I'm trying to subscribe to a RabbitMQ queue like explained here. I can get the messages in my process but somehow it doesn't get pattern matched to the first function clause.
handle_info({#'basic.deliver'{delivery_tag = Tag}, #amqp_msg{payload = Payload}}, {Channel, Tag, Module} = State) ->
amqp_channel:cast(Channel, #'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = Tag}),
gen_server:start_link(Module, Payload, []),
{noreply, State};
handle_info(Message, State) ->
lager:info("~p", [Message]),
{noreply, State}.
My code looks identical to a few examples I found on Github but the message always ends up in the second clause. Here's the log message.
Clearly I'm missing something obvious here. This is the RabbitMQ client I'm using.
In the function head, you're using the variable Tag twice, once in the basic.deliver record and once in the state. It looks like this message should match otherwise, so probably the tag in the state is not equal to the delivery tag.
When I read Erlang OTP Action book, I found this reminder on page 117:
With your RPC server, you can try calling any function exported from any module available on the server side, except one: your own tr_server:get_count/0. In general, a server can’t call its own API functions. Suppose you make a synchronous call to the same server from within one of the callback functions: for example, if handle_info/2 tries to use the get_count/0 API function. It will then perform a gen_server:call(...) to itself. But that request will be queued up until after the current call to handle_info/2 has finished, resulting in a circular wait—the server is deadlocked.
But I looked at the tr_server sample code :
get_count() ->
gen_server:call(?SERVER, get_count).
stop() ->
gen_server:cast(?SERVER, stop).
handle_info({tcp, Socket, RawData}, State) ->
do_rpc(Socket, RawData),
RequestCount = State#state.request_count,
{noreply, State#state{request_count = RequestCount + 1}};
do_rpc(Socket, RawData) ->
{M, F, A} = split_out_mfa(RawData),
Result = apply(M, F, A), % tr_server process -> handle_info -> do_rpc ->call & cast
gen_tcp:send(Socket, io_lib:fwrite("~p~n", [Result]))
_Class:Err ->
gen_tcp:send(Socket, io_lib:fwrite("~p~n", [Err]))
I found the examples and cautions in the book inconsistent , the gen_server:call and gen_server:cast by tr_server process ownself.
Am I misinterpreting this?
Calling gen_server:cast from within the server process is fine, because it is asynchronous: it adds the message to the mailbox of the process and then continues, returning ok. Only gen_server:call has this problem, because it makes the process wait for an answer from itself.
It's my first attempt to write anything in Erlang, so maybe the question is silly.
I'm writing a quite simple HTTP server using cowboy
db_name() -> "DB_test".
timestamp() ->
sha(Str) ->
<<X:256/big-unsigned-integer>> = crypto:hash(sha256, Str),
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~64.16.0b", [X])).
handle_post(Req0, State) ->
Link = binary_to_list(cowboy_req:header(<<"link">>, Req0)),
dets:open_file(db_name(), []),
dets:insert(db_name(), {hashed_url(Link), Link, timestamp()}),
Req = cowboy_req:reply(200,
#{<<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>},
{ok, Req, State}.
The idea is that a POST HTTP request contains a 'link' header with some link. After recieving such request my server should store it's hash in dets table along with the link and its timestamp. The problem is that the "DB_test" file isn't created. Why?
Based on your example code, it's hard to say exactly why, since you're ignoring the return values from both dets:open_file/2 and dets:insert/2.
Both of them return different values for the success and failure cases; but do not throw exceptions.
See the official documentation for more details: http://erlang.org/doc/man/dets.html
The simplest solution to this is to crash the cowboy connection handling process in non-success cases. You can do that by doing something like the following:
{ok, Ref} = dets:open_file(db_name(), []),
ok = dets:insert(Ref, {hashed_url(Link), Link, timestamp()}),
This will crash with a badmatch exception in the failure cases, when the value returned cannot be pattern matched to the left-hand side of the statement, subsequently causing cowboy to return HTTP 500 to the client.
You'll then see details on what the actual error was in the stacktrace logged
A second solution would be to explicitly handle the failure cases, you can use the 'case' keyword for that.
An example would be something like:
case dets:open_file(db_name(), []) of
{ok, Ref} ->
{error, Reason}=E ->
io:format("Unable to open database file: ~p~n", [E]),
For further reading, I'd highly recommend the Syntax in functions and Errors and exceptions chapters of Learn you some Erlang for great good: http://learnyousomeerlang.com/
E.g. suppose I have a list that looks something roughly like this:
Handlers = [{foo, FooHandler}, {bar, BarHandler} | Etc()]
The best that I can come up with is this:
Message ->
Handler = find_matching_handler(Message, Handlers),
The problem with this is that if Message does not match anything in Handlers, it's too late: I've taken it out of the mailbox.
I guess if there's a way to put a message back into the mailbox (into the save queue) without reordering, then that would take care of it. Simply resending to self() would reorder. It would also not restart the receive, and even if it did, you might get stuck in a spin loop until a message of interest arrives. Is there a way to put a message into the mailbox's save queue?
Another near solution that I thought of was to use match guard, but IIUC, you can only use BIFs in guards, which seems to preclude using find_matching_handler (unless there is a BIF for that).
Another near solution: map matching:
M when Handlers#{M := Handler} -> Handler(M) % booyah?
Alas, I have not found an incantation that satisfies Erlang...
Match on the message:
loop() ->
{foo, Data} ->
{bar, Data} ->
This is the basic way of distinguishing between message forms.
You can also be less direct and match in a function head you pass all messages to:
loop() ->
Message ->
handle_message({foo, Data}) ->
handle_message({bar, Data}) ->
A combination of the first and second forms is sort of the way gen_server type callback modules are structured in OTP. The message handlers receive a slightly more complex set of arguments and exist in their own module (the part you write), and the actual receive occurs in the generic gen_server module.
You can use a selective receive pattern to periodcally scan the mailbox for handler messages. Something like this:
check_msg_handlers(Handlers) ->
[check_handler(X) || X <- Handlers],
check_handler(Handler) ->
{_Handler={M,F}, Msg} ->
0 ->
Note the receive X -> Y after -> N no_msg end, this is the selective receive. When using a timeout of N=0 it effectively becomes a scan of the mailbox to see if the X message is present or not, i.e. it becomes a non-blocking receive. The order of the messages is preserved after the scan as required in your case.
The LYSE chapter More On Multiprocessing has a section on selective receives that is very good.
I have one process which sends a pause message to a gen_server like so:
Results = [gen_server:cast(Child, pause) ||
{Id, Child, _Type, _Modules} <- supervisor:which_children(?SERVER),
?IGNORE(Id) == false],
In my gen_server, I catch these messages in my handle_cast as follows:
handle_cast(pause, #state{task=#task{server=Serv,
description=Desc}}=State) ->
lager:info("Suspending ~s, ~s, ~s.",[Serv, Srv, Desc]),
{noreply, State#state{suspended=true}};
handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
lager:error("Url Poller received unexpected cast message: ~p",[Msg]),
{noreply, State}.
What's really strange is that fairly frequently one of my gen_servers doesn't seem to receive the pause message -- I get no lager message and the process in question will not respond to subsequent attempts to pause (or resume).
Any ideas about what might be going on?
The gen_server is very simple, it uses erlang:send_after/3 to send itself a "poll" message. Upon receiving this poll message, if not paused, it hits a url and saves the response to an ETS and fires off another erlang:send_after/3 to poll again after an appropriate interval. If its paused, it simply fires off another erlang:send_after?3
All pause does is set the state to paused = true
Using observer, the stuck process shows that the current function is httpc:handle_answer and that the message queue is backing up
Sate Tab: Information "Timed out"
Tip "system messages are probably not treated by this process"
the top of the stack trace shows
httpc:handle_answer httpc.erl:636
I picked the code of httpc:handle_answer from github erlang otp inets http client:
(Note: it is not the same version as yours since the function goes from line 616 to 631)
handle_answer(RequestId, false, _) ->
{ok, RequestId};
handle_answer(RequestId, true, Options) ->
{http, {RequestId, saved_to_file}} ->
?hcrt("received saved-to-file", [{request_id, RequestId}]),
{ok, saved_to_file};
{http, {RequestId, {_,_,_} = Result}} ->
?hcrt("received answer", [{request_id, RequestId},
{result, Result}]),
return_answer(Options, Result);
{http, {RequestId, {error, Reason}}} ->
?hcrt("received error", [{request_id, RequestId},
{reason, Reason}]),
{error, Reason}
So the process is waiting for a message (coming after a call to httpc_manager:request(Request, profile_name(Profile) which has returned {ok, RequestId}), and this message does not come or it has a wrong format. Can you check the values of the parameters and the message queue?
headers which contained value other than string caused the httpc_handler exited. But after that, the caller hung at the 'receive' in httpc:handle_answer/3 forever since no message was sent to the caller.
you can test with this
Request1= {"http://www.google.com",[{"cookie",undefined}, {"test",123}],"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8", <<"">>}.
httpc:request(post, Request1, [{timeout,1000}], []).
I have a process that needs to do some work every fifteen seconds. I'm currently doing it like this:
interval_milliseconds ()-> 15000.
_State = FascinatingStateData,
_TimeoutInterval = interval_milliseconds ()
%% This gets called automatically as a result of our handlers
%% including the optional _TimeoutInterval value in the returned
%% Result
handle_info(timeout, StateData)->
_State = do_some_work(StateData),
_TimeoutInterval = interval_milliseconds ()
This works, but it's extremely brittle: if I want to teach my server a new message, when I write any new handler function, I have to remember to include the optional timeout interval in its return value. That is, say if I'm handling a synchronous call, I need to do this:
%% Someone wants to know our state; tell them
handle_call(query_state_data, _From, StateData)->
{reply, StateData, _NewStateData = whatever (), interval_milliseconds ()};
instead of
%% Someone wants to know our state; tell them
handle_call(query_state_data, _From, StateData)->
{reply, StateData, _NewStateData = whatever ()};
As you might guess, I've made that very mistake a number of times. It's nasty, because once the code handles that query_state_data message, the timeouts no longer get generated, and the whole server grinds to a halt. (I can "defibrillate" it manually by getting a shell on the machine and sending a "timeout" message by hand, but ... eww.)
Now, I could try to remember to always specify that optional Timeout parameter in my Result value. But that doesn't scale: I'll forget someday, and will be staring at this bug once again. So: what's a better way?
I don't think I want to write an actual loop that runs forever, and spends most of its time sleeping; that seems counter to the spirit of OTP.
Use timer:send_interval/2. E.g.:
interval_milliseconds()-> 15000.
timer:send_interval(interval_milliseconds(), interval),
{ok, FascinatingStateData}.
%% this clause will be called every 15 seconds
handle_info(interval, StateData)->
State2 = do_some_work(StateData)
{noreply, State2}.
The best way is:
init([]) ->
Timer = erlang:send_after(1, self(), check),
{ok, Timer}.
handle_info(check, OldTimer) ->
Timer = erlang:send_after(1000, self(), check),
{noreply, Timer}.
Use the timer module :)