Is there a method to detect errors before it executes in mql4 codes - mql4

MQL4 codes are written in C language and basically, there is no method to use error detecting mechanism in C language before executing the code. Is there a special functionality in the Mql4 platform which helps to catch runtime errors before it executes?

No. you cannot throw an error, and you cannot catch it. So be very careful, check that b!=0 before dividing a by b, check that idx>=0 and idx<array.size before accessing array[idx] and check CheckPointer(object)==POINTER_DYNAMIC before calling something with object.

There isn't a mecanisn in mql of detect the errors before executing the code.
So besides the basic checkings of the range limits in the arrays, divisions by 0, passing the parameters witht the right range (price, sl, tp...) to the operations etc. the best way of finding most of the errors is running a backtest of the strategy you have built for several months using M1. The strategy tester is available on Metatrader.
During the backtesting Metatrader is going to feed your code with a lot of data simulating the actual market, so the code is going to pass through a lot of situations/routines/functions that is going to find later in the actual trading.
The back testing is the best simulation you can do, testing not only the strategy, testing the code itself.
This is not going to guarantee a 100% error free code, but in my case it finds >99% of them.


OPENCV OPENVINO cv2.rectangle

I am using opencv and openvino and am trying to figure out when I have a face detected, use the cv2.rectangle and have my coordinates sent but only on the first person bounded by the box so it can move the motors because when it sees multiple people it sends multiple coordinates and thus causing the servo and stepper motors to go crazy. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Generally, each code would run line by line. You'll need to create a proper function for each scenario so that the data could be handled and processed properly. In short, you'll need to implement error handling and data handling (probably more than these, depending on your software/hardware design). If you are trying to implement multiple threads of executions at the same time, it is better to use multithreading.
Besides, you are using 2 types of motors. Simply taking in all data is inefficient and prone to cause missing data. You'll need to be clear about what servo motor and stepper motor tasks are, the relations between coordinates, who will trigger what, if something fails or some sequence is missing then do task X, etc.
For example, the sequence of Data A should produce Result A but it is halted halfway because Data B went into the buffer and interfered with Result A and at the same time screwed Result B which was anticipated to happen. (This is what happened in your program)
It's good to review and design your whole process by creating a coding flowchart (a diagram that represents an algorithm). It will give you a clear idea of what should happen for each sequence of code. Then, design a proper handler for each situation.
Can you share more insights of your (pseudo-)code, please?
It sounds easy - you trigger a face-detection inference-request and you get a list/vector with all detected faces (the region-of-interest for each detected face) (including false-positive and false-positives, requiring some consistency-checks to filter those).
If you are interested in the first detected face only - then it could be to just process the first returned result from the list/vector.
However, you will see that sometimes the order of results might change, i.e. when 2 faces A and B were detected, in the next run it could still return faces, but B first and then A.
You could add object-tracking on top of face-detection to make sure you always process the same face.
(But even that could fail sometimes)

Direct Collocation/Direct Transcription with a Multibody Plant

I'm trying to do trajectory optimization for a custom robot I've specified with an sdf file.
I'd like to use direct collocation, but when I try to create the MultibodyPlant with time_step=0.0 I fail with a segfault. It works just fine when I use discrete time (e.g. Multibodyplant(time_step=.005).
However, if I use discrete time, the state is no longer continuous so I can't use direct collocation. So I tried to use direct transcription and I get the error
SystemExit: Failure at bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/systems/framework/_virtual_includes/context/drake/systems/framework/context.h:111 in num_total_states(): condition 'num_abstract_states() == 0' failed.
I think the reason is that DirectTranscription does not have a assume_non_continuous_states_are_fixed, the same issue as in this question: direct transcription for compass gait. So maybe the easiest solution to my problem is to request this feature..
I recommended above that we do add that assume_non_continuous_states_are_fixed to DirectTranscription. But the reason that this option was not implemented already is a little subtle, so I’ll add it here.
It’s not actually MultibodyPlant that is adding the abstract state, but SceneGraph. For dynamics/planning, you only need SceneGraph if you are relying on contact forces in your dynamics. For acrobots / cart-poles, etc, you can already use a MultibodyPlant with DirectTranscription by passing the MBP only (no SceneGraph) to the optimization. And for systems that do make and break contact, I would have said that DirectTranscription might not be the algorithm you want; although there are no hard and fast rules saying it won’t work. It’s just that you’ll end up with stiff differential equations which are hard to transcribe in a reasonable trajectory optimization that doesn’t reason explicitly about the contact.
I think I know your application, which involves wheels that are in contact and stay in contact. That means that you do need SceneGraph. That might be a case were this currently missing combination makes perfect sense, and we should add it.

F# Array.Parallel hanging

I have been struggling with parallel and async constructs in F# for the last couple days and not sure where to go at this point. I have been programming with F# for about 4 months - certainly no expert - and I currently have a series of calculations that are implemented in F# ( 4.5) and are working correctly when executed sequentially. I am running the calculations on a multi-core server and since there are millions of inputs to perform the same calculation on, I am hoping to take advantage of parallelism to speed it up.
The calculations are extremely data parallel - basically the exact calculation on different input data. I have tried a number of different avenues and I continually run into the same issue - it seems as if the parallel looping never gets to the end of the input data set. I have tried TPL, ConcurrentQueues, and all the same result: the program starts out fine and then somewhere in the middle (indeterminate) it just hangs and never completes. For simplicity I actually removed the calculation from the program and I am just calling a print method, and Here is where the code is currently at:
let runParallel =
let ids = query {for c in db.CustTable do select} |> Seq.take(5)
let customerInputArray= getAllObservations ids
Array.Parallel.iter(fun c -> testParallel c) customerInputArray
let key = System.Console.ReadKey()
A few points...
I limited the results above to only 5 just for debugging. The actual program does not apply the Take(5).
The testParallel method is just a printfn "test".
The customerInputArray is a complex data type. It is a tuple of lists that contain records. So I am pretty sure my problem must be there...but I added exception handling and no exception is getting raised, so have no idea how to go about finding the problem.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Thanks for the advice...I think it is definitely deadlock. When I remove all of the printfn, sprintfn, and string concat operations, it completes. (of course, I need those things in there.)
Is printfn, sprintfn, and string ops not thread-safe?
Another EDIT: Iteration always stops on the last item..So if my input array has 15 items, the processing stops on item 14, or seems to never get to item 15. Then everything just hangs. Does not matter what the size of the input array is..Any ideas what can be causing this? I even switched over to Parallel.ForEach (instead of Array.Parallel) and same behavior.
Update on the situation and how I resolved this issue.
I was unable to upload code from my example due to my company's firewall policy, so in the end my question did not have enough details. I failed to mention that I was using a type provider which was important information in this situation. But here is what I figured out.
I am using the F# type provider for SQL Server and was passing around its Service Types which I suspect are not thread-safe. When I replaced the ServiceTypes with plain old F# Records, the code worked fine - no more deadlocks and everything completed without error.

UnitTesting a class that returns a complex dataset

After months of frustration and of time spent in inserting needles in voodoo dolls of previous developers I decided that it is better try to refactor the legacy code.
I already ordered Micheal Feather's book, I am into Fowler's refactoring and I made some sample projects with DUnit.
So even if I don't master the subject I feel it is time to act and put some ideas into practice.
Almost 100% of the code I work on has the business logic trapped in the UI, moreover all is procedural programming (with some few exceptions). The application started as quick & dirty and continued as such.
Now writing tests for all the application is a meaningless task in my case, but I would like to try to unittest something that I need to refactor.
One of the complex tasks one big "TForm business logic class" does is to read DB data, make some computations and populate a scheduler component. I would like to remove the reading DB data and computation part and assign to a new class this task. Of course this is a way to improve the current design, it is not the best way for starting from scratch, but I'd like to do this because the data returned by this new class is useful also in other ways, for example now I've been ask to send e-mail notifications of scheduler data.
So to avoid a massive copy and paste operation I need the new class.
Now the scheduler is populated from a huge dataset (huge in size and in number of fields), probably a first refactoring step could be obtaining the dataset from the new class. But then in the future I'd better use a new class (like TSchedulerData or some other name less bound to scheduler) to manage the data, and instead of having a dataset as result i can have a TSchedulerData object.
Since refactor occurs at at small steps and tests are needed to refactor better I am a little confused on how to proceed.
The following points are not clear to me:
1) how to test a complex dataset? Should I run the working application, save one result set to xml, and write a test where I use a TClientDataSet containing that xml data?
2) How much do I have to care about TSchedulerData? I mean I am not 100% sure I will use TSchedulerData, may be I will stick with the Dataset, anyway thinking of creating complex tests that will be discarded in 2 weeks is not appealing for a DUnitNewbee. Anyway probably this is how it works. I can't imagine the number of bugs that I would face without a test.
Final note: I know someone thinks rewriting from scratch is a better option, but this is not an option. "The application is huge and it is sold today and new features are required today not to get out of business". This is what I have been told, anyway refactoring can save my life and extend the application life.
Your eventual goal is to separate the UI, data storage and business logic into distinct layers.
Its very difficult to test a UI with automatic testing frameworks. You'll want to eventually separate as much of the business logic from the UI as possible. This can be accomplished using one of the various Model/View/* patterns. I prefer MVP passive view, which attempts to make the UI nothing more than an interface. If you're using a Dataset MVP Supervising Controller may be a better fit.
Data storage needs to have its own suite of tests but these are different from unit tests (though you can use the same unit testing framework) and there are usually fewer of them. You can get away with this because most of the heavy lifting is being done by third party data components and a dbms (in your case T*Dataset). These are integration tests. Basically making sure your code plays nice with the vendor's code. Also needed if you have any stored procedures defined in the DB. They are much slower that unit tests and don't need to be run as often.
The business logic is what you want to test the most. Every calculation, loop or branch should have at least one test(more is preferable). In legacy code this logic often touches the UI and db directly and does multiple things in a single function. Here Extract Method is your friend. Good places to extract methods are:
for I:=0 to List.Count - 1 do
if /*HERE if its a complex condition*/ then
Answer := Var1 / Var2 + Var1 * Var3; //HERE
When you come across one of these extraction points
Decide what you want the method signature to look like for your new method: Method name, parameters, return value.
Write a test that calls it and checks the expected outcome.
Extract the method.
If all goes well you will have a newly extracted method with at least one passing unit test.
Delphi's built in Extract Method doesn't give you any way to adjust the signature so if that's your own option you'll have to make do and fix it after extraction. You'll also want to make the new method public so your test can access it. Some people balk at making a private utility method public but at this early stage you have little choice. Once you've made sufficient progress you'll start to see that some utility methods you've extracted belong in their own class (in which case they'd have to be public anyway) while others can be made private/protected and tested indirectly by testing methods that depend on them.
As your test suite grows you'll want to run them after each change to ensure your latest change hasn't broken something elsewhere.
This topic is much too large to cover completely in an answer. You'll find the vast majority of your questions are covered when that book arrives.
I'd say approach it in focussed baby steps.
Step#1: Should always be to get some tests around your area of invasion TForm - regression tests aka safety net. In your case, sense what the app is doing. From what I read, it seems to be a data transformer. So spend time to understand all (or most important if all is not feasible) combinations of input data and the corresponding output schedules. Write them up as tests. Ensure that all tests pass.
Step#2: Now attempt your refactorings. Move blocks of code into cohesive classes etc all under the safety of the regression net.
Testing complex datasets - testing file dumps should be the last resort. But in this case, it seems like a simple option to get started. Maybe you could later make it a first class domain object TSchedule with its own Equals() implementation. Defer design decisions/changes until you have a solid regression test suite around your area of modification.

VC6 Profiler Problem: Spurious Function Calls

I am running into the following issue while profiling an application under VC6. When I profile the application, the profiler is indicating that a simple getter method similar to the following is being called many hundreds of thousands of times:
int SomeClass::getId() const
return m_iId;
The problem is, this method is not called anywhere in the test app. When I change the code to the following:
int SomeClass::getId() const
std::cout << "Is this method REALLY being called?" << std::endl;
return m_iId;
The profiler never includes getId in the list of invoked functions. Comment out the cout and I'm right back to where I started, 130+ thousand calls! Just to be sure it wasn't some cached profiler data or corrupted function lookup table, I'm doing a clean and rebuild between each test. Still the same results!
Any ideas?
I'd guess that what's happening is that the compiler and/or the linker is 'coalescing' this very simple function to one or more other functions that are identical (the code generated for return m_iId is likely exactly the same as many other getters that happen to return a member that's at the same offset).
essentially, a bunch of different functions that happen to have identical machine code implementations are all resolved to the same address, confusing the profiler.
You may be able to stop this from happening (if this is the problem) by turning off optimizations.
I assume you are profiling because you want to find out if there are ways to make the program take less time, right? You're not just profiling because you like to see numbers.
There's a simple, old-fashioned, tried-and-true way to find performance problems. While the program is running, just hit the "pause" button and look at the call stack. Do this several times, like from 5 to 20 times. The bigger a problem is, the fewer samples you need to find it.
Some people ask if this isn't basically what profilers do, and the answer is only very few. Most profilers fall for one or more common myths, with the result that your speedup is limited because they don't find all problems:
Some programs are spending unnecessary time in "hotspots". When that is the case, you will see that the code at the "end" of the stack (where the program counter is) is doing needless work.
Some programs do more I/O than necessary. If so, you will see that they are in the process of doing that I/O.
Large programs are often slow because their call trees are needlessly bushy, and need pruning. If so, you will see the unnecessary function calls mid-stack.
Any code you see on some percentage of stacks will, if removed, save that percentage of execution time (more or less). You can't go wrong. Here's an example, over several iterations, of saving over 97%.
