I have a process that needs to do some work every fifteen seconds. I'm currently doing it like this:
interval_milliseconds ()-> 15000.
_State = FascinatingStateData,
_TimeoutInterval = interval_milliseconds ()
%% This gets called automatically as a result of our handlers
%% including the optional _TimeoutInterval value in the returned
%% Result
handle_info(timeout, StateData)->
_State = do_some_work(StateData),
_TimeoutInterval = interval_milliseconds ()
This works, but it's extremely brittle: if I want to teach my server a new message, when I write any new handler function, I have to remember to include the optional timeout interval in its return value. That is, say if I'm handling a synchronous call, I need to do this:
%% Someone wants to know our state; tell them
handle_call(query_state_data, _From, StateData)->
{reply, StateData, _NewStateData = whatever (), interval_milliseconds ()};
instead of
%% Someone wants to know our state; tell them
handle_call(query_state_data, _From, StateData)->
{reply, StateData, _NewStateData = whatever ()};
As you might guess, I've made that very mistake a number of times. It's nasty, because once the code handles that query_state_data message, the timeouts no longer get generated, and the whole server grinds to a halt. (I can "defibrillate" it manually by getting a shell on the machine and sending a "timeout" message by hand, but ... eww.)
Now, I could try to remember to always specify that optional Timeout parameter in my Result value. But that doesn't scale: I'll forget someday, and will be staring at this bug once again. So: what's a better way?
I don't think I want to write an actual loop that runs forever, and spends most of its time sleeping; that seems counter to the spirit of OTP.
Use timer:send_interval/2. E.g.:
interval_milliseconds()-> 15000.
timer:send_interval(interval_milliseconds(), interval),
{ok, FascinatingStateData}.
%% this clause will be called every 15 seconds
handle_info(interval, StateData)->
State2 = do_some_work(StateData)
{noreply, State2}.
The best way is:
init([]) ->
Timer = erlang:send_after(1, self(), check),
{ok, Timer}.
handle_info(check, OldTimer) ->
Timer = erlang:send_after(1000, self(), check),
{noreply, Timer}.
Use the timer module :)
I'm trying to subscribe to a RabbitMQ queue like explained here. I can get the messages in my process but somehow it doesn't get pattern matched to the first function clause.
handle_info({#'basic.deliver'{delivery_tag = Tag}, #amqp_msg{payload = Payload}}, {Channel, Tag, Module} = State) ->
amqp_channel:cast(Channel, #'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = Tag}),
gen_server:start_link(Module, Payload, []),
{noreply, State};
handle_info(Message, State) ->
lager:info("~p", [Message]),
{noreply, State}.
My code looks identical to a few examples I found on Github but the message always ends up in the second clause. Here's the log message.
Clearly I'm missing something obvious here. This is the RabbitMQ client I'm using.
In the function head, you're using the variable Tag twice, once in the basic.deliver record and once in the state. It looks like this message should match otherwise, so probably the tag in the state is not equal to the delivery tag.
I am trying to update my process's state on a 10 second timer.
-define(INTERVAL, 3000).
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).
action(Pid, Action) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, Action).
init([]) ->
erlang:send_after(?INTERVAL, self(), trigger),
{ok, temple:new()}.
what I want to do is call this
handle_call({fight}, _From, Temple) ->
NewTemple = temple:fight(Temple),
{reply, NewTemple, NewTemple};
So I try
handle_info(trigger, _State) ->
land:action(self(), {fight}),
erlang:send_after(?INTERVAL, self(), trigger);
but I get
=ERROR REPORT==== 4-Dec-2016::19:00:35 ===
** Generic server <0.400.0> terminating
** Last message in was trigger
** When Server state == {{dict,0,16,16,8,80,48,
** Reason for termination ==
** {function_clause,[{land,terminate,
It appears that with land:action(self(), {fight}), you're attempting to make a call to the same gen_server in which you're currently handling the trigger message. Two important facts will explain why this can't work:
A call always waits for the result to be returned.
A gen_server is a process, and a process can handle only one message at a time.
In handling the trigger message, you're saying to call back to yourself and wait for yourself to process the {fight} message. Since you're in the middle of handling the trigger message, though, you'll never get to the {fight} message. You're effectively in a deadlock with yourself. That's why you're getting a timeout.
P.S. Posting an SSCCE is far more likely to get you good answers.
The error message means that there is no terminate clause in the land server module, you should have a warning when you compile the land server module.
The terminate clause is called because a timeout occurs during the gen_server call with the parameters (Pid = <0.400.0>, Message = {fight}), which was called on line land:action(self(), {fight}),. A call to a gen_server must be completed within a maximum time, by default 5000ms, You have to reduce the time spent in the fight action.
Note that it is not a good idea to increase the server timeout since a gen_server call is blocking: during the execution of a gen_server call no new message can be handled, and in your example , it is also blocking the execution of the handle_info(trigger, _State) code.
Last point, the clause handle_info(trigger, _State) should return a tuple of the form {noreply,NewState} while the last line erlang:send_after(?INTERVAL, self(), trigger); returns a timer reference, you have to modify this line.
Say I have a gen_server process, P, which contains codes like this
handle_call(get_a, _From, #state{a = 1}=S) ->
Reply = S#state.a,
{reply, Reply, S, T=1000000};
If I do gen_server:call(P, get_a), then I would get a reply, namely 1, and if no message was sent to P in T after the gen call, then a timeout will occur.
If I do a sys:get_status(P) immediately after the gen call, would this cancel the timeout?
Calling sys:get_status/1,2 on your gen_server process does not cancel the timeout. And just for completeness, note that this is true whether or not your gen_server implements the optional format_status/2 callback.
I have skimmed through the Mochiweb code, but have not found any sign of the State variable.
Does something similar to gen_server's State variable exist in Mochiweb?
I need to store some small amount of state-related server-side (not session-related) data on the server and I do not want to use ETS or Mnesia for that.
I think you have somewhat a misunderstanding of what gen_server state is.
First, let me explain briefly how mochiweb works.
Mochiweb doesn't produce a gen_server process per client. Instead, it just spawns a new process using proc_lib:spawn/3 and creates a parametrized module, which is, basically, a tuple of the following kind:
{mochiweb_request, #Port<0.623>, get, "/users", {1, 1}, []}
which is
{mochiweb_request, Socket, Method, RawPath, HTTPVersion, Headers}
This tuple is used as an argument to a function that you pass as a loop parameter to mochiweb_http:start/1. So, when this "loop" function is called, it will look like this:
handle_request(Req) ->
%% The pattern matching below just shows what Req really is
{mochiweb_request, _, _, _, _, _} = Req,
Now, to explanation of gen_server state.
Basically, gen_server is a process with approximately the following structure. Of course, IRL it's more complicated, but this should give you the general idea:
State = ...
loop(Module, State).
loop(Module, State)
NewState = receive
{call, Msg, From} -> Module:handle_call(Msg, From, State)
{cast, Msg} -> Module:handle_cast(Msg, State)
Info -> Module:handle_info(Info, State)
loop(Module, NewState).
So, state is just an argument that you drag through all the function calls and change inside your loop. It doesn't actually matter if your process is a gen_server or not, it doesn't have what lifetime it has. In the following example the term [1, 2, 3] is a state too:
a() ->
b([1, 2, 3], now()).
b(State, Timestamp) ->
Result = do_something(Timestamp)
c(State, Result).
c(State, Payload) ->
exit({State, Payload}).
Now, back to mochiweb.
If you need to create a state of your own, you can just add an extra function argument:
handle_request(Req) ->
User = Req:get(path),
UserData = load_user_data(User),
handle_request(Req, UserData).
handle_request(Req, UserData) ->
Now UserData is a state too. You can loop this process, or let it respond and end right away – but you won't lose UserData as long as you pass it as an argument.
Finally, if you really want to make this process a gen_server (which is really unreasonable in most cases), you can use gen_server:enter_loop/3 function that will make your current process a gen_server. And The 3rd argument of this function will be your state that will be stored inside the started gen_server.
I have erlang gen_fsm, my first state:
begin({Nick}, _From, State) ->
{reply, true, next_state, State}.
Then i have:
next_state(_Event, _From, State) ->
io:format("Test \n"),
{reply, ok, begin, State}.
But i don't seen Test note in shell
How correctly transit to a new state?
First of all, ensure that begin is the actual initial state of your FSM. You specify the initial state of your FSM by returning, in your init function, something like:
{ok, begin, State}
Where begin is your initial state.
Also, note that you're defining a Module:StateName/3 function, which will be called any time a gen_fsm:sync_send_event is performed on your FSM. If you're trying to send events to the FSM using gen_fsm:send_event, you should instead define a function Module:StateName/2, which is its asynchronous version.
Finally, try to debug your modules by tracing them, rather than adding printouts. It's much simpler and it avoids you recompiling your code time after time.
More information are avilable here.
you may find some examples here:
and here:
Hope it helps