Reading File Path to a Variable - path

I want to use the variable that I passed to a function which contains a file path. However, I don't get it working.
For example, I have a path like "/samba-test/log_gen/log_gen/log_generator" and when I read this path to a variable it doesn't work as expected. Please refer to my explaination in the code. My comments
are tagged with the string "VENK" . Any help would be appreciated.
/* caller */
config_path = "/samba-test/log_gen/log_gen/log_generator"
def ReadWrite_Timeline(lp_readpath, lp_filterlist):
current_parent_path = lp_readpath
current_search_list = lp_filterlist
print(current_parent_path) >>>>>> VENK - PATH prints fine here as expected <<<<<<<<.
strings_1 = ("2e88422c-4b61-41d7-9cf9-4650edaa4e56", "2017-11-27 16:1")
for index in range(0,3):
print (current_search_list[index])
#outputfile = open(wrsReportFileName, "a")
for ext in filext:
print("Current_Parent_Path",current_parent_path ) <<<<<<VENK - Prints as Expected ""
#VENK - The above line prints as ('Current_Parent_Path', '/samba-test/log_gen/log_gen/log_generator') which is expected
#The actual files are inside the 'varlog' where the 'varlog' folder is inside '/samba-test/log_gen/log_gen/log_generator'
#possible problematic line below.
varlogpath = "(current_parent_path/varlog)/*"+ext >>>>>>>>>>> VENK- Unable to find the files if given in this format <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
print("varlogpath",varlogpath) >>>>>>>>>>>> VENK- varlogpath doesn't print as expected <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#VENK - The above line prints as ('varlogpath', 'current_parent_path/varlog/*.txt') which I feel is problematic.
#VENK - If I give the absolute path as below it works fine
#varlogpath = "/samba-test/log_gen/log_gen/log_generator/varlog/*"+ext
files = glob.glob(varlogpath)
for file in files:
fname_varlog = open(file, 'r')
for line in fname_varlog:
#if any(s in line for s in strings):
#s1 searches the mandatory arguments
#s2 searches the optional arguments
if all(s1 in line for s1 in strings_1):
#if all(s1 in line for s1 in strings_1) or all(s2 in line for s2 in strings_2):
#print (file, end="")
outputfile.write("10.[##### Summary of the Issue #####] -- Enter Data Manually \n")
#print (ext)

A path join to the variable 'current_parent_path' helped to resolve the problem (like below).
varlogpath = os.path.join(current_parent_path, "*"+ext)


How do I use more then one pattern for gmatch

Hello I am trying to get some data from a text file and put it into a table.
Im not sure how to add more then one pattern while also doing what I want, I know this pattern by its self %a+ finds letters and %b{} finds brackets, but I am not sure how to combine them together so that I find the letters as a key and the brackets as a value and have them be put into a table that I could use.
text file :
left = {{0,63},{16,63},{32,63},{48,63}}
right = {{0,21},{16,21},{32,21},{48,21}}
up = {{0,42},{16,42},{32,42},{48,42}}
down = {{0,0},{16,0},{32,0},{48,0}}
local function get_animations(file_path)
local animation_table = {}
local file =,"r")
local contents = file:read("*a")
for k, v in string.gmatch(contents, ("(%a+)=(%b{})")) do -- A gets words and %b{} finds brackets
animation_table[k] = v
print("key : " .. k.. " Value : ".. v)
This is valid Lua code, why not simply execute it?
left = {{0,63},{16,63},{32,63},{48,63}}
right = {{0,21},{16,21},{32,21},{48,21}}
up = {{0,42},{16,42},{32,42},{48,42}}
down = {{0,0},{16,0},{32,0},{48,0}}
If you don't want the data in globals, use the string library to turn it into
return {
left = {{0,63},{16,63},{32,63},{48,63}},
right = {{0,21},{16,21},{32,21},{48,21}},
up = {{0,42},{16,42},{32,42},{48,42}},
down = {{0,0},{16,0},{32,0},{48,0}},
befor you execute it.
If you insist on parsing that file you can use a something like this for each line:
local line = "left = {{0,63},{16,63},{32,63},{48,63}}"
for num1, num2 in a:gmatch("(%d+),(%d+)") do
print(num1, num2)
This should be enough to get you started. Of course you wouldn't print those values but put them into a table.

How to pass required arguments in Google colab (Notebook)

I use google colab for execution.
In the following code, as all the arguments are passed by default. I can pass the args as an empty list, which can be seen from the last line:
DEFAULT_ENV_NAME = "PongNoFrameskip-v4"
parser.add_argument("--cuda", default=True, action="store_true", help="Enable cuda")
parser.add_argument("--env", default=DEFAULT_ENV_NAME,
help="Name of the environment, default=" + DEFAULT_ENV_NAME)
parser.add_argument("--reward", type=float, default=MEAN_REWARD_BOUND,
help="Mean reward boundary for stop of training, default=%.2f" % MEAN_REWARD_BOUND)
args = parser.parse_args(args = [])
when I use print(args) I got:
Namespace(cuda=True, env='PongNoFrameskip-v4', reward=19.5)
Also when I execute the following code:
DEFAULT_ENV_NAME = "PongNoFrameskip-v4"
parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", required=True, help="Model file to load")
parser.add_argument("-e", "--env", default=DEFAULT_ENV_NAME,
help="Environment name to use, default=" + DEFAULT_ENV_NAME)
parser.add_argument("-r", "--record", help="Directory to store video recording")
parser.add_argument("--no-visualize", default=True, action='store_false', dest='visualize',
help="Disable visualization of the game play")
args = parser.parse_args(args=['dqn_model'])
I am getting errors in syntax, which is because of the last line. I need to send required values for model argument (say dqn_model).
What is the correct syntax for passing the arguments?
I tried the following which gave me errors:
args = parser.parse_args(args=['dqn_model'])
args = parser.parse_args(args=[model='dqn_model'])
args = parser.parse_args(args=[m='dqn_model'])
this worked out for me
use :
args = argparse.Namespace(cuda="Argument=required",env="PongNoFrameskip-v4",reward=19.5)
make sure you have added all the argument keys with their respective value.

Simple LZW Compression doesnt work

I wrote simple class to compress data. Here it is:
LZWCompressor = {}
local self = {}
self.mDictionary = {}
self.mDictionaryLen = 0
-- ...
self.Encode = function(sInput)
local s = ""
local ch = ""
local len = string.len(sInput)
local result = {}
local dic = self.mDictionary
local temp = 0
for i = 1, len do
ch = string.sub(sInput, i, i)
temp =
if dic[temp] then
s = temp
result[#result + 1] = dic[s]
self.mDictionaryLen = self.mDictionaryLen + 1
dic[temp] = self.mDictionaryLen
s = ch
result[#result + 1] = dic[s]
return result
-- ...
return self
And i run it by:
local compressor =
local encodedData = compressor:Encode("I like LZW, but it doesnt want to compress this text.")
print("Input length:",string.len(originalString))
print("Output length:",#encodedData)
local decodedString = compressor:Decode(encodedData)
print(originalString == decodedString)
But when i finally run it by lua, it shows that interpreter expected string, not Table. That was strange thing, because I pass argument of type string. To test Lua's logs, i wrote at beggining of function:
I got output "Table" and lua's error. So how to fix it? Why lua displays that string (That i have passed) is a table? I use Lua 5.3.
Issue is in definition of method Encode(), and most likely Decode() has same problem.
You create Encode() method using dot syntax: self.Encode = function(sInput),
but then you're calling it with colon syntax: compressor:Encode(data)
When you call Encode() with colon syntax, its first implicit argument will be compressor itself (table from your error), not the data.
To fix it, declare Encode() method with colon syntax: function self:Encode(sInput), or add 'self' as first argument explicitly self.Encode = function(self, sInput)
The code you provided should not run at all.
You define function but call
Inside Encode you call self:InitDictionary(true) which has not been defined.
Maybe you did not paste all relevant code here.
The reason for the error you get though is that you call compressor:Encode(sInput) which is equivalent to compressor.Encode(self, sInput). (syntactic sugar) As function parameters are not passed by name but by their position sInput inside Encode is now compressor, not your string.
Your first argument (which happens to be self, a table) is then passed to string.len which expects a string.
So you acutally call string.len(compressor) which of course results in an error.
Please make sure you know how to call and define functions and how to use self properly!

string.match throwing error: attempt to index field '?' (a string value)

I am trying to match three pieces of data on a line of text in a text file and store them in table elements. Each line looks something like this:
0.277719 0.474610 This
0.474610 0.721241 is
0.721241 1.063209 test
I have a local table to hold the line of text and I am trying to assign the data pieces as follows.
local data = {}
local file = "audio/audio.txt", "r" )
local i = 1
for line in file:lines() do
data[i] = line
data[i].start, data[i].out, data[i].name = string.match( line, '(%S+)%s*(%S+)%s*(%S+)' )
i = i + 1
The data[i] = line part works just fine. The next line does not.
All I get is the following error on the line data[i].start, data[i].out, data[i].name = string.match( line, '(%S+)%s*(%S+)%s*(%S+)' ):
attempt to index field '?' (a string value)
What am I doing wrong?
The error is in the line
data[i] = line
This line makes data[i] a string variable which cannot have other strings indexed to it. Change that line to:
data[i] = {}
and everything works fine.

How can I efficiently parse formatted text from a file in Qt?

I would like to get efficient way of working with Strings in Qt. Since I am new in Qt environment.
So What I am doing:
I am loading a text file, and getting each lines.
Each line has text with comma separated.
Line schema:
Fname{limit:list:option}, Lname{limit:list:option} ... etc.
John{0:0:0}, Lname{0:0:0}
Notes:limit can be 1 or 0 and the same as others.
So I would like to get Fname and get limit,list,option values from {}.
I am thinking to write a code with find { and takes what is inside, by reading symbol by symbol.
What is the efficient way to parse that?
The following snippet will give you Fname and limit,list,option from the first set of brackets. It could be easily updated if you are interested in the Lname set as well.
QFile file("input.txt");
if (! | QIODevice::Text))
qDebug() << "Failed to open input file.";
QRegularExpression re("(?<name>\\w+)\\{(?<limit>[0-1]):(?<list>[0-1]):(?<option>[0-1])}");
while (!file.atEnd())
QString line = file.readLine();
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(line);
QString name = match.captured("name");
int limit = match.captured("limit").toInt();
int list = match.captured("list").toInt();
int option = match.captured("option").toInt();
// Do something with values ...
