Ucma 4.0 / 5.0 on NanoServer or Windows Server Core? - docker

I want to use ucma API on windows container.But I want to know, can I host the API on nano server or windows server core?
I searched ucma documents but I didn't find any information about containers.
According to requirements, it seems to work only with Windows Server 2016 and Windows server 2012.

So I was able to get a UCMA application to start/register and even accept a call running on a server core container, but it took some doing. The runtime needs to be installed in the container image, which needed to be done manually. You also need to provision the app using the container host's details, and get the cert into the container.
The place where it all breaks down though is with media-if your app needs to play/record prompts for calls, you can't do it from server core. Container or not, the OS is missing the runtime for WMA, and from what I've found, it can't be installed.
For what it's worth, the SFB team doesn't even support UCMA on server core, let alone core on a container, so you're dealing with a couple of layers of "not supported" stuff.

UCMA applications will work fine on Windows Server Core as long as your application doesn't have any UI.
Nano Server I'm not sure.
As far as I know, Nano Server only runs 64-bit applications. UCMA application can run in 64 fine but what I don't know is what .net framework is supported on nano server. If it supports the full .net framework, it may work.
I don't think you will know unless you try it yourself and see if it works or not.


Can I run Visual Studio and .Net Framework in a docker container on Mac?

I have a Visual Studio Code app (Angular/.Net Core Web Api app) for work and I can develop, debug and run it on my personal Mac when I VPN into my companies network.
I also have a desktop work PC on my companies site and a remote work server that I can RDP into to do all my work, but I prefer my personal Mac!
I now need to create a .Net Web Api app (NON .Net Core) that my .Net Core app needs to call over http (for WCF web services that won't run on .Net Core), so I created a Visual Studio .Net Framework web Api app on one of my Win PC work machines and I can run both projects side by side (Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio) on my PC but not my Mac.
Is there any way to get the .Net Framework app working on my Mac? ex. in a Docker container or maybe even just running the app in a container, so that my .Net Core app can call it?
Another idea I have but not sure if possible -
When I run the .Net Core app on my Mac I'm VPN'd into my companies network. If I run the .Net Web app on my work desktop or the remote server would I be able to connect to it from my Mac?
Visual Studio Code is a JavaScript application, which is what makes it nice a portable (and also kind of slow). The Visual Studio Framework is a different animal; one that is very territorial. Compiled applications that target the .NET framework will absolutely not run on MacOS, or Linux, or Solaris or..... anything not Windows. .NET core is portable to MacOS though.
As per this post (Can you install and run apps built on the .NET framework on a Mac?) there is the option of using Mono to recompile the code and run it on the Mac. Unfortunately, it does not support the full .NET Framework, and likely requires some non-trivial modifications to the code to make it work. If you go this route, you're either going to be limited to the areas of the Framework that are supported by Mono, or you'll have to maintain 2 different versions of the same code base. Neither option sounds very good to me.
As far as running in Docker, that will not work. Docker is fundamentally tied to the host operating system due to the use of kernel namespaces to provide isolation for processes and other system resources. It does not provide the same kernel API that the .NET Framework would require.
If you are absolutely determined to keep the development work on the Mac, the best option is probably to use a thick virtual machine that runs a full copy of Windows. This has the obvious downsides of being much more expensive (both in terms of the system resources it will need, and the software licensing costs), and you end up using Windows anyway (so you might as well just RDP to a real Windows machine). Probably not the answer you were hoping for (and I would love for someone to list some options that I've missed), but I think you're going to end up doing some work in Windows.
You can't run .NET Framework , because this working with layer architecture from operative system, when running, so many libraries is on migration and now running in .NET core via nuget recomendation is use oficial net core image from microsoft or run you docker over a microsoft server system.

Can't access to .accdb database when deployed. VB.net / MVC app

this is my first post I am having some trouble with an app, in Visual Studio I can run it on Debug without any issue and everything works correctly, but when I deploy it using IIS I can access any page except of the ones where there is an interaction with an access database. If I search through virtual directory I can download the file without an issue.
Do you have any recommendation?
Are you running x32 or x64 iis? (Usually it x64).
Of course on your desktop, then Visual Studio defaults to x32, and that would explain why the Access database engine (ACE) works. You likely should force your project to x32 or x64 (and then ensure that you have a x64 bit version of the ACE (Access) istalled on your developer machie. You then want to ensure that you launching the x64 bit version of IIS.
You don’t need Access installed on your server, but you will need the ACE database engine – and the most easy way to ensure that data engine is installed is simply installing the Access runtime on that server.
Give that the standard ACE database engine download is x32, then I would look into this issue. You could (should) be able to resolve the issue by installing a x64 bit Access runtime on that server – this would also suggest a possible update to your connection strings. And I would check/test the connection string you are using once you resolve the x64 bit version of Access. The path name in your connection string will ALWAYS be a absolute path (not a relative one).

How to deploy a rails application on Windows PC (windows 7 / windows 8)?

I have built a rails app which is used as a standalone enterprise application. The application needs to run on Windows desktops (entire user base runs Windows machines). I am able to run it quite successfully on an Ubuntu machine but it's not something customers will prefer to run.
Since deploying on a windows machine is quite messy AFAIK. I would like deploy it on Windows using a virtual machine (VirtualBox).
Requirements would be -
Application installation on Windows 7 / Windows 8.
User should be able to access rails server by browser running on his/her system via localhost or any other IP address.
Application should auto-start when user reboots the machine.
Ideally user should be able to download and install the software on his/her machine by himself/herself.
I am working to make this work but would like to know the feasibility of this solution. Would like to if I am getting the concepts wrongs or if there is something which is simply not possible or is not making any sense.
Take a look at Vagrant, which is a highly scriptable VM host. You can then generate batch files to automatically start the VM on boot.
To deploy new code, you'll just want to provide them with a new VM image they can copy into your app directory.
That said, I agree with other comments that this might not be the right platform for your use case. The main reason for building web apps is so that many clients can use your app over the web using just one set of servers. Deploying a web server to each client seems like it's defeating that advantage.

Lightest way to run IIS on Mac?

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 app that I would like to run on a Mac machine. I would hate to run a full blown Windows virtual machine when all I really need is IIS7 to run the MVC app. What is the lightest way to run this (VirtualBox, Parallels, IIS7 Express, etc)? Really my goal is to code the Javascript/client-side of the app on my Mac and I am trying really hard not to do my development on a Windows machine :)
BEWARE: The below answer is very old and I don't delete it just for historic purposes. These days I would recommend to install ASP.NET Core along with .NET6. After you have set that up, there are different ways to expose your web port in production, such as NGinx reverse proxy, or Kestrel or other things that I haven't researched much these days.
Follow this link (provided by #LexLi in a comment above) to know how to set up your MVC environment.
With regards to IIS, as far as I know it cannot be done. You should use the native web server of your operating system. IIS doesn't run on Mac, so I guess you should try Apache, and then install module "mod_mono".
Or if that gets too hairy, just use the standalone mono web server called XSP.
Or run FastCGI, or nginx.
It is all explained here: http://www.mono-project.com/ASP.NET
I use Parallels, and although their software was poor a few years back, it's now lightyears ahead of VMWare in stability and performance. Parallels Desktop 7 for mac is awesome.
My only computer is a MBP, yet I develop software for IIS. I run Parallels in Coherence mode, and I essentially have VisualStudio as just another mac app. And since I'm only running one app in the VM, it's way more stable than a normal PC install. I actually haven't rebooted it in 2 months so far!
Only caveat - you want to dedicate 2-4GB of ram to the VM to prevent paging, so you should try to get more than 8GB if you're a polyglot developer. Having multiple IDEs on multiple OSes can be heavy, and when you add the memory-hogging yet blazingly fast Chrome to the mix, you'll hit that ram limit often...
xsp is a alternative for IIS in Mac, that can run basic capabilities.
I recently used VirtualBox with a copy of windows home (free with "I don't have key") and installed visual studio on it (community version). And IIS Express works just fine, TFS repos work too.

How do I run Rails on Windows Server 2003 or 2008?

I developed a Rails application on Linux and it's about to launch, but my client's IT guys stopped it saying they want it to run on a Windows in-house server. I've never run a Rails application on Windows, but now I have to.
They will set up a dedicated Windows machine. Which is better, Windows Server 2003 or 2008?
Do I use IIS web server? Is there any better option?
I use Paperclip plugin with ImageMagick. What's the equivalent on Windows?
Do you any advice for me?
Running on Windows might be far from ideal, specially if your application used components that lack working version on Windows.
If is an application for intranet usage, you can deal running Thin standalone instead of putting things behind IIS. You will need to make your app work as service. For Rails 2.3 you have mongrel_service. For Rails 3 there is no service solution right now.
If you require to use IIS, please ask the IT guy to look at Helicon Zoo
There is ImageMagick for Windows, and works with Paperclip.
The easiest way is installing the application inside a Linux Virtual Machine above Windows Server, and treat it like an independent server in your network.
