Docker swarm - how to replicate a service on each node in the swarm - docker

I would like to deploy a stack to a docker swarm where I want each node to run a given service.
I looked at deploy.placement configuration and the closest option I found is the placement preference which will equally distribute the services on nodes matching the label. However this requires updating the replicas count all the time to match the number of nodes.
Is there a way to automatically deploy a service on all the nodes without manually updating the replica count?

Is there a way to automatically deploy a service on all the nodes without manually updating the replica count?
Yes, deploy your service in global mode instead of replicated. Example from the link:
version: '3'
image: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker
mode: global
This will run a single instance of the container on every node matching your constraints.


can i limit the active service in a swarm to 1 instance?

i’m currently in the process of setting up a swarm with 5 machines. i’m just wondering if i can and should limit the swarm to only allow one active instance of a service? and all others just wait till they should jump in when the service fail.
This is to prevent potential concurrency problems with maria-db (as the nodes sill write to a nas), or connection limit to an external service (like node red with telegram)
If you're deploying with stack files you can set "replicas: 1" in the deploy section to make sure only one instance runs at a time.
If that instance fails (crashes or exits) docker will start another one.
If the service is replicated (which is the default), replicas
specifies the number of containers that SHOULD be running at any given
services: frontend:
image: awesome/webapp
mode: replicated
replicas: 6
If you want multiple instances running and only one "active" hitting the database you'll have to coordinate that some other way.

How to switch to docker Compose file v3 for applications running exclusively on my workstation?

There are a lot of applications which I launch on my workstation using docker-compose up.
They don't have an installer, or I don't want to use it
They require a dedicated storage engine to be present
They require a build process step
They are created by me and I want them to be easily launched on any workstation
So what I usually end up with the following file-structure:
- docker-compose.yml
- Dockerfile (not always)
- someConfigFile
And my docker-compose.yml is something like this:
(It can contain 2 or 3 services, but I provide the simplest form that I use)
version: '3.7'
image: mysql:5.7.29
restart: always
- ./mysqld.cnf:/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
- 3306:3306
Then when I need to launch the application I just perform:
docker-compose up # (or with --build)
Recently I tried to add:
cpus: '0.50'
memory: 200M
and got a message:
Some services (mysql) use the 'deploy' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 'deploy' configuration - use docker stack deploy to deploy to a swarm.
So I tried:
docker stack deploy mystack --compose-file docker-compose.yml
and got message:
Ignoring unsupported options: restart
this node is not a swarm manager. Use "docker swarm init" or "docker swarm join" to connect this node to swarm and try again
This seems more complex that docker-compose up.
I saw that I can use --compatibility flag e.g.
docker-compose --compatibility up
But the word compatibility means to me that I should soon switch to a new way of launching my apps locally.
My question is: What is the new procedure that I should follow for launching apps on my workstation using a docker and a descriptor file, in order to support options present in Compose file v3?
If you want to specify memory limits and similar constraints for local containers, you need to use a version 2 Compose file. This is called out in the documentation for the deploy: resources: section. docker/compose#4513 has some reasonably clear statements that Compose file version 2 is more targeted at local setups and version 3 more at Swarm installations, and that Docker intends to keep supporting both file versions.
Docker has put many options and functions specific to their Swarm cluster-installation mode into the core product. Anything that mentions a "stack", for example, is specific to a Swarm setup. One consequence of Swarm and plain-Docker things being combined together is that the deploy: Docker Compose options only have an effect in Swarm mode. The documentation for the deploy: key notes:
This only takes effect when deploying to a swarm with docker stack deploy, and is ignored by docker-compose up and docker-compose run.
My question is: What is the new procedure that I should follow for launching apps on my workstation using a docker and a descriptor file, in order to support options present in Compose file v3?
Docker compose V3 is meant to be used with Docker Swarm deployments, therefore you need to run your Docker in Swarm mode, otherwise just keep using the V2 and it's simpler interface for localhost developments.
For example restart is ignored because that responsibility belongs now to the Docker Swarm, not to Docker itself.
Using the compatibility flag it's kind of converting at runtime your V3 compose file into a V2 compose file.
So in short just use V3 if you want to run Docker in Swarm mode to take advantage of all its new features, aka it's kind of a Kubernetes in Docker land.

Docker container names

I'm using Docker on Rails project. I found only one way to reliably link services between each other, i. e. specifying container_name in docker-compose.yml:
version: '3'
container_name: sociaball_db
container_name: sociaball_web
container_name: sociaball_sphinx
So now I can write something like this in database.yml and stop worrying about, say, database container randomly changing its name from db to db_1:
common: &common
host: sociaball_db
However, I can only run three containers at the same time. Whenever I try to run docker-container up if some containers aren't down it will raise an error.
ERROR: for sociaball_db Cannot create container for service db: Conflict. The container name "/sociaball_db" is already in use by container "ee787c06db7b2a0205e3c1e552b6a5496545a78fe12d942fb792b27f3c38769c". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
It is very inconvenient. It often forces explicitly deleting all the containers just to make sure they have no opportunity to break. Is there a way around that?
When running several containers from one compose file, there will be a default network where all containers are attached to (if not specified differently).
There is no need to reference a container by its container or hostname as docker-compose automatically sets up some dns service discovery where each docker-compose service can be resolved by its service name (the key used one level below services:.
So your service called web can reach your database using the name db. No need to specify a container name for this use case. For more details please see the docker docs on networking that also demonstrates a rails app accessing a database.

Host names are not set in docker compose

I created simple compose config to try Postgres BDR replication.
I expect containers to have host names as service names I defined and I expect one container to be able to resolve and reach another with this hostname. I expect it to be true because of that:
My config:
version: '2'
image: bdr
- /var/lib/postgresql/data1:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- "5001:5432"
image: bdr
- /var/lib/postgresql/data2:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- "5002:5432"
But in reality both containers get rubbish hostnames and are not reachable by container names:
Creating network "bdr_default" with the default driver
Creating bdr_bdr1_1
Creating bdr_bdr2_1
Attaching to bdr_bdr1_1, bdr_bdr2_1
bdr1_1 | Hostname: 938e0585fee2
bdr2_1 | Hostname: 7153165f4d5b
Is it a bug, or I did something wrong?
I use Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS, Docker version 1.10.1, build 9e83765, docker-compose version 1.6.0, build d99cad6
docker-compose gives you the option of scaling services up or down, meaning you can launch multiple instances of the same service. That is at least one reason why the hostnames are not just service names. You will notice that if you scale bdr1 to 2 instance, you will then have bdr_bdr1_1 and bdr_bdr1_2 containers.
You can work around this inside the containers that were started up by docker-compose in at least two ways:
If a service refers to other service, you can use links section, for example make bdr1 link to bdr2. In this case when you are inside bdr1 you can call host bdr2 by name. I have not tried what happens when you scale up bdr2 in this case.
You can force the hostname of a container internally to the name you want by using the hostname section. For example if you add hostname: bdr1 to bdr1, then you can internally connect to bdr1, which is itself.
You can possibly achieve similar result with the networks section, but I have not yet used it myself so I don't know for sure.
The hostname inside the container should be the short container id, so this is correct (note there was a bug with Compose 1.6.0 and the short container id, so you should use at least version 1.6.2). Also /etc/hosts is not longer used, there is now an embedded dns server that handles resolving names to container ip addresses.
The container is discoverable by other containers with 3 names: the container name, the container short id, and the service name.
However, the other container may not be available immediately when the first one starts. You can use depends_on to set the order.
If you are testing the discovery, try using ping, and make sure to retry , because the name may not resolve immediately.

Docker-compose: Mount a volume only in the first container

I'm using docker compose to run a MariaDB Galera Cluster, where each node is a docker container, but MariaDB GC need a master node at start to initialize the database.
I'd like to choose the master container by mounting a file as a volume in the container, with a script at start which check for this file. So I need docker-compose to mount the file only for the first container launched and not for the container created by doing docker-compose scale.
Is it possible ?
What you want to do is not directly possible; when using docker-compose scale you will get a suite of identical containers. You have several options available for selecting a primary node for your Galera cluster. Here are two; there are undoubtedly others:
Explicit primary
Have the primary be a single-instance container in your docker-compose.yaml file, and only scale the secondary containers.
image: myimage
command: command_to_start_galera_master
image: myimage
- galera_primary
command: command_to_start_galera_worker
Dynamic primary
If you're willing to write some code, you could probably use etcd to perform master election, probably by taking advantage of the ability to atomically create keys.
I don't have an example of this handy, but the process should be relatively simple:
Each node attempts to create a particular key in etcd
The node that succeeds is the master
Other nodes can query etcd for the address of the master
