AChartEngine Chart with dotted stroke legend - achartengine

In a chart, I have two lines with the same color and what distinguishes them is the dotted stroke on one of them. However, this difference is not visible in the legend (the two lines are solid).
How can I fix this?


highcharts stacked column draw horizontal line

I need to draw horizontal line on highcharts stacked column as image below
In image Bold black line is showing, I need to draw same, however Bar color opacity changes when it split columns.

How to draw dashed lines as the slice separators on a pie chart

I'm having issues finding how to draw a dashed line as the separators on a pie chart with ios-charts. Do you know if that is possible?
If the documentation says it's not possible (as in you can't set the separator as dashed lines) or if the header does not provide that feature, then I would fork the library, and dig into the method that draws the pie chart and add an instance variable that allows you to set the separator as dashed lines.

CorePlot: Change Axis Increment Label Color?

I am working on an implementation of CorePlot that uses a chart with all white elements on a black view.
The chart is coming along nicely, but I cannot get my axis increment labels to be the correct color. To clarify, the labels for the axis are correct (time and usage) but the labels on the axis tick marks are still in black.
What I currently see:
Changing my view background to white to confirm that the tick labels are there:
I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction for making the tick mark labels white instead of black, as well as making the horizontal lines that go across the chart white instead of black.
Thanks in advance!
Line styles and text styles both have color properties (lineColor and color, respectively). Use the following axis properties to set the styles:
titleTextStyle: text style for the axis title
labelTextStyle: text style for the labels at the major tick locations
minorTickLabelTextStyle: text style for the labels at the minor tick locations
axisLineStyle: line style for the axis line
majorTickLineStyle: line style for the tick marks at the major tick locations
minorTickLineStyle: line style for the tick marks at the minor tick locations
majorGridLineStyle: line style for the grid lines at the major tick locations
minorGridLineStyle: line style for the grid lines at the minor tick locations

threshold between 3 color in line charts of highcharts

I have to do a line charts with threshold y=5 where y>5 circle color is green y<5 circle color is red and circle y=5 circle color is orange. Using simple threshold i can draw only 2 color in red and green but i can't do the orange one.
name: 'Series1',
data: [
threshold: 4,
negativeColor: "red",
color: "green"
How can i do my chart with 3 color circle using threshold? and how can i take color only in circle but grey in line connected circle?
To do what you are asking will require using multiple series, as in this example:
You can use the linkedTo property to make them all sit under one legend entry.
However, this kind of display inevitably leads to a a cluttered, overly colored, hectic display.
My example, even though the colors are toned down, looks a bit circus-like.
I would be much more inclined to do soemthing like this:
Highlight the target range on the chart, in a subtle manner. When looking at such a chart day after day, watching for data that is outside of the acceptable range, a chart like this will make it very easy to see.
A chart that highlights every singly point, with multiple colors, whether they require attention or not, will drown the important information in visual clutter.

Is it possible to have the line chart data points in highcharts to be represented as a rectangle instead of a circle?

I have two series in my highchart. One bar and one line chart. I want the datapoints of the line chart be represented at rectangle or straight lines instead of dots. Is that possible?
Are you looking for "square"? Explained here.
