Error while running sonar-scanner on mac machine - ios

I have installed the latest version of sonarqube 7.0 on my mac machine and trying to configure my iOS Swift project.
I am getting the following error while running the command sonar-scanner
ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
ERROR: org/sonar/api/measures/PersistenceMode
ERROR: Caused by: org.sonar.api.measures.PersistenceMode
ERROR: Re-run SonarQube Scanner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
ERROR - Command 'sonar-scanner ' failed with error code: 1
Note: Using the latest plugin backelite-sonar-swift-plugin-0.3.5.jar

The above issues has a quick fix in the below link,
Download the plugin and replace with the old version. It might help you.


Android gradle not build if running the projects apps

caused by: org.gradle.workers.internal.defaultworkerexecutor$workexecutionexception: a failure occurred while executing$parseresourcesrunnable
This is error show in the logcat windows.
please help me
I am trying to resolve this error but not solve it is expert level error also i trying to suppport design libarary import in gradle app file.

Unable to find utility actool: not a developer tool or in PATH - Unity

I am getting an error while running the Build and Run command on macOS Monterey with Unity 2021.3.
The error is: Unable to find utility actool: not a developer tool or in PATH
Any fix for that?
As already resolve in this question Command Line Tool - Error - xcrun: error: unable to find utility "xcodebuild", not a developer tool or in PATH ,
These are the steps in order to resolve the issue:
Open XCode
Preferences > Location
Command Line Tool: XCode <version>

java.lang.AssertionError: getIOSDriver(): Exception occurred instantiating IOSDriver (Running Synergy server)

openjdk version "13.0.10" 2022-01-18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu13.46+15-CA (build 13.0.10+5-MTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu13.46+15-CA (build 13.0.10+5-MTS, mixed mode, sharing)
Synergy server jar v.3.0.17
npm v.8.5.0
node v.16.14.2
I want to run automated tests on my real device (iPhone SE, OS: 14.6 [cannot update OS]). I run WebDriverAgentRunner on my device in Xcode (v.13.3), testing starts on my real device:
Never ending test used to start WebDriverAgent
- (void)testRunner
FBWebServer *webServer = [[FBWebServer alloc] init];
webServer.delegate = self;
[webServer startServing];
Running Synergy server (session on http://localhost:7777).
Added synergy server url to my file:
But when I run testng.xml file in IntelliJ, I get an error on methodSetup method which is:
#BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public void methodSetup(String env, Method method) {
DeviceCapabilities capabilities =
And the error is:
java.lang.AssertionError: getIOSDriver(): Exception occurred instantiating IOSDriver. Exception: com.synergy.core.exceptions.SessionNotStartedException: [{"results":"Session 278b848c-442c-4806-a789-25f2e68f8588 failed to start with error: Unable to find ios_webkit_debug_proxy on your path! Is it installed and available? See the Synergy Server README for details but it can easily be installed via 'brew install --HEAD ios-webkit-debug-proxy' on MAC."},{"results":"Session 278b848c-442c-4806-a789-25f2e68f8588 failed to start with error: Unable to find libimobiledevice packages on your path! Is it installed and available? See the Synergy Server README for details but it can easily be installed via 'brew install libimobiledevice' on MAC."},{"results":"Session 278b848c-442c-4806-a789-25f2e68f8588 failed to start with error: Unable to find ios-deploy on your path! Is it installed and available? See the Synergy Server README for details but it can easily be installed via 'brew install ios-deploy' on MAC."},{"results":"Session 278b848c-442c-4806-a789-25f2e68f8588 failed to start with error: Unable to find Appium on your path! Is it installed and available? See the Synergy Server README for details but it can easily be installed via 'npm install -g appium' on MAC and windows."},{"results":"Session 278b848c-442c-4806-a789-25f2e68f8588 failed to start with error: The device at 00008030-000A0D012152402E did not respond! Is the device online and reachable?"}]
Can anyone clarify what can cause this issue, please?
Note: I've removed node and moved it to usr/local/bin path (opt/homebrew/bin was set as path for node before) but that didn't help. Now I see that appium, ios-deploy and ios_webkit_debug_proxy are also in /opt/homebrew/bin folder, maybe that can be the problem?
I've tried reinstalling node so that it is inside usr/local/bin and updated Xcode to use the latest release, also I tried different versions of Synergy server. No results, the same error.

error: occurred while running subprocess Cordova while adding platform iOS

When I try to run
ionic platform add ios --verbose
it fails with the following error:
An error occurred while running subprocess Cordova.
I got an extra info on an error by running cmd with --verbose flag and I think this could be the reason for the error.
No scripts found for hook "after_platform_add".
also when it is installing plugins while adding platform
No scripts found for hook "after_plugin_install".
No scripts found for hook "before_plugin_install".
this is the log I am getting.
can anyone help with this?

meteor cordova build error for ios platform

I am getting the error below when building meteor with ios platform. A few days ago it all worked fine. OS is Sierra 10.12, meteor When I remove the ios platform it builds fine. Android is not added.
I already tried:
Removed and added ios platform
Removed .meteor/local
Here is the output from the terminal:
Tims-MacBook-Pro:pressIt cmt$ meteor build ../outputPressit --server
=> Errors executing Cordova commands:
While adding plugin to Cordova project:
Cordova error: Failed to fetch plugin via git.
Either there is a connection problems, or plugin spec is incorrect:
Error: git: Command failed with exit code 128 Error output:
fatal: reference is not a tree: 8bf95eed3f313299fc2de33658866278eea2cdc5
(If the error message contains suggestions for a fix, note that this may not apply to the Meteor integration. You can try running again with the --verbose option to help diagnose the issue.)
I also tried the --verbose option and here is some of the output:
%% Copying splash from /Users/cmt/WebstormProjects/pressIt/.meteor/local/cordova-build/resources/iphone6p_landscape.splash.png to /Users/cmt/WebstormProjects/pressIt/.meteor/local/cordova-build/platforms/ios/pressIt/Images.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-Landscape-736h.png
%% updated project successfully
%% Executing "after_plugin_add" hook for all plugins.
Adding plugin weba90-]\m8
-=05643pp.git#8bf95eed3f313299fc2de33658866278eea2cdc5 to Cordova project
%% Executing "before_plugin_add" hook for all plugins.
%% Calling plugman.fetch on plugin ""
%% Fetching plugin "" via git clone
%% Running command: git clone /var/folders/p7/s_tltgm15mg63r15wkn1c24c0000gq/T/git/1477224169788
%% Command finished with error code 0: git clone,,/var/folders/p7/s_tltgm15mg63r15wkn1c24c0000gq/T/git/1477224169788
%% Running command: git checkout 8bf95eed3f313299fc2de33658866278eea2cdc5
%% Command finished with error code 128: git checkout,8bf95eed3f313299fc2de33658866278eea2cdc5
=> Errors executing Cordova commands:
While adding plugin to Cordova project:
Cordova error: Failed to fetch plugin via git.
Either there is a connection problems, or plugin spec is incorrect:
Error: git: Command failed with exit code 128 Error output:
fatal: reference is not a tree: 8bf95eed3f313299fc2de33658866278eea2cdc5
at /Users/cmt/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.1.4.1_3.1u5hjow++os.osx.x86_64+web.browser+web.cordova/mt-os.osx.x86_64/dev_bundle/lib/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/plugman/fetch.js:88:33
at _rejected
This seemed to have been a temporary issue as it got resolved the next day without making related changes.
