How to alter byCategory projection via API? - eventstoredb

I want to set my $byCategory system projection to last in EventStore. Is there any way to do this automatically? Either via a startup configuration or an API call?
It is found under this url on localhost:
Here is what the edit screen looks like:


OData in Datafactory

I have a task toget some data from an external supplier.
They have a Rest OData API. I have to connect using a subscription-key(APIKey).
When creating the OData LService, I add an Auth Header: "subscription-key" and in the Value field, I enter my key. After saving, I create a new dataset, and the OData LinkedService, provides me with the remote tables. I can choose the table I want and after that I create a pipeline to copy data from that table to my Azure SQL server.
This works fantastic :-)
However, after closing my browser and re-open it, the subscription key that I have entered earlier on the linked service, is now replaced with stars as it is a securestring. When I now run my pipeline, it will think that my key is the ten stars that have replaced my real key.
What am I doing wrong here ?
Also I would prefer to get my value from the KeyVault, but it seems that this is not possible on ODat connections....
Hope someone is able to provide some insight here :-)
BR Tom
From my testing I did not get any error on re-running. However coming to dynamic keys - I was not able to achieve it using the ODATA linked service.
Alternatively, if you can hit the ODATA endpoint with REST / HTTP Connector
You could - have a Web Activity to get the keys from the Key Vault and Set in the Variable.
WEB Activity URL : https://<your-keyvalut-name><your-secret-name>;
You could access the output of the web Activity using : #activity('Web1').output.value & Store in a variable.
You can reference this variable as the SUBSCRIPTION KEY for the subsequent steps in the REST/HTTP dataset.
You could pass it along the additional headers

Get User's Home Phone from Microsoft Graph API

My calls to the API to get users work just fine, but the default URL does not return the home phone number, or the ip phone number.
adding parameters works for other things
works too, I have tried homephone, homephones, homePhone, homePhones and ipphone, ipphones, ipPhone, ipPhones but do not get those properties returned. We can see the properties filled in on our local Active Directory, so they are in there.
Looking at the docs I don't see mention of home or ip phones but I am hoping I am missing something.
To extend on my comment
For some reason the fieldname ipPhone does not work, only a prefixed
version with a 33 character hash in it extension_<33chars>_ipPhone. I
don't have direct access to the system, but have been told its been
done correctly, so it works enough for us
The URL path we have is now:
The codes for both of our fields fields are the same.
I presume the codes for other orgs will be different, but just in case I have not used our actual ones here.
Some attributes (such as ipPhone) that are synchronized by default might not be exposed using the Microsoft Graph API. In these cases, you can use the Azure AD Connect directory extension feature to synchronize the attribute to Azure AD.

Command pathing and 404 errors

I'm working on the most basic Valence use just to prove it works -- using php to run a "whoami" query.
I authenticate fine, get the userId, userKey, and userSig back. I set these in the userContext object. The call to createAuthenticatedUri seems to work well -- all parameters are in the GET url I would expect to see.
I've also verified that the command path (/d2l/api/lp/1.0/users/whoami/) is valid, from another developer who is connecting to a a completely different server.
However, when I try to make the request, D2L tells me "404 Page not found".
I can make a call to /d2l/api/versions/ and that returns just fine.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Please note that your path /d2l/api/lp/1.0/users/whoami/ is not valid: the proper route for the whoami API call is /d2l/api/lp/{ver}/users/whoami without the trailing slash, and with the right version number filled in to target the API contract you want to target among those offered by the LMS -- in your case, that might be /d2l/api/lp/1.0/users/whoami, but it's also likely that you have more modern API contracts available on your LMS as well, which you can determine using the call to retrieve the LMS' version table.

Changing the interface of a webservice witout having access to it

I have awebsite, lets just call it search, in one of my browserpages open. search has a form, which when submitted runs queries on a database to which I don't have direct access. The problem with search is that the interface is rather horrible (one cannot save the aforementioned queries etc.)
I've analyzed the request (with a proxy) which is send to the server via search and I am able to replicate it. The server even sends back the correct result, but the browser is not able to open it. (Same origin policy). Do you have any ideas on how I could tackle this problem?
The answer to your question is: you can't. At least not without using a proxy as suggested in the answer by Walter, and that would mean your web site visitors would have to knowingly login to your web site using their other web site's credentials (hmm doesn't sound good...)
The reason you can't do this is related to security, if you could run a script on the tab next to the one with the site open (which is what I'm guessing you want to do), you would be able to do a CSRF attack and get any data you wish and send it to
This is, of course, assuming that there has to be a login somewhere in the process, otherwise there's no reason for you to not be able to create a simple form which posts the required query and gets the info.
If you did have access to the mentioned website, you would be able to support cross domain xml using JSONP.
It is not possible to bypass the same origin policy in javascript (assuming that you want to do it with that considering your question). You need to set up a proxy server side that is doing the request for you and returns the html.
A simple way of doing this in PHP would be like this:
echo file_get_contents("" . "?" . http_build_query($_GET, '', '&'));

Geolocation with wordpressmu/buddypress

I am just looking for the best solution for the following problem.
I have installed wordpress mu, and I wanted to create child blogs, for different areas in the world. But I want it so 1 domain can switch them instantly using the users ip address.
IS there a extention of wordpressmu or buddypress or do I need something on the server say in htaccess to do that?
Check this plugin out:
You could possibly use this, check the value returned, and set a WordPress cookie for the user that automatically redirects them to the geo-specific blog and will do so if/when they return to the site.
Check out the Google API for geocoding, user detection, and geogrouping options (redirect all users from combined location like 'Europe'). Rather then doing all the heavy lifting on your server, work with the Google API, get your nicely formatted answer back, and redirect based on that....
Anything that involves geographical relation .... GOOGLE GOOGLE GOOLE
