I'm trying to extract the line profile from diffraction patterns(2D image).
The ROI is known like (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
My challenge is to do this on an original source that is a 4D image (scanned real space) x (diff image)
and then convert this to a 3D (scanned real space) x (line profile) data.
A script that only extracts the lineprofile from diffraction would already be helpful.
I think SliceN would be the best for this ?
The script command to extract a Lineprofile of a 2D image with perpendicular averaging is LiveProfile_ExtractLineProfile, and the following example would work on a 2D diffraction pattern:
image DPImg := GetFrontImage()
number kx1 = 77
number ky1 = 77
number kx2 = 175
number ky2 = 175
number pWidth = 10
image profile := LiveProfile_ExtractLineProfile(DPImg,kx1,ky1,kx2,ky2,pwidth)
If you have a 4D stack, then your're right that you need to use the SliceN command to access the according "plane" or diffraction pattern at specified X/Y. The following script would do that:
image DPStack := GetFrontImage()
number sx = DPStack.ImageGetDimensionSize(0)
number sy = DPStack.ImageGetDimensionSize(1)
number ksx = DPStack.ImageGetDimensionSize(2)
number ksy = DPStack.ImageGetDimensionSize(3)
number px = sx/2
number py = sy/2
image DPImg := DPStack.SliceN( 4,2, px,py,0,0, 2,ksx,1, 3,ksy,1 )
number kx1 = 77
number ky1 = 77
number kx2 = 175
number ky2 = 175
number pWidth = 10
image profile := LiveProfile_ExtractLineProfile(DPImg,kx1,ky1,kx2,ky2,pwidth)
Putting all of this back into the format you need, is a matter of iteration and data insertion, which you can do with slice commands as well.
Note: The following example script from the DM Scripting database might be a useful reference for you as well.
I am working on eigen transformation - texture to detect object from an image. This work was published in ACCV 2006 page number 71. Full pdf is available on chapter-3 in this pdf https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:275069/FULLTEXT01.pdf. I am not able to follow after getting texture descriptors.
I am working on the attached image. The image size is 9541440.
I took image patches of 3232 and for every patch calculated eigenvalues and got the texture descriptor. After that what to do with these texture descriptors is what I am not able to follow.
Any help to unblock will be really appreciated. Code looks for calculating descriptors looks like below:
descriptors = np.zeros((gray.shape[0]//w, gray.shape[1]//w))
w = 32
for i in range(gray.shape[0]//w):
temp = []
for j in range(gray.shape[1]//w):
sorted_eigen = -np.sort(-np.linalg.eigvals(gray[i*w:
l = i*w + 13
k = (i+1)*w
theta_svd = (1/(k-l+1))* np.sum([np.abs(val) for val in s[l:k]])
descriptors[i,j] = theta_svd
I am currently planning on training a binary image classification model. The images I want to train on are the difference between two original pictures. In other words, for each data entry, I start out with 2 pictures, take their difference, and the label that difference as a 0 or 1. My question is what is the best way to find this difference. I know about cv2.absdiff and then normal subtraction of images - what is the most effective way to go about this?
About the data: The images I'm training on are screenshots that usually are the same but may have small differences. I found that normal subtraction seems to show the differences less than absdiff.
This is the code I use for absdiff:
diff = cv2.absdiff(img1, img2)
mask = cv2.cvtColor(diff, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
th = 1
imask = mask>1
canvas = np.zeros_like(img2, np.uint8)
canvas[imask] = img2[imask]
And then this for normal subtraction:
def extract_diff(self,imageA, imageB, image_name, path):
subtract = imageB.astype(np.float32) - imageA.astype(np.float32)
mask = cv2.inRange(np.abs(subtract),(30,30,30),(255,255,255))
th = 1
imask = mask>1
canvas = np.zeros_like(imageA, np.uint8)
canvas[imask] = imageA[imask]
A difference can be negative or positive.
For some number types, such as uint8 (unsigned 8-bit int), which can't be negative (have no sign), a negative value wraps around and the value would make no sense anymore. Other types can be signed (e.g. floats, signed ints), so a negative value can be represented correctly.
That's why cv.absdiff exists. It always gives you absolute differences, and those are okay to represent in an unsigned type.
Example with numbers: a = 4, b = 6. a-b should be -2, right?
That value, as an uint8, will wrap around to become 0xFE, or 254 in decimal. The 254 value has some relation to the true -2 difference, but it also incorporates the range of values of the data type (8 bits: 256 values), so it's really just "code".
cv.absdiff would give you the absolute of the difference (-2), which is 2.
I am relatively new with working with dicom files.Thanks in advance.
I have 2 dicom files of the same patient taken at different intervals.
They are not exactly the same dimensions.
The first one is: dimesions of cube1 104X163X140 and the second one is dimesions of cube2 107X164X140. I would like to align both cubes at the origin and compare them.
The ImagePositionPatient of the first file is: [-207.4748, -151.3715
The ImagePositionPatient of the second file is: [-207.4500, -156.3500
Both files have the same ImageOrientationPatient - [ 1 0 0 0 1 0]
Any chance someone could please show me an example? I am not sure how to map the physical plane back to the image plane?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Added: 23/2/17
I have used the matrix formula below based on the link where in my case :
IPP (Sxyz) of cube 1 = [-207.4748, -151.3715-198.7500]
Xxyz (IOP) = [1,0,0]
Yxyz (IOP) = [1,0,0]
delta_i = 2.5
delta_j = 2.5
So for values of i = 0: 103 and j = 0:162 of cube1, I should compute the values of Pxyz?
What is the next step? Sorry, I do not see how this will help me to align the two cubes with different IPP to the image plane?
Sorry for the newbie question ...
I did not verify the matrix you built. But if it is calculated correctly, you can transform between the volume coordinate system (VCS) (x1,y1,z1), where x1 = column, y1 = row and z1 = slice number to the patient coordinate system (PCS) (x2, y2, z2) - these coordinates define the point within the patient in milimeters.
By inverting the matrix, you can transform back from PCS to VCS.
Let's say, the transformation matrix for volume 1 := M1 and the transformation matrix PCS -> VCS for volume 2 := M2. Then you can transform a point p1 from volume 1 to the corresponding point p2 in volume 2 by transforming it to the PCS using M1 and transforming from PCS to volume 2 using M2' (the inverted M2).
By multiplying M1 and M2', you can calculate a matrix transforming directly from volume1 to volume2.
p2 = (M1 * M2') * p1
I have images 1750*1750 and I would like to label them and put them into a file in the same format as CIFAR10. I have seen a similar answer before that gave an answer:
label = [3]
im = Image.open(img)
im = (np.array(im))
r = im[:,:,0].flatten()
g = im[:,:,1].flatten()
b = im[:,:,2].flatten()
array = np.array(list(label) + list(r) + list(g) + list(b), np.uint8)
but it doesn't include how to add multiple images in a single file. I have looked at CIFAR10 and tried to append the arrays in the same way, but all I got was the following error:
E tensorflow/core/client/tensor_c_api.cc:485] Read less bytes than requested
Note that I am using Tensorflow to do my computations, and I have been able to isolate the problem from the data.
The CIFAR-10 binary format represents each example as a fixed-length record with the following format:
1-byte label.
1 byte per pixel for the red channel of the image.
1 byte per pixel for the green channel of the image.
1 byte per pixel for the blue channel of the image.
Assuming you have a list of image filenames called images, and a list of integers (less than 256) called labels corresponding to their labels, the following code would write a single file containing these images in CIFAR-10 format:
with open(output_filename, "wb") as f:
for label, img in zip(labels, images):
label = np.array(label, dtype=np.uint8)
f.write(label.tostring()) # Write label.
im = np.array(Image.open(img), dtype=np.uint8)
f.write(im[:, :, 0].tostring()) # Write red channel.
f.write(im[:, :, 1].tostring()) # Write green channel.
f.write(im[:, :, 2].tostring()) # Write blue channel.
I have the following problem. I have to compute dense SIFT interest points in a very high dimensional image (182MP). When I run the code in the full image Matlab always close suddently. So I decided to run the code in image patches.
the code
I tried to use blocproc in matlab to call the c++ function that performs the dense sift interest points detection this way:
fun = #(block_struct) denseSIFT(block_struct.data, options);
[dsift , infodsift] = blockproc(ndvi,[1000 1000],fun);
where dsift is the sift descriptors (vectors) and infodsift has the information of the interest points, such as the x and y coordinates.
the problem
The problem is the fact that blocproc just allow one output, but i want both outputs. The following error is given by matlab when i run the code.
Error using blockproc
Too many output arguments.
Is there a way for me doing this?
Would it be a problem for you to "hard code" a version of blockproc?
Assuming for a moment that you can divide your image into NxM smaller images, you could loop around as follows:
bigImage = someFunction();
sz = size(bigImage);
smallSize = sz ./ [N M];
dsift = cell(N,M);
infodsift = cell(N,M);
for ii = 1:N
for jj = 1:M
smallImage = bigImage((ii-1)*smallSize(1) + (1:smallSize(1)), (jj-1)*smallSize(2) + (1:smallSize(2));
[dsift{ii,jj} infodsift{ii,jj}] = denseSIFT(smallImage, options);
The results will then be in the two cell arrays. No real need to pre-allocate, but it's tidier if you do. If the individual matrices are the same size, you can convert into a single large matrix with
dsiftFull = cell2mat(dsift);
Almost magic. This won't work if your matrices are different sizes - but then, if they are, I'm not sure you would even want to put them all in a single one (unless you decide to horzcat them).
If you do decide you want a list of "all the colums as a giant matrix", then you can do
giantMatrix = [dsift{:}];
This will return a matrix with (in your example) 128 rows, and as many columns as there were "interest points" found. It's shorthand for
giantMatrix = [dsift{1,1} dsift{2,1} dsift{3,1} ... dsift{N,M}];