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Closed 3 years ago.
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want to make an android application on Islam.... just want to add Urdu in my project as in this picture
Go to your "YourProjectFolder/app/src/main/res" folder, then
Create a folder named "values-ur" folder in res folder
Create file "strings.xml" inside values-ur
Inside that strings.xml add your strings,eg:
"urdu_text" is your urdu strings.
In your Activity class take getString(R.string.text_one),
and if you have a textview, textview.setText(getString(R.string.text_one));
For more info :
You just required to have all text in urdu unicode.
Android Activity, layouts supports urdu. sqlite3 also supports urdu.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to build a multi-language app? I already build one app but it’s English, I want to make it multi-language, and show the language depends on system language.
Appreciate if you give a help!
It's actually quite easy. You basically have a text file for each language you are supporting. Apple's documentation steps you through how to do it:
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm not sure if this is even possible. I create a database using FileMaker Pro.
Can I somehow load it to my iOS app and if so, how do I do that?
Export the database to XML
Write a parser using NSXMLParser APIs that would load the data from the XML file and put it in a database/storage supported by iOS (e.g. Core Data).
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am working on application which use open source libraries,I am wondering that where and how should i add the open source license acknowledgments from .md to ios app's acknowledgments.
Have a look at: iOS-AcknowledgementGenerator
It's a small script I made in Ruby to help out whit displaying open source licence acknowledgements in your apps settings bundle.
There is a project on github may meet your require:
AttributedMarkdowne(Native Markdown Parsing to NSAttributedString on iOS)
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Closed 8 years ago.
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My customer want the iOS application that should have Bi-language(Arabic & English) support inside the application.I thought Localization will workout for this.But the design layout is different for arabic(RTL).How can i achieve this? Should design separate Nib file for both English & Arabic version.Please help me.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am relatively new to iOS dev, and wanted to ask the community for guidance, links or hints on how apps that read files are made and from where to start( I want to practice this part but didnt find tutorials on it).
You can use QLPreviewController for displaying excel and PDF files