QR De/Encoder SIGABRT error (switching between de/encoder) - ios

hey guys i have to make an app for my school project which includes reading an creating of QR Codes...
No Problem so far. I started with making a tap bar application so that you can switch between the two settings.
I'm using the ZBarSDK to read the Codes and that works so far...
for creating the codes i am using the kuapay-iOS-QR-Code-Generator and that worke also...
but if i combine them in my app i get the SIGABRT error after switching between the views :/
i hope you can help me i uploaded the whole project, so that everybody can see the problem directly!
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?01acxgitv27uj9n
I hope you can help me :)

I had the same problem, have you disabled the armv7s architecture in your build settings? Also, have you made sure to connect all your outlets to appropriately declared properties? I'm fairly new too, and I would have made this a comment instead of an answer, but it seems I don't have enough rep to do so/ can't find the link to comment.


Xcode Canvas not working for a specific file

I am new to xcode and is practicing coding an expense tracking app. However, all of my files are working properly except for this one file (transactionList), which I am trying to make my work show up on the canvas.
I have tried to delete and recode the file a couple times, but nothing seems to work and I don't exactly know the issue because there was no bugs/errors shown.
Can you guys help me fix it? Thank you so much! enter image description here

How to implement universal link in ios 9.0 or above?

Using Branch code for universal link implemented in Xcode but no luck lingering around since long plz help.
You need to provide more details about your problem to help you, like error message, code snippet etc, is hard understanding the problem that you have with generic question.
By the way please check apple official content to understand how Universal links works and how to implement this
Reference material:
Seamless Linking to Your App
Extend Your App’s Presence with Deep Linking

No such module error

Hello fellow stackers I know this question has been asked before but all of the answers I have seen have not worked for me. I keep getting the following error: No such module 'CloudKit'. I only get this error for the watchkit extension interfaceController the iOS project has zero issues and this whole problem started happening when watchOS 2 came out.
Things I have tried:
changing the framework path to $(SRCROOT)
changing the framework path to ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/CloudKit.framework
I tried placing the CloudKit.framework file directly into my project folder which actually gets rid of the no such module error but then I get the “_OBJC_CLASS_$_viewsampleViewController” error
Please help me. Any suggestions would be appreciated:)
Apparently WatchOS 2 decided to drop CloudKit technologies which is a big downer. Now if you wanted to use CloudKit for the watch, you need to relay the data from the parent app which is also a huge buzz kill. I found this in the documentation here: https://developer.apple.com/library/watchos/documentation/General/Conceptual/AppleWatch2TransitionGuide/index.html

Can't see debug info Xcode 6.4?

I think I've accidentally removed some kind of setting or something on a project level. In project A I can see debug info, but in project B I can't see a damn thing while debugging. Local variables can't be expanded to see what they contain, and neither variabels located in self.
As stated earlier, it works fine in one project, but not at all in another. I have no idea what I've done, or how to solve it. I asked around with a few coworkers and none has experienced this before. Kind of need to fix this in order to work efficiently.
Here is a screenshot displaying what I mean:
I don't have any variables in self here, but if I add some or store some, it doesn't work anyway. I can't see anything in self since I can't expand it at all.
Help appreciated!
I found the solution for this. Or rather I found the issue. The issue seems to be with either Xcode 6.4 and above, or GoogleMaps in general. When importing GoogleMaps SDK the debugger stops working properly. Simple as that. Comment out your import of GoogleMaps SDK and the debugger will be back to normal.
Another way of solving this is to bridge GoogleMaps SDK from ObjC to Swift rather than importing it in Swift. I didn't try this, but I saw this as a possible solution here: https://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=8524
Hope it helps someone. Took me days to find this information.

Monotouch spotify binding

I'm trying to bind the spotify api to monotouch. But can't seem to get it working, and i think i'm a little in over my head ;).
What i tried:
I extracted the libspotify.a from the ios libspotify.framework.
I added the libspotify.a to my project.
I followed the explanations mentioned here: http://docs.xamarin.com/ios/advanced_topics/linking_native_libraries to create the binding and added the extra gcc_flags to the project.
Now it all compiles and linkes but when i run it i get the exception: system.dllnotfoundexception: __internal
I have no idea of what i'm doing wrong here. Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
It should be __Internal, not __internal.
