Can't access to .accdb database when deployed. / MVC app -

this is my first post I am having some trouble with an app, in Visual Studio I can run it on Debug without any issue and everything works correctly, but when I deploy it using IIS I can access any page except of the ones where there is an interaction with an access database. If I search through virtual directory I can download the file without an issue.
Do you have any recommendation?

Are you running x32 or x64 iis? (Usually it x64).
Of course on your desktop, then Visual Studio defaults to x32, and that would explain why the Access database engine (ACE) works. You likely should force your project to x32 or x64 (and then ensure that you have a x64 bit version of the ACE (Access) istalled on your developer machie. You then want to ensure that you launching the x64 bit version of IIS.
You don’t need Access installed on your server, but you will need the ACE database engine – and the most easy way to ensure that data engine is installed is simply installing the Access runtime on that server.
Give that the standard ACE database engine download is x32, then I would look into this issue. You could (should) be able to resolve the issue by installing a x64 bit Access runtime on that server – this would also suggest a possible update to your connection strings. And I would check/test the connection string you are using once you resolve the x64 bit version of Access. The path name in your connection string will ALWAYS be a absolute path (not a relative one).


PortSip SDK C#: DllNotFoundException in Docker container while locally\EC2 works well

I have a .NET core application that uses the library of PortSip. So far everything worked fine both locally in my Windows 10 laptop and in an EC2 AWS instance with Windows Server 2019 installed, and now I would like to make this work in a Docker container.
So I used a Dockerfile similar to what's mentioned it this link to have a Windows Server Core image with both .NET framework (what PortSip needs) and .NET core (what my app needs) as well as added commands to install C++ Redistributable.
The result is that I'm getting the following error when trying to run my app:
Unhandled exception. System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'portsip_sdk.dll' or one of its dependencies: The specified module could not be
found. (0x8007007E)
The DLLs are there! In addition, when I change them to PortSip's 32-bit DLLs, the error changes to "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format". That means the existence of the DLL is felt, but still, for some reason, cannot be loaded.
Also worth mentioning that with the exact same installations (the .NETs and the C++ redistributable) in a blank EC2 as mentioned above the app works.
What am I missing?
Thanks in adavance
Solved by copying two DLLs, C:\Windows\System32\edputil.dll and C:\Windows\System32\msdmo.dll from my local machine to that docker image.

Can I run Visual Studio and .Net Framework in a docker container on Mac?

I have a Visual Studio Code app (Angular/.Net Core Web Api app) for work and I can develop, debug and run it on my personal Mac when I VPN into my companies network.
I also have a desktop work PC on my companies site and a remote work server that I can RDP into to do all my work, but I prefer my personal Mac!
I now need to create a .Net Web Api app (NON .Net Core) that my .Net Core app needs to call over http (for WCF web services that won't run on .Net Core), so I created a Visual Studio .Net Framework web Api app on one of my Win PC work machines and I can run both projects side by side (Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio) on my PC but not my Mac.
Is there any way to get the .Net Framework app working on my Mac? ex. in a Docker container or maybe even just running the app in a container, so that my .Net Core app can call it?
Another idea I have but not sure if possible -
When I run the .Net Core app on my Mac I'm VPN'd into my companies network. If I run the .Net Web app on my work desktop or the remote server would I be able to connect to it from my Mac?
Visual Studio Code is a JavaScript application, which is what makes it nice a portable (and also kind of slow). The Visual Studio Framework is a different animal; one that is very territorial. Compiled applications that target the .NET framework will absolutely not run on MacOS, or Linux, or Solaris or..... anything not Windows. .NET core is portable to MacOS though.
As per this post (Can you install and run apps built on the .NET framework on a Mac?) there is the option of using Mono to recompile the code and run it on the Mac. Unfortunately, it does not support the full .NET Framework, and likely requires some non-trivial modifications to the code to make it work. If you go this route, you're either going to be limited to the areas of the Framework that are supported by Mono, or you'll have to maintain 2 different versions of the same code base. Neither option sounds very good to me.
As far as running in Docker, that will not work. Docker is fundamentally tied to the host operating system due to the use of kernel namespaces to provide isolation for processes and other system resources. It does not provide the same kernel API that the .NET Framework would require.
If you are absolutely determined to keep the development work on the Mac, the best option is probably to use a thick virtual machine that runs a full copy of Windows. This has the obvious downsides of being much more expensive (both in terms of the system resources it will need, and the software licensing costs), and you end up using Windows anyway (so you might as well just RDP to a real Windows machine). Probably not the answer you were hoping for (and I would love for someone to list some options that I've missed), but I think you're going to end up doing some work in Windows.
You can't run .NET Framework , because this working with layer architecture from operative system, when running, so many libraries is on migration and now running in .NET core via nuget recomendation is use oficial net core image from microsoft or run you docker over a microsoft server system.

Ucma 4.0 / 5.0 on NanoServer or Windows Server Core?

I want to use ucma API on windows container.But I want to know, can I host the API on nano server or windows server core?
I searched ucma documents but I didn't find any information about containers.
According to requirements, it seems to work only with Windows Server 2016 and Windows server 2012.
So I was able to get a UCMA application to start/register and even accept a call running on a server core container, but it took some doing. The runtime needs to be installed in the container image, which needed to be done manually. You also need to provision the app using the container host's details, and get the cert into the container.
The place where it all breaks down though is with media-if your app needs to play/record prompts for calls, you can't do it from server core. Container or not, the OS is missing the runtime for WMA, and from what I've found, it can't be installed.
For what it's worth, the SFB team doesn't even support UCMA on server core, let alone core on a container, so you're dealing with a couple of layers of "not supported" stuff.
UCMA applications will work fine on Windows Server Core as long as your application doesn't have any UI.
Nano Server I'm not sure.
As far as I know, Nano Server only runs 64-bit applications. UCMA application can run in 64 fine but what I don't know is what .net framework is supported on nano server. If it supports the full .net framework, it may work.
I don't think you will know unless you try it yourself and see if it works or not.

How do I access Linux binaries from Windows when using WSL?

I'm experimenting with the new Windows Subsystem for Linux as a way to develop Rails applications in Windows. I have WSL installed and I have Ruby in it but how do I use that Ruby from a Windows GUI application, specifically, RubyMine:
This is so I can easily start rails, run tests, etc.
If anyone is wondering how this can be done at this time with the latest version of Ruby, there is a WSL connector for the remote repo of ruby.
[Update 2020-10-30]
Updating the response below as a lot has changed and improved since my initial reply in 2017 😜
The awesome team at JetBrains have enabled RubyMine to talk to WSL via SSH and to use the "remote" Ruby interpreter, and even debug Ruby code running in WSL! :)
Also, in Windows 10 1903, WSL provides the ability to access Linux distros' filesystems from Windows via the \\wsl$\ pseudo-UNC path.
In Windows 10 2004, WSL added a Linux icon to File Explorer making it easier to discover this pseudo-UNC path.
So, in Windows 10 >= 1903, Windows apps, editors, IDEs, etc. can also access files stored in, for example, \\wsl$\Ubuntu\...!
πŸ‘‰ Notes:
Accessing files in Linux via \\wsl$\... will be slower than accessing files locally because file IO requests have to be marshalled back and forth via a 9P fileserver. If you intend on accessing files intensively, we recommend storing the files in the filesystem closest to whatever you'll be using to access those files most intensively.
Thus ... while you can access files directly via the pseudo-path, using WSL integrations built-in to tools like RubyMine, VSCode, Visual Studio, etc. should be preferred if available.

How to make a struts2 project an executable Application

I have developed a Struts2 Project using Apache server and MySQL database.
Is it possible to make this application an executable application so that i do not need to give JDK, Apache and MySQL separately to the user. The installer could install all these 3 itself.
Also can i make this so that only a single user can use this application. How Please Tell.
Usually a Web Application has a central server (with at least: a Java Virtual Machine, a Web Server / Application Server, a Database, and the Web Application contanining the Java code), and all the client computers use their browsers to connect to it.
The kind of application that seems to arise from your description is a monolitic one, like a GUI App made in Swing or in Visual Basic; you install it in the clients, and each one has a copy of each component. If you install it 20 times, you will have 20 database, 20 copies of the files, etc...
Even in client-server applications, with centralized database and distributed code, the problems were always client-related; you can't know if the system were you are automatically installing a database, an JDK etc... already has that software, maybe in other versions, or has the environment variables messed up etc. When you need to update the software, or to tune up the system, you need to be physically log to that pc, remotely or by person. This are some of the reasons that led to the choice of preferring Web Applications to distributed applications.
If you need to craft a "package" of your application to be installed in one click by a dumb user (let's say, a portable version of your application, to let your PM perform some Demo in remote locations, or to give it to the big boss to let him see it), you should really evaluate the possibility of creating a Virtual Machine.
A Virtual Machine is a big file (on a hard disk, or read by an USB key, etc) that, once mounted by a Virtualization Software (usually the same software that created the Virtual Machine), will run an entire new OS inside a window of your guest OS.
The leading software to do this is VMWare (the Player is free and cross-platform), alternatively you can use VirtualBox.
Then, you need to
download VMWare Player
download the ISO of your favourite Linux distribution (I hope you don't use Windows as server)
create a, let's say, 10GB partition for your Linux distribution with VMWare Player, and mount it
plug the ISO with something like (the free edition of) Daemon Tools
install the Linux distribution
install and configure all the software you need there (Apache, MySQL, your favourite browsers, etc; JVM usually is already there)
install your web application
Then you will have a physical file with a complete Linux OS inside, with all the needed software already tuned up: just distribute this file to Windows, Mac or Linux users, they will only need the VMWare Player installed to run your file and access (their copy of) your application inside the Linux OS.
