Microsoft Graph filter vs $filter - microsoft-graph-api

I am testing filtering using Microsoft Graph Explorer. I noticed odd behavior that I cannot figure out.
Using endpoint I get properly filtered data back.
However, using documented $ prefix,$filter=start/dateTime%20ge%20%272018-04-01%27, I get nothing. There is no error, just no data coming back.
How do I query the data using the $filter?

You're not actually getting the results you think you are. When Microsoft Graph sees a query parameter it doesn't expect, it simply ignores it.
When you call /events?filter=start/dateTime ge '2018-04-01' it is simply ignoring the unknown filter parameter and returning you an unfiltered result.
When you call /events?filter=start/dateTime ge '2018-04-01', it is filtering out anything prior to April 1, 2018. If there are no events with a start after this date, you will get an empty array as a result.
I assume you're using the default dataset included with Graph Explorer? The default Graph Explorer data set's most recent event is 2017-11-16T08:00:00.0000000.
The reason you see results from the /calendarView endpoint but not the /events endpoint is that /events only returns single instance meetings and series masters while /celandarView shows everything within a date range. In order to avoid having to maintain a dataset with updated events, the demo data relies on a handful of recurring event entries.
Since events does not return individual occurrences of a meeting, you don't see any results from your query.
If you try this query, you'll see actual results:$filter=start/dateTime ge '2017-04-01'


Combined Select and Filter MS-Graph query parameters not working as expected for signInActivity/lastSignInDateTime

Query:$select=id,displayName,signInActivity&$filter=signInActivity/lastSignInDateTime le 2020-03-01T00:00:00Z
I am trying to query for users based on "lastSignInDateTime". When I do this , the response gives all the properties for every user returned. I then try to reduce this response by adding a "select" parameter to reduce the properties returned but it seems to have no effect. Is it possible to combine the "Filter" and "Select" query Parameter's?
We have a bug for collection enumeration in that beta endpoint. Due to be fixed within next couple of months. AS a workaround you can export your dataset into data structure and filter in memory (preferred) or you can query specific users (expensive and not recommended)

Counting ALL rows in Dynamics CRM Online web api (ODATA)

Is it possible to count all rows in a given entity, bypassing the 5000 row limit and bypassing the pagesize limit?
I do not want to return more than 5000 rows in one request, but only want the count of all the rows in that given entity.
According to Microsoft, you cannot do it in the request URI:
The count value does not represent the total number of entities in the system.
It is limited by the maximum number of entities that can be returned.
I have tried this:
GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/accounts/?$count=true
Any other way?
Use function RetrieveTotalRecordCount:
If you want to retrieve the total number of records for an entity beyond 5000, use the RetrieveTotalRecordCount Function.
Your query will look like this:
https://<your api url>/RetrieveTotalRecordCount(EntityNames=['accounts'])
Latest release v9.1 has the direct function to achieve this - RetrieveTotalRecordCount
Unfortunately we have to pick one of this route to identify the count of records based on expected result within the limits.
1. If less than 5000, use this: (You already tried this)
GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/accounts/?$count=true
2. Less than 50,000, use this:
GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v8.2/accounts?fetchXml=[URI-encoded FetchXML query]
Exceeding limit will get error: AggregateQueryRecordLimit exceeded. Cannot perform this operation.
Sample query:
<fetch version="1.0" mapping="logical" aggregate="true">
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="accountid" aggregate="count" alias="count" />
Do a browser address bar test with URI:
[Organization URI]/api/data/v8.2/accounts?fetchXml=%3Cfetch%20version=%221.0%22%20mapping=%22logical%22%20aggregate=%22true%22%3E%3Centity%20name=%22account%22%3E%3Cattribute%20name=%22accountid%22%20aggregate=%22count%22%20alias=%22count%22%20/%3E%3C/entity%3E%3C/fetch%3E
The only way to get around this is to partition the dataset based on some property so that you get smaller subsets of records to aggregate individually.
Read more
3. The last resort is iterating through #odata.nextLink and counting the records in each page with a code variable (code example to query the next page)
The XrmToolBox has a counting tool that can help with this .
Also, we here at MetaTools Inc. have just released an online tool called AggX that runs aggregates on any number of records in a Dynamics 365 Online org, and it's free during the beta release.
You may try OData's $inlinecount query option.
Adding only $inlinecount=allpages in the querystring will return all records, so add $top=1 in the URI to fetch only one record along with count of all records.
You URL will look like /accounts/?$inlinecount=allpages&$top=1
For example, click here and the response XML will have the count as <m:count>11</m:count>
Note: This query option is only supported in OData version 2.0 and
This works:
[Organization URI]/api/data/v8.2/accounts?$count

How to find recurrence exceptions through Microsoft Outlook Calendar Graph API

I'm currently using the Microsoft Graph API to sync calendar events to my local application. On my end, I don't care to save each individual occurrence in a series, but prefer instead to just save the series master and then extrapolate out the instances of the series myself. For this reason, I am using the /me/events call rather than the /me/calendarView call.
My problem is when editing a single occurrence in a series. After editing the single occurrence, I make the /me/events call and I can see the newly added "Exception" type -- which is great. However, I don't see how to relate that new event back to which occurrence was changed to cause the exception.
For example, if I have a weekly meeting on Monday at noon, and I change today's meeting from noon to 2:00, it's pretty easy to tell that today's meeting is the one that changed. But if I change today's meeting to Friday, how can I tell that it was today's meeting that changed and not next week's? Keep in mind that I am only storing the master, and not every single calendarView occurrence.
Another example is if I delete an occurrence. In this case, the /me/calendarView call will simply not return that occurrence anymore. No exception type is generated. And the series master returned from the /me/events call doesn't change at all to indicate that a date is missing.
The format that I'm used to is something like the iCal/vCal format, where there is a start date, end date, and then a list of exception dates. Using that format, I can easily tell from the series master which dates to skip, without needing to "render" the entire occurrence and skip the exceptions. And if an occurrence is deleted, it is added to the EXDATE list and then it is never considered on rendering. Does the Microsoft Graph API not have an easy way to see these changed/deleted occurrences?
I was having a similar issue, but I think I've now realized that Microsoft does not allow recurring events to move later than the next instance, or earlier than the preceding one (at least while using Outlook calendar in the browser). So you can always assume that the 3rd event is 3rd in the series, the 4th is 4th, etc.
So as long as you know the series number, you can locate it by getting all of the instances with /me/events/[event_id]/instances?startDateTime=[start_date_time]&endDateTime=[end_date_time].
The error in Outlook Calendar when I do this isn't very clear, so maybe something else is up, but I am able to move the exception events otherwise. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if there's a definite way to know what end_date_time to use, as events can be moved indefinitely later.
Based on the response object from the event marked as an exception, you can use the seriesMasterId to relate the exception to its parent recurrence.

CalendarView and DeltaToken in different time range with Microsoft Graph API

From the Graph Documentation:
if you want a calendarView for a specific time range you use the query
if you want a delta token to get the changes in a calendarView you use the query
My problem is taht I need to get all the events from a specific date at the beginning of my program, but after that I'm interesting to track changes of events from another date.
So I'm wondering if is it possible to get a calendarView for a specific time range and a delta token for another time range in a single query?
It is not possible to do this in a single query. Please issue two separate queries.

Get latest record for each user with ODATA

Due to the PowerShell methods of getting mailbox statistics from Office365 taking about 2 seconds per mailbox, I am working on getting the data from Office 365 Reporting web service, which takes only a few seconds for each 2000 mailboxes.
The problem I'm running into is that the stats are updated periodically and some historical data is kept, so there are numerous records for each user. I only want to get the latest record for each user, but I haven't been able to find a way to do that. The closest I've come is to use $filter=Date ge DateTime'2016-03-10T00:00:00' where the date is concatenated to a couple of days ago. Theoretically, if I sort by Date desc I should get the latest records first, and if there is a user that has a record for 3/10 and 3/11, the 3/11 record would get pulled first, which would work for me. But regardless of how I do the sort it seems to come back with the older records first.
Ideally, I would like to be able to set criteria so that it only returns the latest record for each mailbox, but I can't seem to figure out or find how to do that. The closest I've been able to come is to just start running queries filtered on specific dates, walking the date back a day on each query.
If I can get the latest records to be returned first, I would be able to work with that because I can just discard a record if I've already received a later one.
&$filter=Date ge DateTime'2016-03-08T00:00:00'&$orderby=Date desc
So the questions are:
Is there a way to specify criteria so that only the latest record for each user is returned?
Is there a way to get it to order by Date descending--what am I doing wrong with the $orderby?
You can use $top=1 to get latest record by applying $orderby on date (desc). $filter and $skip may not require in this case.$select=Date,WindowsLiveID,CurrentMailboxSize&$orderby=Date desc&$top=1
Your query looks fine, here is an another example from Odata sample service to get employee detail with most recent birth date.$select=EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName,BirthDate&$orderby=BirthDate%20desc&$top=1
