Accessing the container file system from host non root - docker

How do I access a folder on the Container from host.
I start a container, and lets say I want to see on host the contents of the container's /home.
Without being root and going to the docker overlay file system to see what is there. But of course I am in group docker and can ask docker to make the neccessary actions.
What if I wish to mount the /home of the container to /test on the host?
I want to avoid mounting a host path into the container and copying from there since I dont want to allow the container to write to host, but the host will copy the content by himself.
How could I achieve this?

I'll answer two questions:
2) To see the contents of a directory inside the container, use docker exec command.
Here is an example of how to:
# docker run -it --rm --name test_con ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash
You can then open a new terminal session and run the command.
# docker exec test_con ls /home
Replace test_con with the name or ID of your container and ls /home with any command you want to be executed on the container without attaching to its console.
3) You can use docker cp command to copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem. Using above container as an example, you’ll run a command like this:
# docker cp test_con:/home /test
Where /test is a directory on the host system. It will be automatically created if it doesn't exist.
Your question 2 and 4 seem to be duplicate of the other two.


Docker volume bind empty volume or convert files to folders

I'm running a container by sending to docker daemon so it can run a sibling container and in that container I try to run another container and mount a volume to access some data, however in the sibling container, the volume is either empty or the file is converted to a folder...
Running the first container:
$ docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -it example /bin/bash
root#3aa35965846a:/home/node/example# ls some_volume/
root#3aa35965846a:/home/node/example# cat some_volume/test.txt
// Running the second container
root#3aa35965846a:/home/node/example# docker run -v /home/node/example/some_volume/:/some_volume/ -it node:10 /bin/bash
root#6a84739fbb92:/# ls /some_volume/
* test.txt
root#6a84739fbb92:/# cat /some_volume/test.txt/
cat: /some_volume/test.txt/: Is a directory
The first time I run the second container the volume is empty, if I try to mount a file directly it is converted to a folder, and after that if I try to mount the folder like the example above, there is only the file I tried to mount earlier and it is a folder.
How is this possible ? If i try to mount a volume outside the first container I don't have any problem, how can I fix this ?
The first path in the docker run -v option is always on the host system. For example, if you
docker run -v /etc:/x busybox cat /x/shadow
it will dump out the host's encrypted password file, regardless of whether you ran this command directly from the host or from a container.
There isn't a way to share an arbitrary directory from one container to another. If the launching container knows something about its own directory structure (in particular that some directory was mounted from a specific host path or named volume) then it can replicate that to the other container, but that's not a generic answer. The other behaviors you're seeing are just a consequence of those directories not existing on the host system.
In general I would advise not using Docker for short-lived processes that principally interact with the outside world through the filesystem. Take whatever program you'd run in the other container, install it in your image's Dockerfile, and run it directly without going through Docker.
If you really can't avoid this workflow, the only thing I've found to work reliably is to docker create the container, docker cp files in, docker start it, and docker wait for it to finish. When it's done, docker cp the result out before docker rm it. That's a kind of painstaking workflow but it gets around the problem of the two containers not sharing any filesystem space.

Docker mount volume to reflect container files in host

The use case is that I want to download and image that contains python code files. Assume the image does not have any text editor installed. So i want to mount a drive on host, so that files in the container show up in this host mount and i can use different editors installed on my host to update the code. Saving the changes are to be reflected in the image.
if i run the following >
docker run -v /host/empty/dir:/container/folder/with/code/files -it myimage
the /host/empty/dir is still empty, and browsing the container dir also shows it as empty. What I want is the file contents of /container/folder/with/code/files to show up in /host/empty/dir
Sébastien Helbert answer is correct. But there is still a way to do this in 2 steps.
First run the container to extract the files:
docker run --rm -it myimage
In another terminal, type this command to copy what you want from the container.
docker cp <container_id>:/container/folder/with/code/files /host/empty/dir
Now stop the container. It will be deleted (--rm) when stopped.
Now if you run your original command, it will work as expected.
docker run -v /host/empty/dir:/container/folder/with/code/files -it myimage
There is another way to access the files from within the container without copying it but it's very cumbersome.
Your /host/empty/dir is always empty because the volume binding replaces (overrides) the container folder with your empty host folder. But you can not do the opposite, that is, you take a container folder to replace your host folder.
However, there is a workaround by manually copying the files from your container folder to your host folder. before using them as you have suggested.
For exemple :
run your docker image with a volume maaping between you host folder and a temp folder : docker run -v /host/empty/dir:/some-temp-folder -it myimage
copy your /container/folder/with/code/files content into /some-temp-folder to fill you host folder with you container folder
run you container with a volum mapping on /host/empty/dir but now this folder is no longer empty : run -v /host/empty/dir:/container/folder/with/code/files -it myimage
Note that steps 1 & 2 may be replaced by : Copying files from Docker container to host

How to get an artifact generated from a container?

I have a Dockerfile dedicated to run my unit test, but i am not sure how i am supposed to get the coverage directory it generates (inside the container).
I would like to be able to get it as an artifact to be able to analyze it, but is it possible since it is generated from the container?
Use docker cp command
If you want to copy the /tmp/foo directory from a container to the existing /tmp directory on your host. If you run docker cp in your ~ (home) directory on the local host:
$ docker cp container_name:tmp/foo /tmp
Docker creates a /tmp/foo directory on your host.
If your container dies after executing you can map a volume from you host to the container, in this way you will have your data in your host after the container dies.
VOLUME ["/home/data"]
This will map /home/data in your machine with /home/data in your container, adjust at will.
More info

How to remove a mount for existing container?

I'm learning docker and reading their chapter "Manage data in containers". In the "Mount a host directory as a data volume". They mentioned the following paragraph:
In addition to creating a volume using the -v flag you can also mount a directory from your Docker engine’s host into a container.
$ docker run -d -P --name web -v /src/webapp:/opt/webapp training/webapp python
This command mounts the host directory, /src/webapp, into the container at /opt/webapp. If the path /opt/webapp already exists inside the container’s image, the /src/webapp mount overlays but does not remove the pre-existing content. Once the mount is removed, the content is accessible again. This is consistent with the expected behavior of the mount command.
Experiment 1
Then when I tried to run this command and try to inspect the container, I found that that actually container doesn't even run. Then I use docker logs web and find this error:
can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I assume that the /src/webapp mount overlays on the /opt/webapp, which there is no content.
Question 1
How can I remove this mount and check if the content is still there as the quote said?
Experiment 2
When I tried to run
$ docker run -d -P --name web2 -v newvolume:/opt/webapp training/webapp python
I found that the container ran correctly. Then I use docker exec -it web2 /bin/bash and find that all of the existing content are still inside the /opt/webapp. I can also add more files inside here. So in this case, it looks like that the volume is not overlay but combined. If I use docker inspect web and check Mounts, then I'll see that the volume is created under /var/lib/docker/volumes/newvolume/_data
Question 2
If I give a name instead of a host-dir absolute path, then the volume will not overlay the container-dir /opt/webapp but connect the two dir together?
An alternative solution is to commit the container (or export it) using docker cli and re-create it without doing the mapping.
Question 1 How can I remove this mount and check if the content is still there as the quote said?
You would create a new container without the volume mount. E.g.
$ docker run -d -P --name web training/webapp python
(Theoretically it's possible to perform some privileged operations to remove the mount on a running container, but inside the container you will not normally have this permission, and it's a good practice to get into the habit of treating containers as ephemeral.)
Question 2 If I give a name instead of a host-dir absolute path, then the volume will not overlay the container-dir /opt/webapp but connect the two dir together?
Almost. What's happening with named volumes is that docker provides an initialization step when the volume is empty and the container is created with that volume mount. The initialization step copies the contents of the image at that directory into the volume, including all files and directories recursively, ownership, and permissions. This is very useful to running containers as a non-root user with a volume directory that the user inside the container needs to be able to write into. After that initialization has happened, future containers with the same named volume will skip the initialization, even if the image content has changed, e.g. if you add new content into the image.

How to mount a directory in a Docker container to the host?

Assume that i have an application with this simple Dockerfile:
RUN --logmyfiles /var/lib/myapp
CMD ["run"]
VOLUME ["/var/lib/myapp"]
And I run a container from that:
sudo docker run -d --name myapp -p 8080:8080 myapp:latest
So it works properly and stores some logs in /var/lib/myapp of docker container.
My question
I need these log files to automatically saved in host too, So how can i mount the /var/lib/myapp from the container to the /var/lib/myapp in host server (without removing current container) ?
I also see Docker - Mount Directory From Container to Host, but it doesn't solve my problem i need a way to backup my files from docker to host.
First, a little information about Docker volumes. Volume mounts occur only at container creation time. That means you cannot change volume mounts after you've started the container. Also, volume mounts are one-way only: From the host to the container, and not vice-versa. When you specify a host directory mounted as a volume in your container (for example something like: docker run -d --name="foo" -v "/path/on/host:/path/on/container" ubuntu), it is a "regular ole" linux mount --bind, which means that the host directory will temporarily "override" the container directory. Nothing is actually deleted or overwritten on the destination directory, but because of the nature of containers, that effectively means it will be overridden for the lifetime of the container.
So, you're left with two options (maybe three). You could mount a host directory into your container and then copy those files in your startup script (or if you bring cron into your container, you could use a cron to periodically copy those files to that host directory volume mount).
You could also use docker cp to move files from your container to your host. Now that is kinda hacky and definitely not something you should use in your infrastructure automation. But it does work very well for that exact purpose. One-off or debugging is a great situation for that.
You could also possibly set up a network transfer, but that's pretty involved for what you're doing. However, if you want to do this regularly for your log files (or whatever), you could look into using something like rsyslog to move those files off your container.
So how can i mount the /var/lib/myapp from the container to the /var/lib/myapp in host server
That is the opposite: you can mount an host folder to your container on docker run.
(without removing current container)
I don't think so.
Right now, you can check docker inspect <containername> and see if you see your log in the /var/lib/docker/volumes/... associated to the volume from your container.
Or you can redirect the result of docker logs <containername> to an host file.
For more example, see this gist.
The alternative would be to mount a host directory as the log folder and then access the log files directly on the host.
me#host~$ docker run -d -p 80:80 -v <sites-enabled-dir>:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled -v <certs-dir>:/etc/nginx/certs -v <log-dir>:/var/log/nginx dockerfile/nginx
me#host~$ ls <log-dir>
(again, that apply to a container that you start, not an existing running one)
