hyperledger fabric run first-network of fabric-samples error on Mac - docker

I do all the things just according to the official tutorial: https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.0/getting_started.html
But it still does not work. Errors display as below:
My environment variables are set like this:
the red part is go and platform-specific binaries.
btw, I check the first error. It said: "open /opt/gopath/src/xxx...: permission denied". But thereā€˜s no path to there:
I found this directory is set in first-network/base/docker-compose-base.yaml:
It makes me very confused. Anyone can help me?
Thanks very much!

I just solve this problem by getting help from another place:)
check ownership of files under fabric-samples folder and I found all the files belong to root.
then I need to take ownership for my user: sudo chown -R [my user] *
then it works!


Cryptogen tool not found. Hyperledger fabric installation in Windows 10

I followed the Hyperledger fabric documentation to install and configure it in Windows 10. However when I run the command - "./byfn.sh -m generate" for first-network sample application, I get the following error,
I have gone thru all StackOverflow questions regarding this and made sure following steps are done,
Have set the $PATH variable correctly to include bin folder.
Have downloaded the platform-specific binary and my bin folder looks like this,
I have doubts about following steps,
I have installed Docker for Windows and was able to verify the docker installation by running hello-world image in Docker. However, I have not shared any of my local drives in Docker. Not sure whether this is the cause of this error.
Please note that this is my first question in StackOverflow. Forgive me for any mistakes/redundancies. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'd suggest making sure that you run the script to download / install the binaries and images from within the fabric-samples directory.
The $Path is exported every time you run the byfn.sh script, confirm that the path configuration in the byfn.sh is correct and points to your correct bin location
# prepending $PWD/../bin to PATH to ensure we are picking up the correct binaries
# this may be commented out to resolve installed version of tools if desired
export PATH=${PWD}/../../bin:${PWD}:$PATH

ethermint: command not found, When attempting ethermint installation?

I'm following the steps to install ethermint on top of tendermint that are listed on the README on this github page: https://github.com/tendermint/ethermint, but at the step ethermint --datadir ~/.ethermint init setup/genesis.json, then I get the following error: ethermint: command not found
And yes, I installed tendermint previous to my attempted installation of ethermint.
While the solution I figured out for my problem is contained on the GitHub issue page linked above, I also wanted to include it here for the sake of people who have the same issue.
OK, so I fixed the problem, and it was so infuriating. It turns out
that whenever I opened a terminal, then the go version would default
to go1.6, even if I was in the go1.8.3 directory. To solve the error,
you need to delete the old go version off of your computer, and then
use gvm to set the right go version. Thanks to everyone who helped me
solve this issue.
Check your current directory:
if ethermint doesn't exist you need to install it again

./create: No such file or directory error in terminal window

I am very new to iPhone development and I am looking to work with the PhoneGap framework to create iPhone apps. I installed Phonegap on Mac OS X Lion. I got this error in the terminal window for ./create <project_folder_path> <bundle_id> <project_name>:
./create: No such file or directory
I have searched Google to solve this error, but I can't find any idea from there. Could you please help me solve this issue and run the project? Thanks in advance. Looking forward to your answers.
You probably need to check your current directory with the pwd command, which is what the . is shorthand for. The create executable sits in the Cordova bin directory, not your project directory.
For example, this site shows the required command line to be (spread across multiple lines for readability):
In other words, create is separate from your project.
The solution is probably to fully specify the path name of create.
./path/to/cordova-ios/bin ./create
~/<project_folder_path> <bundle_id> <project_name>
This works for me :
Download cordova-3.0.0 and put the folder in your document folder. Expand cordova-ios.zip inside.
Create a folder CordovaTestProject inside your document folder.
Then, open the terminal and try :
./Documents/cordova-3.0.0/cordova-ios/bin/create /Users/<username>/Documents/CordovaXY/HelloWorld org.apache.cordova.HelloWorld HelloWorld
replace <username> by your username. You can get it with pwd in terminal. In terminal, type "pwd" and you will get your username
Make sure that you are inside \phonegap-2.7.0\lib\ios\bin before entering ./create command. Refer the Blog Tutorial for a simple and straight forward explanation of PhoneGap instalation in Mac for iOS and creating a new project.

Doxygen and Graphviz on Lion

I have succesfully installed Doxygen and GraphViz on my mac (running Lion OS), but when I run doxygen with graphViz I get following error messages:
1) sh: dot: command not found
2) Problems running dot: exit code=127, command='dot', arguments='"/Users/../xxx.dot" -Tpdf -o
3) error: problems opening map file /Users/.../xxx_graph.map for inclusion in the docs!
If you installed Graphviz/dot after a previous failing run,
try deleting the output directory and rerun doxygen.
It must be a problem with my Graphviz/dot paths, but I dont know how to solve it.
I have already installed Graphviz using MacPorts but I still get the same error messages.
What could I do to solve this problem? Thanks in advance!
Thanks #cyfdecyf and #fkerber for your answers. WIth your answer I could be able to run the dot programm from the console, but I was not able to run doxygen with it. I did not know, but one has to manually give in the path of the dot program in the doxygen user interface. To do this one have to click on Expert -> dot (under topics menu) -> and give the path under DOT_PATH, in my case it was /usr/local/bin.
Thanks guys.
Try the following:
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
Issue this on the command line and see if it solve the problem. You may also need to add it in ~/.profile
Refer to MacPorts' doc if you need more information.
I think you have put the path to your dot executable in your PATH variable so that it can be found if someone is just typing dot in the console.
Perhaps this page can help you:

How Do I Fix "Permission Denied" Error When Trying to Make Directory in Rails?

when I type the command
mkdir rails_projects
to follow along with a tutorial I am using on www.railstutorial.org I get this problem:
~ DUFF$ mkdir rails_projects
mkdir: rails_projects: Permission denied
Does anyone know what this is happening? I tried to quit terminal and come back, but that didn't work. I was thinking I may some how not have access to the current directory I am in, but I am not sure how to check that and I am the only user (that I am aware of on the computer). I looked around at the other threads but it seemed like they were not the same issue and most were PHP based.
I am not sure what commands I use to find out the directory I am currently in. Also, I am new to programming so I am not sure where these things reside on my system. Any help would be appreciated. You all were very helpful with my questions yesterday. I have seen a few posts saying you never need to use sudo and I should have access to create a directory, so I am not sure what is happening.
Again, thanks in advance.
What operating system are you using? If it's Linux/OS X, you can use the pwd command to list your current directory.
I would recommend you then switch directories to your user's home directory and start work there. You can do this with the cd ~
~ is simply a shortcut for the full path to the user's home directory, which, in OS X is generally /Users/username
