How to send files to Chatfuel through Zapier using JSON API? - zapier

These are the steps in the Zap I have created:
1. Setup a webhook on Zapier to catch the JSON POST from Chatfuel.
2. Create a Javascript and specify the url of the file as a JSON object. (see attached file)
3. Setup a POST webhook from Zapier to post on Chatfuel.
I am stuck in step 3. I understand that Chatfuel cannot process raw JSON and the values returned need to assigned to a specific attribute.
Any suggestions how to go ahead with it?

What exactly are you trying to do? More information will help here.
In lieu of that information, here are links to the Chatfuel apps on Zapier that you could use instead of Webhooks.


What is the json format to send to server(JIRA Service Desk)?

I have created a form in mobile app, Now I want to users, if they submit the form, It will generate as a Ticket in JIRA.
Now problem is that, I am unable to get json format, that I need to post to my JIRA Dashboard.
My base URL -
I am refering this URL for integration-
I think you need to be looking at the JIRA REST API documentation found here:

Dashboard using output results from Jenkins API

I am new to Jenkins API. I just had assignement in company where PL asked me to create a new job in Jenkins where I will run all the testing,build related things on my code and it should create dashboard where all figures and graph should be shown. He said that its feasible. Can anyone please guide me to do so.
Checkout Sectioned-Vew-Plugin.
Create a Job on Jenkins and add /api after the Url. You could see the API Information related to the Job you have just created. The API will contain the Get End points for Retrieving the data. Its available in JSON as well as XMl which you can parse and use as the source of Info for your dashboard. You can also trigger a new Build by using the Post API.

How to get and display API like the facebook graph in rails

I've went through most of the beginner rails books and I want to try creating something on my own. For a start, I just want to create a few pages in rails that will get from Facebook's api and display something like username, likes, post. I've searched around and couldn't find an answer. My friend recommended that I use a gem called fb_graph, but reviewing the documentation, I have no clue how to use it.
Thanks stackoverflow!
You can query the Graph API directly. The responses will be in JSON which you can then parse into Ruby hash. See the Facebook Documentation for more details on to call specific and sample JSON responses. So here is general guide how to you can start playing around with this:-
Make a API Call to Facebook using Graph API
Explorer. Keep playing around with api until you get a response you want. Note the request params you passed to get that response & JSON you received from facebook.
Send a HTTP request containing those same params in rails using koala, 'fb_graph' or just plain NET:HTTP. It doesn't matter what client you use to sent the request, as long as you send same params as in step1, you will get that familar JSON as response.
Now, once you have the json, just have to parse it. Provided, if the client library is not already doing that as most fb gems will turn JSON into ruby objects/hashes. But if they don't, then you have to do it manually, its something like JSON.parse('JSON_RESPONSE_AS_STRING_GOES_HERE'). after this you will have a plain-old ruby hash which is you can save to db, display in view or whatever you want to do.
Hope it helps

Its possible to set fields values of a site and submit then with a Programing Language?

I have this site:
And I want to put info in the fields values and submit then, to get the next page and navigate in that site. Thats because I want to create an android app or something like that. Im using lua in first case, with luasocket(http).
I know that the input has its names, but I dont know how to set then and send then to the server. If someone can help me with this.
Thank you.
You can use POST method with luasocket. See the official documentation and a detailed example in this SO answer.
Since you seem to be doing authentication, you'll probably need to save the cookie value returned to you as part of the login response and then pass that cookie back to the server (otherwise your subsequent requests will fail as the server will reject those requests as non-authenticated).
Since you are sending this over https, you'll need to use LuaSec, which provides ssl.https module as replacement for the http module that luasocket provides. You may check my blog post for some example of how this can be done.

Ruby on Rails: Capturing JSON data from webhook?

I'm trying to understand how webhook works. My understanding is that its the ability to connect two different applications. If I submit a webhook with url
to one application, and I have my application with a method
def receiver
I was wondering if I don't know what the callback is from the webhook would be, how would I capture data? How do I save any JSON data thats communicating with my application? I was thinking maybe save some file to see what the objects are, but I'm still fairly new and not sure how to capture JSON data?
If you are sure that the webhook is returning a JSON, you can so something like this
data_json = JSON.parse
Sure, a webhook a is tool to sincronize two apps
You HAVE tou know the structure of the incoming json, because you need to get the info inside
By definition a webhook is sent by POST method, so you can capture it just inspecting the body of the petition, i.e.
webHook = JSON.parse(params[:something])
Your would try with github web hooks and publish your app in heroku, the api is very well documented and there are many examples.
