is indeed not effective against them.
Note, this code is from a class project, in which one of the objectives is to perform a clickjacking attack to bypass the CSRF project. The question I am asking here is orthogonal to the purpose of the assignment.
I am simply curious about exactly how Rails does CSRF.
After doing rails server in the directly, the relevant URL which I cannot find the security token for is http://localhost:3000/protected_transfer.
The CSRF token is stored in the user's session (which is in a cookie by default, in Rails; encrypted cookie in Rails 4). It is additionally written into the page as both a <meta> tag (for use by Javascript libraries) via the csrf_meta_tags helper method, and in a hidden field in any forms generated by form_tag or form_for in the page.
Looking at this project, the reason the CSRF token doesn't appear is that the HTML is written with a literal <form> tag, rather than the form_for helper, which would include the CSRF token. Additionally, the csrf_meta_tags helper is not present in the layout, which is why the meta tag doesn't get written.
The form is hardcoded to post to <form action="post_transfer" method="post"> which should not be protected by CSRF protections, so this form should be CSRF-able, even though the view is marked as protect_from_forgery. The protected_post_transfer method isn't likely to accept even legitimate requests, since the authenticity token is never sent.
I suspect the instructors missed this, since the test would be to use the form legitimately (hitting the unverified endpoint, and letting it succeed), and then the student is instructed to attempt to CSRF against the protected endpoint (which will never pass muster anyway), so you end up testing two different things that produce the right results for the wrong reasons.

Is it safe to disable CSRF-protection for an authenticated POST endpoint in Rails?

I'm finding myself in a situation where I could provide a much nicer user experience if I could disable CSRF token checking for an endpoint in my rails app.
The endpoint is a create action (routed to by POST /whatever), that's behind a devise :authenticate! filter.
Would I open myself up to any additional security risks by disabling the CSRF-protection for that specific endpoint, or can I safely rely on the authentication before_filter to stop the kind of malicious requests that the CSRF token protects against?
Following is a bit more detailed explanation as to why I want to do this if anyone is interested.
My use case is that I basically want to create something very similar to the Facebook likebutton, but this button (unlike the Facebook counterpart) is commonly going to occur multiple times on the same page.
The CSRF protection works fine except for the case where the user visits the page with empty cookies.
In this case rails generates a new session for each of the X number of requests since they are all cookie-less. And, of course, for each new session a new CSRF token is generated and returned in the response to the iframe.
Since the browser only keeps one cookie for the domain, any subsequent requests from each of the iframes will be mapped to the same session, and thus all of the CSRF tokens (except one) are invalid.
The mapping to a single session is nice since the user can be prompted to log in once, and then be mapped to the same log in for each of the subsequent buttons presses – without having to reload the page.
A compromise would be to respond with a 401 Unauthorized, but preserve the session of the rejected request (by overriding handle_unverified_request). This would trigger the sign in popup again, but this time an instant redirect occurs since the user is already signed in.
It would, of course, be best to avoid that flash of the sign in popup window, and thus I'd like to disable the CSRF protection all together for just the create action.
Authenticated requests are precisely what CSRF is about.
What CSRF means is that the attacker convinces the user's browser to make a request. For example you visit a page hosted by an attacker that has a form that looks like
<form action="http://www.yourapp.com/some_action">
#for parameters here
And some javascript on the page that auto submits the form. If the user is already logged in to your app, then this request will pass any cookie based authentication checks. However the attacker doesn't know the csrf token.
For an unauthenticated request, csrf serves no purpose - the attacker can just go ahead and make the request anyway - they don't need to hijack the victim's credentials.
So, short version: disabling csrf protection will leave you vulnerable to csrf style attacks.
What CSRF is really about is making sure the form contains a parameter that an attacker can't fake. The session is an easy place to store such a value but I imagine you could come up with alternatives. For example if the user can't control any of the parameters in the form, you could add another parameter which would be a signature of all the other parameters in the form (possibly with some sort of timestamp or nonce to prevent replay attacks). Upon receiving the request you can tell whether the request is from a form you generated by verifying the signature.
Be very careful about this sort of stuff as it is easy to get wrong (and even the big boys get it wrong sometimes.

Rails API design without disabling CSRF protection

Back in February 2011, Rails was changed to require the CSRF token for all non-GET requests, even those for an API endpoint. I understand the explanation for why this is an important change for browser requests, but that blog post does not offer any advice for how an API should handle the change.
I am not interested in disabling CSRF protection for certain actions.
How are APIs supposed to deal with this change? Is the expectation that an API client makes a GET request to the API to get a CSRF token, then includes that token in every request during that session?
It appears that the token does not change from one POST to another. Is it safe to assume that the token will not change for the duration of the session?
I don't relish the extra error handling when the session expires, but I suppose it is better than having to GET a token before every POST/PUT/DELETE request.
Old question but security is important enough that I feel it deserves a complete answer. As discussed in this question there are still some risk of CSRF even with APIs. Yes browsers are supposed to guard against this by default, but as you don't have complete control of the browser and plugins the user has installed, it's should still be considered a best practice to protect against CSRF in your API.
The way I've seen it done sometimes is to parse the CSRF meta tag from the HTML page itself. I don't really like this though as it doesn't fit well with the way a lot of single page + API apps work today and I feel the CSRF token should be sent in every request regardless of whether it's HTML, JSON or XML.
So I'd suggest instead passing a CSRF token as a cookie or header value via an after filter for all requests. The API can simply re-submit that back as a header value of X-CSRF-Token which Rails already checks.
This is how I did it with AngularJS:
# In my ApplicationController
after_filter :set_csrf_cookie
def set_csrf_cookie
if protect_against_forgery?
cookies['XSRF-TOKEN'] = form_authenticity_token
AngularJS automatically looks for a cookie named XSRF-TOKEN but feel free to name it anything you want for your purposes. Then when you submit a POST/PUT/DELETE you should to set the header property X-CSRF-Token which Rails automatically looks for.
Unfortunately, AngualrJS already sends back the XSRF-TOKEN cookie in a header value of X-XSRF-TOKEN. It's easy to override Rails' default behaviour to accomodate this in ApplicationController like this:
def verified_request?
super || form_authenticity_token == request.headers['X-XSRF-TOKEN']
For Rails 4.2 there is a built in helper now for validating CSRF that should be used.
def verified_request?
super || valid_authenticity_token?(session, request.headers['X-XSRF-TOKEN'])
I hope that's helpful.
EDIT: In a discussion on this for a Rails pull-request I submitted it came out that passing the CSRF token through the API for login is a particularly bad practice (e.g., someone could create third-party login for your site that uses user credentials instead of tokens). So cavet emptor. It's up to you to decide how concerned you are about that for your application. In this case you could still use the above approach but only send back the CSRF cookie to a browser that already has an authenticated session and not for every request. This will prevent submitting a valid login without using the CSRF meta tag.
Rails works with the 'secure by default' convention. Cross-Site or Cross-Session Request Forgery requires a user to have a browser and another trusted website. This is not relevant for APIs, since they don't run in the browser and don't maintain any session. Therefore, you should disable CSRF for APIs.
Of course, you should protect your API by requiring HTTP Authentication or a custom implemented API token or OAuth solution.
