Host names are not set in docker compose - docker

I created simple compose config to try Postgres BDR replication.
I expect containers to have host names as service names I defined and I expect one container to be able to resolve and reach another with this hostname. I expect it to be true because of that:
My config:
version: '2'
image: bdr
- /var/lib/postgresql/data1:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- "5001:5432"
image: bdr
- /var/lib/postgresql/data2:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- "5002:5432"
But in reality both containers get rubbish hostnames and are not reachable by container names:
Creating network "bdr_default" with the default driver
Creating bdr_bdr1_1
Creating bdr_bdr2_1
Attaching to bdr_bdr1_1, bdr_bdr2_1
bdr1_1 | Hostname: 938e0585fee2
bdr2_1 | Hostname: 7153165f4d5b
Is it a bug, or I did something wrong?
I use Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS, Docker version 1.10.1, build 9e83765, docker-compose version 1.6.0, build d99cad6

docker-compose gives you the option of scaling services up or down, meaning you can launch multiple instances of the same service. That is at least one reason why the hostnames are not just service names. You will notice that if you scale bdr1 to 2 instance, you will then have bdr_bdr1_1 and bdr_bdr1_2 containers.
You can work around this inside the containers that were started up by docker-compose in at least two ways:
If a service refers to other service, you can use links section, for example make bdr1 link to bdr2. In this case when you are inside bdr1 you can call host bdr2 by name. I have not tried what happens when you scale up bdr2 in this case.
You can force the hostname of a container internally to the name you want by using the hostname section. For example if you add hostname: bdr1 to bdr1, then you can internally connect to bdr1, which is itself.
You can possibly achieve similar result with the networks section, but I have not yet used it myself so I don't know for sure.

The hostname inside the container should be the short container id, so this is correct (note there was a bug with Compose 1.6.0 and the short container id, so you should use at least version 1.6.2). Also /etc/hosts is not longer used, there is now an embedded dns server that handles resolving names to container ip addresses.
The container is discoverable by other containers with 3 names: the container name, the container short id, and the service name.
However, the other container may not be available immediately when the first one starts. You can use depends_on to set the order.
If you are testing the discovery, try using ping, and make sure to retry , because the name may not resolve immediately.


How can one configure the name a docker-compose service will have in dockerd dns (to remove underscores)?

I have a service called my_service which is resolvable by other containers on shared networks using the same name as the service definition: my_service. I'm not a fan of underscores in hostnames or domainnames as they are not widely accepted/supported.
I would like to change the name in the dockerd dns so that it is reachable via "my-service" instead, hopefully without changing the service name in the compose file.
version: "2"
image: foo
hostname: my-service
- "default"
- "othernet"
driver: bridge
I've tried the compose setting hostname: my-service, which gets added to the Config.Hostname key on the container. But the key doesn't get used for name resolution from other containers.
Additionally, and this is a side issue, but compose consistently mangles names for all sorts of different reasons (to satisfy linux network bridge names, container names, network names, volume names etc) I don't immediately see why removing underscores from dns names would be considered one step too far.
Network aliases are one way to do it. You would provide, for each network you wish to change the container's name on, a list of alternate names for it.
So, your service definition would become:
image: foo
hostname: my-service
- my-service
- my-srv
- my-service
# the global `networks` section at the bottom doesn't need to be touched.
Note1: You don't have to add aliases on each of the networks the container is on. Omit the aliases key for that section if you don't need any additional names.
Note2: The aliases section will add new names, but it won't remove any existing default mappings. So the container would also still be reachable under my_service after you add more aliases.
If you do docker inspect <containerid>, you would be able to see other aliases for the container on each network. By default, dockerd will throw in the short form of the containerid, e.g. afe2314, in the bag of aliases.

Docker container names

I'm using Docker on Rails project. I found only one way to reliably link services between each other, i. e. specifying container_name in docker-compose.yml:
version: '3'
container_name: sociaball_db
container_name: sociaball_web
container_name: sociaball_sphinx
So now I can write something like this in database.yml and stop worrying about, say, database container randomly changing its name from db to db_1:
common: &common
host: sociaball_db
However, I can only run three containers at the same time. Whenever I try to run docker-container up if some containers aren't down it will raise an error.
ERROR: for sociaball_db Cannot create container for service db: Conflict. The container name "/sociaball_db" is already in use by container "ee787c06db7b2a0205e3c1e552b6a5496545a78fe12d942fb792b27f3c38769c". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
It is very inconvenient. It often forces explicitly deleting all the containers just to make sure they have no opportunity to break. Is there a way around that?
When running several containers from one compose file, there will be a default network where all containers are attached to (if not specified differently).
There is no need to reference a container by its container or hostname as docker-compose automatically sets up some dns service discovery where each docker-compose service can be resolved by its service name (the key used one level below services:.
So your service called web can reach your database using the name db. No need to specify a container name for this use case. For more details please see the docker docs on networking that also demonstrates a rails app accessing a database.

How to access container from another compose that connected to external network?

Here is compose file with config of container that I wish to connect to from external container (defined in another compose file):
version: '3.5'
build: .
- my-external-network
external: true
and another compose file that contains config for container from which I wish to connect to service-to-connect-to:
version: "3.5"
build: .
I tried to connect to service-to-connect-to via this domains:
but nothing of them worked.
Where I'm wrong?
First, you have to add both services to same network in order to connect them. So, the latter compose file should be something like
version: "3.5"
build .
- my-external-network
external: true
Now that both services are on the same network they can find each other using container's name. Container name is by default same as the service name BUT docker compose also prefixes it by project name which is by default the directory name where the compose file exists. You can see this if you first start the services by docker-compose up -d and then see how the containers get named by running docker ps. The container name could be for example project1_service-to-connect-to. With this name you can connect from another service.
If you like to, you can also set the container's name explicitly using container_name option for service. When used, compose doesn't prefix the container name anymore.
This is not possible with compose, because the second docker-compose file will create a different network with the current directory name and then your both the services will be in two different docker network and will not be able talk to each other.
So you can do two things:
1. either use same network for both the services (then its better to have one combined compose file).
2. use docker swarm stacks, where you can connect to other services with <service_name>.<stack_name>
Note: Even service links does not help, because compose creates different network while running the second file.

Docker compose/swarm 3: docker file path , build, container name, links, migration

I have project with docker-compose file and want to migrate to V3, but when deploy with
docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml vertx
It does not understand build path, links, container names...
My file locate d here
version: '3'
image: eureka-node
build: ./eureka-node
container_name: eureka-node
- '8761:8761'
- vertx-network
image: postgres-node
build: ./postgres-node
container_name: postgres-node
- '5432:5432'
- vertx-network
image: vertx-node
build: ./vertx-node
container_name: vertx-node
- postgres-node
- eureka-node
- '8585:8585'
- vertx-network
driver: overlay
when I run docker-compose up, it is working, but with
stack deploy not.
How to define path for docker file?
docker stack deploy works only on images, not on builds.
This means that you will have to push your images to an image registry (created with the build process), later docker stack deploy will download the images and execute them.
here you have an example of how was it done for a php application.
You have to pay attention to the parts 1, 3 and 4.
The articles are about php, but can easily be applied to any other language.
The swarm mode "docker service" interface has a few fundamental differences in how it manages containers. You are no longer directly running containers like with "docker run", and it is assumed that you will be doing this in a distributed environment more often than not.
I'll break down the answer by these specific things you listed.
It does not understand build path, links, container names...
The link option has been deprecated for quite some time in favor of the network service discovery feature introduced alongside the "docker network" feature. You no longer need to specify specific links to/from containers. Instead, you simply need to ensure that all containers are on the same network and then they can discovery eachother by the container name or "network alias"
docker-compose will put all your containers into the same network by default, and it sets up the compose service name as an alias. That means if you have a service called 'postgres-node', you can reach it via dns by the name 'postgres-node'.
Container Names
The "docker service" interface allows you to declare a desired state. "I want x number of identical services". Since the interface must support x number of instances of a service, it doesn't allow you to choose the specific container name. Instead, you get to choose the service name. In the case of 'docker stack deploy', the service name defined under the services key in your docker-compose.yml file will be used, but it will also prepend the stack name to the service name.
In most cases, I would argue that overriding the container name in a docker-compose.yml file is unnecessary, even when using regular containers via docker-compose up.
If you need a different name for network service discovery purposes, add a different alias or use the service name alias that you get when using docker-compose or docker stack deploy.
build path
Because swarm mode was built to be a distributed system, building an image in place locally isn't something that "docker stack deploy" was meant to do. Instead, you should build and push your image to a registry that all nodes in your cluster can access.
In the case where you are using a single node swarm "cluster", you should be able to use the docker-compose build option to get the images built locally, and then use docker stack deploy.

How to avoid the "Docker cannot link to a non running container" error when the external-linked container is actually running using docker-compose

What we want to do:
We want to use docker-compose to link one already running container (A) to another container (B) by container name. We use "external-link" as both containers are started from different docker-compose.yml files.
Container B fails to start with the error although a container with that name is running.
ERROR: for container_b Cannot start service container_b: Cannot link to a non running container: /PREVIOUSLY_LINKED_ID_container_a_1 AS /container_b_1/container_a_1
output of "docker ps":
RUNNING_ID container_a "/docker-entrypoint.s" 15 minutes ago Up 15 minutes 5432/tcp container_a_1
Sample code:
docker-compose.yml of Container B:
- container_a_1
What differs this question from the other "how to fix"-questions:
we can't use "sudo service docker restart" (which works) as this is a production environment
We don't want to fix this every time manually but find the reason so that we can
understand what we are doing wrong
understand how to avoid this
It seems like two instances of the container_a exist (RUNNING_ID and PREVIOUSLY_LINKED_ID)
This might happen because we
rebuilt the container via docker-compose build and
changed the forwarded external port of the container (80801:8080)
Do not use docker-compose down as suggested in the comments, this removes volumnes!
Docker links are deprecated so unless you need some functionality they provide or are on an extremely old version of docker, I'd recommend switching to docker networks.
Since the containers you want to connect appear to be started in separate compose files, you would create that network externally:
docker network create app_net
Then in your docker-compose.yml files, you connect your containers to that network:
version: '3'
name: app_net
# ...
- app_net
Then in your container_b, you would connect to container_a as "container_a", not "container_a_1".
As an aside, docker-compose down is not documented to remove volumes unless you pass the -v flag. Perhaps you are using anonymous volumes, in which case I'm not sure that docker-compose up would know where to find your data. A named volume is preferred. More than likely, your data was not being stored in a volume, which is dangerous and removes your ability to update your containers:
$ docker-compose down --help
By default, the only things removed are:
- Containers for services defined in the Compose file
- Networks defined in the `networks` section of the Compose file
- The default network, if one is used
Networks and volumes defined as `external` are never removed.
Usage: down [options]
--rmi type Remove images. Type must be one of:
'all': Remove all images used by any service.
'local': Remove only images that don't have a custom tag
set by the `image` field.
-v, --volumes Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section
of the Compose file and anonymous volumes
attached to containers.
--remove-orphans Remove containers for services not defined in the
Compose file
