How to implement universal link in ios 9.0 or above? - ios

Using Branch code for universal link implemented in Xcode but no luck lingering around since long plz help.

You need to provide more details about your problem to help you, like error message, code snippet etc, is hard understanding the problem that you have with generic question.
By the way please check apple official content to understand how Universal links works and how to implement this
Reference material:
Seamless Linking to Your App
Extend Your App’s Presence with Deep Linking


How to check if library is used or not in an iOS app

I have an old iOS project that evolved over time in which were added many librairies.
Some of them are not longer used today.
My question is, how can I check in the iOS project which library is used or not ?
I don't think there is a way to do that. But what you can do is try removing the path of the suspected frameworks(If they all are at same path, I'd suggest you to place them separately)from the Library Search Pathsand look for errors(if any).
Hope this helps.

how to resemble add contact functionality of IOS native message App?

I need to resemble adding contact functionality of IOS native Messaga App. What all components can be used to achieve this. I expect some suggestions from You. A screen shot is given below which describes in which section i need help.
You may take a look at the following frameworks

QR De/Encoder SIGABRT error (switching between de/encoder)

hey guys i have to make an app for my school project which includes reading an creating of QR Codes...
No Problem so far. I started with making a tap bar application so that you can switch between the two settings.
I'm using the ZBarSDK to read the Codes and that works so far...
for creating the codes i am using the kuapay-iOS-QR-Code-Generator and that worke also...
but if i combine them in my app i get the SIGABRT error after switching between the views :/
i hope you can help me i uploaded the whole project, so that everybody can see the problem directly!
I hope you can help me :)
I had the same problem, have you disabled the armv7s architecture in your build settings? Also, have you made sure to connect all your outlets to appropriately declared properties? I'm fairly new too, and I would have made this a comment instead of an answer, but it seems I don't have enough rep to do so/ can't find the link to comment.

Howto use Twitter-OAuth-iPhone with iOS5 and ARC

I am trying to use Ben Gottliebs Twitter-OAuth-iPhone within an iOS5 app that uses ARC.
I already flagged the files with -fno-objc-arc. But now I get a lot of errors. I don't know where to start. Without ARC the framework seems to work just fine. Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: it seems that is has something to do with SecKeychainItemRef
I can not find the answer here:
I hope is not considered bad etiquette to recommend my own project, but I believe it's relevant to this question, so...
I just published a new OAuth library to GitHub that's fully ARC compatible. It comes with a working demo that implements the whole Twitter OAuth flow and allows you to post a tweet. You can find it here: RSOAuthEngine.
You might want to consider using the official Twitter API that's available with iOS 5. Here's a post on how to use it:
You could just tell the compiler not to use ARC on the files included in that library.
ios5 ARC what is the compiler flag to exclude a file from ARC?

iOS calculator project free to include in apps?

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any existing calculator project or library that has a basic calculator view I can push into a navigation stack. So far I haven't found anything that doesn't look like junk.
You should find everything you need there :
You would probably have to adapt some of these in a final app. Check for copyrights, and if one get your heart but cannot be included in your project (do not hesitate to contact the authors, really), rewrite yours from scratch with that inspiration source.
Check out iPhoneCalculator on GitHub, or search for it by keyname.
