Alternative to CSRF Protection for iFrame embed? - ruby-on-rails

I am using a server side framework that implements a csrf token in a form for CSRF protection. In this app I am creating a form that needs to be implemented in an iFrame in other sites. Whenever I try to submit this form from the iFrame I get an error: invalid CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery).
Because of this I need to skip the CSRF protection for when the form is embedded. Are there alternatives I can use to protect my site in this scenario? Are there things I should do in this scenario because I can't use CSRF? Sorry I am new to web development. Thanks in advance.


CSRF issue on embedded form

I have a Wordpress site that embeds some elements of a Ruby on Rails site (which is our Members Area and is located on a subdomain). The elements include a login form. When people use it, Rails returns an error due to invalid CSRF token. Do I have to disable CSRF for the login action? What are my options? If the answer is to disable it, then is there a painless way to do so for Devise?
Do not disable the CSRF token for security purposes. Instead, look through the code and identify where the CSRF token is originating from, usually the DB, and then you can create a variable with that token value and echo it into an field within the form in question with the specific CSRF token parameter that PHP is expecting.

How to protect against CSRF

How can I protect my website against Cross-Site Request Forgery attack?
I am visiting a "normal" website. (f.e. normal.php)
In the background it loads another website (f.e. victim.php/send_comment) where I'm already logged in.
The website fills the comment boxes of the victim.php with JS and automatically send the request.
In the web I always find the trick to use tokens against CSRF. But in this example, the website normal.php will get the token, when it loads the other website.
Am I misunderstanding how the token works? If not, how can i prevent my site from accepting this request?
The whole idea of CSRF is that you can't get victim.php/send_comment without a token from a previous page you've visited.
You form a "chain" of requests from your initial login until you get there, where each request is authorized by the previous one - unless you intercept the login page, there should be no way to forge requests.
The easiest and safest way of doing this is just using a web framework that handles CSRF for you. Doing it by hand is probably unnecessary and error-prone.

How to test CSRF

I am using Spring framework 3.2 and Spring Security 3.2 in my application. I have implemented CSRF in custom login form and in some other forms to protect against web threats. But now I have to test that custom login form and other pages are CSRF protected. How can I test it?
Will appreciate your help.
If you have Firefox you can download Firebug. Go to the custom login form for example. In Firebug, find the CSRF field and change the value. Submit the form. If you get a forbidden message, you have successfully verified CSRF protection.

Get around CSFR token for iOS app

I am developing an iOS app for a RoR api (my co-worker made it). I am trying to develop the login portion, but while testing the api in POSTMan, I noticed it requires a CSRF token. Is there a way to get around doing an api call to get the CSRF?
Side note: I am using AFNetworking 2.0
There are a couple things you can do:
You can launch a GET request before you do the post, and retrieve the sessions CSRF token. Then submit the POST form with an authenticity_token parameter as the proper CSRF token. You can embed the original token anywhere in the view with the rails helper form_authenticity_token, or just get it from the sign up form's hidden tag. (This is my favorite option)
You can make a secondary loggin-in action on your site that is actually a GET request in and of itself. It's not too dangerous to bypass the CRSF token here because anyone should have access to log in. This has the advantage of keeping CRSF for any other action you may need, but it wouldn't work for actions that need more security.
You can make your iOS page consist of a UIWebView. I'm not sure if this will suit your needs, but it would have the proper CSRF token and you can remove the UIWebView after submitting. It's kind of like option 1, but bulkier.
Good luck!
Easiest fix is to change the server side to not authenticate the CSRF token. Here's an example of using a different controller for your API.
class Api::BaseController < ApplicationController
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
In general, your API is either going to require authentication for API calls (in which case you should have your own authentication, or OAuth, or any number of authentication mechanisms) or isn't (in which case it's a publicly accessible API and CSRF doesn't matter). There a few other threads here and here that discuss it.
From another answer on SO (go upvote it!):
CSRF attacks rely on cookies being implicitly sent with all requests to a particular domain. If your API endpoints do not allow cookie-based authentication, you should be good.

Rails 4 skipping protect_from_forgery for API actions

I've been implementing a Rails 4 application with an API. I want to be able to call the API from mobile phones and the webapp itself. I came across this note while researching protect_from_forgery:
It's important to remember that XML or JSON requests are also affected and if you're building an API you'll need something like:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, if: :json_request?
def json_request?
I was thinking of doing this, but I have some reservations/questions:
This solution seems to leave the CSRF hole open because now an attacker could craft a link with an onclick javascript that posts JSON?
Would checking for an API token be a reasonable substitute? i.e., what if instead of skipping the authenticity check, allowing it to fail the check and recover in handle_unverified_request if the api token is present and correct for current user?
Or maybe I should just make the webapp and mobile devices send the CSRF token in the HTTP headers? Is that safe? How would the mobile phone even obtain the CSRF token, given that it isn't rendering HTML forms to begin with?
Edit for clarification:
I am more concerned about the webapp user clicking a crafted CSRF link. The mobile users are authenticated, authorized, an have an API key, so I am not concerned about them. But by enabling CSRF protection for the webapp users, the mobile users are blocked from using the protected API. I want to know the correct strategy for handling this, and I don't believe the Rails documentation gives the right answer.
An attacker could CURL at your controllers all they like, but if your API requires authentication, they wont get anywhere.
Making the API consumers send a CSRF is not really what CSRF does. To do this you'd need to implement a type of knocking mechanism where your client hits an authorization endpoint first to get the code (aka CSRF) and then submit it in the POST. this sucks for mobile clients because it uses their bandwidth, power, and is laggy.
And anyway, is it actually forgery (i.e. the F in CSRF) if its an authorized client hitting your controller after all?
Sending the CSRF token in an HTTP header is indeed a common approach. It ensures that the client has somehow obtained a valid token. For example, a crafted CSRF link will be sent with credential cookies but the header will not include the CSRF token. Your own javascript on the client will have access to domain cookies and will be able to copy the token from a cookie to the header on all XHR requests.
AngularJS follows this approach, as explained here.
As for your first two questions:
This solution seems to leave the CSRF hole open...
Indeed, which is why you should not disable the CSRF token also in your API.
Would checking for an API token be a reasonable substitute? ...
Probably not. Take into consideration the following (from OWASP):
CSRF tokens in GET requests are potentially leaked at several locations: browser history, HTTP log files, network appliances that make a point to log the first line of an HTTP request, and Referer headers if the protected site links to an external site.
General recommendation: Don't try to invent the wheel. OWASP has a page called REST Security Cheat Sheet as well as the one I linked to before. You can follow the Angular approach (copying the token from a cookie to a header on each XHR request) and for regular non-ajax forms, be sure to use only POST and a hidden field as is normally done in CSRF protection of static server forms.
