highcharts stacked column draw horizontal line - highcharts

I need to draw horizontal line on highcharts stacked column as image below
In image Bold black line is showing, I need to draw same, however Bar color opacity changes when it split columns.


How to create a single color pie chart in Tableau

I am creating a pie chart based on different room types in the market , when I take out the color marks , the pie chart would be just one color but without border showing pie chart with just one color
Even if you don't put anything in the color mark, you can change the color and color of the borders from there.
Click to the color mark and change the border from "Automatic" to the color you want for the borders :)

HighCharts: How to change style of bottom most x-axis grid line

I am using Highcharts for one of my project. Everything is okay except I could not change line style('Solid','ShortDash','ShortDot','ShortDashDot','ShortDashDotDot','Dot','Dash','LongDash','DashDot','LongDashDot','LongDashDotDot') of bottom grid line in x axis as shown in the attached image.
Because the line you highlighted is not a gridLine of yAxis and dash style does not apply to it. In fact it covers the bottom-most grid line. Disable it by setting its width to 0.
API Reference:

CorePlot: Change Axis Increment Label Color?

I am working on an implementation of CorePlot that uses a chart with all white elements on a black view.
The chart is coming along nicely, but I cannot get my axis increment labels to be the correct color. To clarify, the labels for the axis are correct (time and usage) but the labels on the axis tick marks are still in black.
What I currently see:
Changing my view background to white to confirm that the tick labels are there:
I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction for making the tick mark labels white instead of black, as well as making the horizontal lines that go across the chart white instead of black.
Thanks in advance!
Line styles and text styles both have color properties (lineColor and color, respectively). Use the following axis properties to set the styles:
titleTextStyle: text style for the axis title
labelTextStyle: text style for the labels at the major tick locations
minorTickLabelTextStyle: text style for the labels at the minor tick locations
axisLineStyle: line style for the axis line
majorTickLineStyle: line style for the tick marks at the major tick locations
minorTickLineStyle: line style for the tick marks at the minor tick locations
majorGridLineStyle: line style for the grid lines at the major tick locations
minorGridLineStyle: line style for the grid lines at the minor tick locations

Can we draw bar chart with two different color/pattern

Can we draw bar chart with more than one color or pattern or line style?
I want to create a bar chart with some part in solid black color and other part in solid green color? Is this possible?

AChartEngine Chart with dotted stroke legend

In a chart, I have two lines with the same color and what distinguishes them is the dotted stroke on one of them. However, this difference is not visible in the legend (the two lines are solid).
How can I fix this?
