How can I sync the literature from a Mendeley group with Sharelatex? - mendeley

I have a group in Mendeley with a bunch of articles, and I would like to sync it with Sharelatex. However it only seems to sync with the articles in my personal Mendeley and I'm having a hard time making Sharelatex sync with only my desired group.
However, even testing it out with my personal Mendeley, I can't quite seem to get it to generate the Mendeley list in Sharelatex. Is there any special package that I need?

My solution for this is as follow:
Use Dropbox integration for the project, and find the project folder
in your Dropbox Apps folder.
Use Mendeley to save the whole library in that folder. I think you can only get the file name as library.bib. Your group references will be there. In a moment it gets synced by Dropbox, sharelatex will see it.
This solution works for me but seems a bit dirty.


Does PlasticsCM apply a read-only tag on client files?

I'm currently using Perforce for source control, the files on my workstation in the source controlled workspace are tagged with read-only, Perforce uses this tag to help manage which file was checked-out. and Unreal Engine editor, takes advantage of that tag, and lets me know when certain file need to be checked out, I value this very much because sometimes you can be working on one asset, and affect many files without realizing it.
We also use Google drive with the Filestream client. This mounts a g:/ drive on my workstation that I put all of my work project folders, not just code, but everything day to day work stuff.
This setup works great for everything, except... Google drive does not support "read-only" tags and makes using perforce more inconvenient, having to reconcile the project, or manually check files out( I am used to it happening automatically).
Now for my question about PlasticSCM... I might consider making the switch, but I've never used PlasticSCM, would someone be able to tell me if it uses the read-only file tag so that I could have my working source folder on the google drive mount g: ?
Many thanks and appreciation.
If you decide to use Plastic SCM (or any other SCM), I don't fully understand why you plan to use it at the same time with Google Drive.
You can use a Plastic workspace from where you can checkin your changes to a cloud repository. Then other members of your team can create a local workspace pointing to the same repo and this way, they can be up to date with your last changes in the project.
Anyway, answering to your specific question:
Plastic SCM by default doesn't set local files are read-only in your workspace.
You can still manually enable this workflow with the following preference:

TFS Get Latest Downloads No Files

I'm trying to work on a piece of code in a different Team Project, when I tried to map to a directory on my machine it didn't create a new folder. And when I try a Get Latest, or even Get Specific Version (with overwrite ticked) it doesn't give me any of the files - the project is still grey in Solution Explorer - and yet it says all files are up to date.
I can't seem to do this for a few projects that I've now tried, I even seem to be struggling to get a Get Latest on the Team Project I am using as it is dropping the bindings so sees everything as not changed.
There is this question, which says permission issue, but it doesn't give me nearly enough information and may not even be a solution for me.
You need Read permission for this project. Check the screenshot below and contact your administrator to grant you appropriate permission:

VS Online TFS Remove Folder and Start Over?

Just started working with TFS / VS Online and managed to screw up the folder structure. I've read a dozen or so posts and it sounds scary to try to fix, so looking for guidance.
I decided to move the folder on my local machine and apparently overlooked some un-mapping chores. So when I checked in my solution the next time I managed to create an entire solution inside the existing solution. My instinct is to un-map my local drive and delete the entire folder structure from TFS and start fresh. I share the project with only one other person and I figured we could coordinate the effort. After reading many of the posts it sounds like I could end up creating a huge mess.
What's the recommended approach for cleaning up my mess, or is it better to live with it?

Is it possible to set up continuous integration for MS dynamics crm 2011?

We are just beginning development and implementation for dynamics crm 2011 on premises. Is it possible to implement automation for code check-in to promote code from development to test systems? It looks like this would involve export/import of unmanaged solutions containing the development code that was checked in. I have not been able to find APIs around this functionality.
If that is not possible, how close can you get? It looks like there are APIs to automate the uploading of web resources and plug-ins (e.g. webresourceutility in the sdk), but the web resources still need to be manually linked to the form they are to be used on (in the case of javascript etc). Has anyone made progress in automating parts of their CRM environments?
for reference, we're using vs 2010 & tfs 2010 using MSuild for current continuous integration.
We have a few techniques that provides us a very solid CI structure.
All our Plugins are CI Compiled on Check-In
All plugin code we write has self-registration details as part of the component.
We have written a tool which plays the Plugins to the database, uninstalling the old ones first based on the self-registration
We have an unmanaged solution in a Customisation organisation which
is clean and contains no data. Development is conducted out of this
organisation. It has entities, forms, Jscript, Views, Icons, Roles,
This Customisation database has all the solutions we've imported from 3rd parties, and customisations are made into our solution which is the final import into a destination organisation.
The Solution is exported as managed and unmanaged and saved into
We store the JScript and SSRS RDLs in TFS and have a custom tool
which plays these into the customisation database before it is
We also have a SiteMap unmanaged Solution which is exported as unmanaged (to ensure we get a final resultant Sitemap we are after)
We have a UI and Command Line driven tool which does the following :-
Targets a particular Organisation
Imports the Customisation managed solution into a selected environment. e.g. TEST. Additionally imports the unmanaged Sitemap.
Uninstalls the existing solution which was there (we update the solution.xml file giving it a name based on date/time when we import)
Installs/Uninstalls the Plugin Code
Installs any custom SQL scripts (for RDLs)
Re-enables Duplicate Detection Rules
Plays in certain meta-data we store under source control. e.g. Custom Report entity we built which has attachments and XML configuration.
It isn't entirely perfect, but via command line we refresh TEST and all the Developer PCs nightly. It takes about 1 hour to install and then uninstall the old solution per organisation.
We use CI extensively for Dynamics CRM. For managing solutions, I would recommend using a "clean" Dynamics CRM implementation which will be the master for your solutions and also for your "domain data". See for importing solutions. Also check out -

VSS - Solution file between multiple users

we have a solution with multiple projects that is being developed by a team of developers. Project paths in the solution file checked in initially contains the path that are specific to that developer. Now when another dev gets latest of the solution, some of the projects won't load as the path differs.
What's a better way to manage this ?
When using VSS, I usually have each developer use a local copy of the solution that isn't kept in source control.
The downside is you have to create a new solution from scratch (or use a template from someone else) for each developer that comes on board, but it does address the problem you're seeing.
The simplest way is to dictate where projects/solutions are stored, for example, ensure/insist that everyone stores their working directories rooted at C:\VSS. That ensures that all paths are consistent between developers and stops things breaking.
