SurveyMonkey API - get all contacts - surveymonkey

I am trying to get all contacts from SurveyMonkey's API, so I can process who is in the system and who is not.
SurveyMonkey has a /contacts endpoint (see here). We are finding that this only shows active contacts by default. To get bounced or opted out contacts I'd need to make 3 total requests.
Is there a way to search all 3 status types (active, bounced, optout) with one GET request?

That is not possible at this time. You need to make one request for each status. We'll add it to our list of requested enhancements and reply to this question if and when it's implemented.


Posting to a teams channel from a logic app or flow which includes an banner alert / activity feed item

I have a logic app which posts a channel chat message to teams automatically when a new item is created in SharePoint. This I have working but our client requires that all the team members receive a banner alert and activity feed which I am having a lot of difficulty with.
What I've already tried...
Using a Incoming web hook on the teams channel - this was a very simple way to post from the logic app but the incoming webhook don't seem to support mentions.
Using the msft graph api - The /team/channel/message endpoint can post messages and user mentions but the this endpoint doesnt support channel or team mentions. It also appears that the graph API needs to use delegated permissions to post messages in teams. I'm using application permissions as this is a logic app. The logic app HTTP post connector doesnt offer the "connect as" some of the other connectors use.
Using the flowbot post message - Like the above channel and team mentions are supported here so the post is added to the channel but with no notification to the team members
Using a notification only bot - I thought I nearly had it with this one. Microsoft's node bot sample number 57 looked like it can do most of what I want, it iterates through the users in the team and messages them this a customisable alert message...
However I can't see how this bot can be triggered from my logic app as it seems to require an existing conversation context or an #mention from within teams to start communicating with users.
What I'm considering trying next
Iterating users within the logic app - Next I plan to try and get team membership from the graph API and iterate the members in the Logic App, posting a message to each user separately. I had hoped to utilise the group #mention feature as a simpler way so I'd be grateful if anyone had any thoughts on other ways of doing this, or maybe there's something wrong with what I've already tried that you could give me some expertise on.
Thanks in advance ;)
You're on the right track with the Bot, but you're wanting to send something called a "Pro-active" message. You need the bot registered in the channel in order to get access to a few key properties (conversation id, service url, etc.), but you can use those to send a message from -outside- your bot (e.g. in an Azure Function). You might be able to do this directly from a Logic App, but I haven't tested that specifically.
To find out more, see my answer at Programmatically sending a message to a bot in Microsoft Teams but I've also got a recent blog post that you might find interesting for background on this at How Bots Actually Work.
Hope that helps
You can use Graph to post a message in 1:1 chat as long as you have the chat it. You can find the answer in this post Send message to personal Chat via Graph API
You can also call Graph API from Logic Apps. (,Manage%20-%3E%20Certificates%20%26%20secrets%20More%20items...%20)

Receiving notifications of new posts on Twitter via a specific URL

I would like to access the messages in the Twitter via the API in real time. A cursory search showed that it is possible to periodically send API-request to Twitter. In general, this is possible. 15 requests in 15 minutes is enough.
But I'm wondering, are there other ways to get information faster?
For example, is it possible to subscribe to notifications and receive a request from Twitter at a certain address?
Are you asking if Twitter has webhooks? The answer is yes
Review Securing Webhooks documention taking special note of the
Challenge Response Check (CRC) requirements.
Create a web app with an endpoint to use as your webhook to receive
events (e.g.
Make sure your webhook supports POST requests for incoming events and
GET requests for the CRC.
Register your webhook URL with your app using POST
Use the returned webhook_id to add user subscriptions with POST

Find all the contacts I sent an email to via Outlook Rest API

I'm trying to get all the contacts I sent a email (or responded to) via Outlook Contacts Rest API.
The default Outlook contact API only gives me contacts that I created in my contact manager. But I found "Is there a way to get the Suggested Contacts through Outlook API?" and sure enough, it gives me all "suggested" contacts (i.e. any contact I ever received an email from or sent an email to).
is this really the way to do it? No way in the "classic" API?
any way to find all the contacts I talked to (i.e. I wrote an email to?). That's the way Google handles "suggested contact" through their API, and not every contact I ever received an email from, spam included.
The closest thing to what you're looking for is the People API. As that page says:
The People API returns relevent person entities with each request. A person aggregates information from across mail, contacts and social networks. The results are ordered by their relevance, which is determined by the criteria specified in the request and ranked based on multiple communication, collaboration and business relationships.
The change in behavior in the beta version of the Contacts API is due to a change in how the API processes a request to the /me/contacts endpoint, and is under review. Keep in mind this is a beta so this may not be how the API ends up acting in stable versions.

Facebook SDK, when user likes and comments the post we get any response to from which we posted this post?

When user posts the any post from the app, then he wants to get count of the likes and comments of post I get that all count,
but my question is when any one likes the post, Facebook provides any type of trigger on my server (can I get Automatically response of that post on my server.? )
Check out webhooks.
The Graph API has a feature called Webhooks (formerly known as Real
Time Updates) that enables apps to subscribe to changes in certain
pieces of data and receive updates in real time
If you cannot find what you are looking for there then it probably is not possible.

Paypal API calls to get Order Details

I need your suggestion regarding which Paypal API to use for my following requirement:
I am developing a application for Order management & Shipping in which I need to fetch order details like Billing & Shipping Address information + Item/product details + Billing amount etc on behalf of various merchants.
I will be fetching the data in two ways:
1. Initial onetime fetch to get all orders till date.
2. Regular fetch to get new orders.
Can you please suggest which API calls will get me the required data?
So, I have found a solution for this through Paypal forum & API docs. Wanted to add the solution here so that it is helpful to other stackoverflow folks.
To lookup what transactions took place I can use the TransactionSearch API, say with the date range.
To get details of a particular transaction I can use GetTransactionDetails API.
Since I have to do it on behalf of various merchants, I can use the Paypal Permissions API to allow merchants to authenticate me for making API calls on there behalf.
