Flashing a new image on a beaglebone black rev c via. USB - beagleboneblack

How can we flash a new image on a beaglebone black rev c via. USB without using sdcard ?

Try https://github.com/ungureanuvladvictor/BBBlfs.
This is a tool designed to utilize the USB booting mode of the AM335x series of processors.


Ghostscript print driver to force cmyk instead of rgb?

I'm not sure if this is even possible, but I'd like to know if Ghostscript could be used to create a print driver for an HP color laser printer to make it print cmyk instead of its native rgb profile?
If not, is there any other way to force an HP laser printer to print in cmyk?

My beagle bone black doesn't boot from s.d card?

I put the SD card in the sd slot and tried to boot by pressing the S2 button while I connect the beaglebone black element 14 board to the usb for power the four led's began to flash but the image won't display on the screen.

Extract video from sony handycame with perfect quality

I've got an old sony handycame that record into tapes.
When i try to display the videos in my samsung tv using RCA cables, the video is full screen and with a really good quality.
I wanted to transfer the videos into my computer using usb communication.
I've got the handycam's driver, installed, the handycam is recognized as well.
Using OpenCV library, have been able to collect the pictures but in a resolution of 320*240.
When i try to resize the pictures, the quality get really bad.
I would like to have videos of more than default resolution, with a good quality.
So, how come that the videos are displayed so well into the tv, but not in my computer ? and is there any way to solve this problem ?

Firemonkey dragging image not showing on screen

The following first image is taken from a Virtual Machine and second is taken from a real pc. Why don't I see the dragging image on the real PC?
Virtual Machine
Real PC

Captureing Image And Printing dat in desired Size

I want to capture a image from a web cam and i want to print dat captured image in desired size.
consider taking a screenshot programatically and cropping it. if this is not possible, you should talk to the hardware directly by using the driver.
also please provide more info on os, webcam make and programming platform,
