Get child node by name in Umbraco 7.8.1 - umbraco

My Content structure is:
-Home (the site root node)
-About Us
-Our Sevice1
-Our Sevice2
-Our Sevice3
I created a macro for Our Services.
In macro, I want Our Sevice1, Our Sevice2, Our Sevice3...
But in the list variable About Us also come but I don't want it
I want only our service name of the child node
var list= CurrentPage.Children();
About Us also come on the list but I don't want it.

The reason that you see the About Us page in the collection is because you use the Children method.
With the Children method you ask for the direct child nodes of a parent node traversing one level down. So in this case you ask for all direct children of the home page so this works like expected.
What you are trying to achieve is a collection of of all Service nodes. To accomplish this you could do something like this.
Make sure that you have a seperated Document Type for your service nodes ( like for example doc type Service Page ).
Then you can do the following:
var servicePages = CurrentPage.ServicePages;
You can view the docs about it here:
But all of this is using dynamic syntax, this will be removed in future versions of Umbraco. So I suggest you go and use the strongly type syntax.
Then this can be changed by:
var servicePages = Model.Content.Children.Where(x => x.DocmentTypeAlias == "servicePage");
What this does is take the IPublishedContent object of the current page you are on, which is the Home Page then you take all children which has a document type alias of type servicePage.

Like #Mivaweb mentioned, it's better to not use dynamics (I think for performance in addition to being removed in the future).
However, I don't think you have to create a separate doc type, although that will work too. The predicate for the Where method should handle other expressions such as:
var servicePages = Model.Content.Children.Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Our Sevice"));


Looping through list of objects created by createEntry() and editing their properties before doing submitChange()

Good afternoon fellow developers,
I have come across a scenario where I found myself needing to retrieve the list of pending changes from my model and editing a specific property of those entries before sending them to my back-end.
These are new entities I created using the createEntry() method of the OData model v2. But, at the time of creation of said entities, I do not possess the value I need to add to them yet. This is the list of entities I retrieve by using the getPendingChanges() method on my model:
What I need to do is to loop through each of these newly created entities and set a specific property into them before actually sending them to my back-end with the submitChanges() method. Bare in mind that these are entry objects created by the createEntry() method and exist only in my front-end until I am able to submit them with success.
Any ideas that might point me in the right direction? I look forward to reading from you!
I was able to solve this issue in the following way:
var oPendingChanges = this.model.getPendingChanges();
var aPathsPendingChanges = $.map(oPendingChanges, function(value, index) { return [index];});
aPathsPendingChanges.forEach(sPath => oModel.setProperty("/" + sPath + "/PropertyX","valueFGO"));
The first two instructions retrieve the entire list of pendingChanges objects and then builds an array of paths to each individual entry. I then use that array of paths to loop through my list of pending changes and edit into the property I want in each iteration of the loop. Special thanks to the folks at for the guidance!

Find an specific item in the master list of an split app by using oModel.createKey

I'm using a split app layout for editing and creating new employees. Therefore I do have a button "Add employee". After submitChanges is done, I want to find this new employee in the master list and select it.
I am using an event-bus for the communication between detail-controller and master-controller.
fnAfterSubmitChangesSuccess: function(sChanel, sEvent, oData) {
var oResponseData = oData.__batchResponses[0].__changeResponses[0].data;
var sBindingPath = oModel.createKey("/EmployeeSet", {Begda: oData.Begda, Endda: oData.Endda, Pernr: oData.Pernr}).replace(/:\s*/g, "%3A");
Is there a way to find the index of a specific listitem by the using binding-path. Or is there another way to solve this problem, instead of looping over the whole list a do a comparison?
I'm afraid the only way to find the index of a specific listItems by binding-path is to walk through the collection of list items. So, I'm afraid that a very plain and short answer would be "No".
It's quite easy though, code is not that lengthy, and it also shouldn't cost to much performance if you're not talking about humongous lists. You will have to walk through the list of items though. Once you have found the item with a binding to the context path you're looking for, you can select it using setSelectedItem, like so:
var list = this.getView().byId("list");
jQuery.each(list.getList(), function(idx, item) {
if (items.getBindingContext().getPath = sBindingPath) {
Note: Do keep in mind that if you're working with OData services and are working with a so-called 'growing list', the entry you're looking for may not necessarily be in the list.
Apologies, wish I could give you a more pleasant answer.

Find pages with tag

In a Umbraco 7 solution, i have a Tags Content picker on all pages. Pages can with this, set tags on each page.
I then want to get alle pages, within the intire site, that has, lets say tag 111 (id, not name).
I have tried with:
var ids = Model.MacroParameters["tags"]; //the tags to show
CurrentPage.AncestorOrSelf(1).Descendants().Where(x => ids.Contains(x.tags.ToString()));
But that gives me the error:
Cannot use a lambda expression as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation without first casting it to a delegate or expression tree type
Whats the correct way?
Solved it with;
Umbraco.Content(rootId).Descendants().Where("tags.Contains(#0)", ids);
You have a few options, depending on whether you prefer a dynamic or strongly typed view model.
Strongly Typed API
Umbraco.TypedContentAtRoot().Descendants().Where(x => x.tags.Contains(ids));
Dynamic API
Umbraco.ContentAtRoot().Descendants().Where("tags.Contains(#0)", ids);
Please note that the Contains statement may give you inconsistent results, as the tags property seems to be returning a comma separated list. In that case you can try splitting the string or install the Core Property Value Converters package and get the tags as IEnumerable<IPublishedContent>
Always try to avoid using Descendants, especially on the root node.
To get the tags for a property:
ApplicationContext.Current.Services.TagService.GetTagsForProperty(Model.Content.Id, "propertyname")
To find content with a specific tag:

Sitecore 8 MVC Glass Query Datasource

It seems like query datasources (ex: query:...) are not supported in Sitecore 8 MVC while using glass. I want to make a relative path so that branch templates will point to the correct datasource when created. Is there a way to do this with Sitecore's query builder? I saw the custom query option where a path can be specified but couldn't seem to get anything going. I think I might add a pipeline processor before the model gets bound by glass to change a datasource that starts with query: into a resolved path and pass that along the pipeline arguments.
You can add a datasource query to a Sublayout or Rendering Datasource Layout field. You will need to add a new Processor to the getRenderingDatasource Pipeline. I myself have used this on Branch Templates to make relative paths to the correct datasource.
Your query:. needs to be defined in the Datasource Location of the sublayout/rendering and make use of ancestor-or-self to make relative paths and traverse the tree to find the parent item holding the datasources.
query:.ancestor-or-self:: *[##templatename = 'home']/*[##templatename = 'storage']/*[##templatename = 'articles']
The processor will need to use the GetRenderingDatasourceArgs. These arguements will provide you pretty much everything you need. Essentially you will need to get the query:. you wrote in the Datasource Locations.
args.RenderingItem["Datasource Location"];
Replace the beginning of the query with the Context Item path (so that its relative) and then make a call to get the items;
private IEnumerable<Item> GetDatasourceLocationsFromQuery(string query)
string queryPath = query.Replace("query:.", args.ContextItemPath);
return args.ContextDatabase.SelectItem(queryPath);
This will then return the matching item that is the parent of the datasources.

Code re-use with Linq-to-Sql - Creating 'generic' look-up tables

I'm working on an application at the moment in ASP.NET MVC which has a number of look-up tables, all of the form
LookUp {
As you can see, this just maps the Id to a textual value. These are used for things such as Colours. I now have a number of these, currently 6 and probably soon to be more.
I'm trying to put together an API that can be used via AJAX to allow the user to add/list/remove values from these lookup tables, so for example I could have something like:[List/Add/Delete]
My current problem is that clearly, regardless of which lookup table I'm using, everything else happens exactly the same. So really there should be no repetition of code whatsoever.
I currently have a custom route which points to an 'AttributeController', which figures out the attribute/look-up table in question based upon the URL (ie would want the 'Colours' table). I pass the attribute (Colours - a string) and the operation (List/Add/Delete), as well as any other parameters required (say "Red" if I want to add red to the list) back to my repository where the actual work is performed.
Things start getting messy here, as at the moment I've resorted to doing a switch/case on the attribute string, which can then grab the Linq-to-Sql entity corresponding to the particular lookup table. I find this pretty dirty though as I find myself having to write the same operations on each of the look-up entities, ugh!
What I'd really like to do is have some sort of mapping, which I could simply pass in the attribute name and get out some form of generic lookup object, which I could perform the desired operations on without having to care about type.
Is there some way to do this to my Linq-To-Sql entities? I've tried making them implement a basic interface (IAttribute), which simply specifies the Id/Text properties, however doing things like this fails:
System.Data.Linq.Table<IAttribute> table = GetAttribute("Colours");
As I cannot convert System.Data.Linq.Table<Colour> to System.Data.Linq.Table<IAttribute>.
Is there a way to make these look-up tables 'generic'?
Apologies that this is a bit of a brain-dump. There's surely imformation missing here, so just let me know if you'd like any further details. Cheers!
You have 2 options.
Use Expression Trees to dynamically create your lambda expression
Use Dynamic LINQ as detailed on Scott Gu's blog
I've looked at both options and have successfully implemented Expression Trees as my preferred approach.
Here's an example function that i created: (NOT TESTED)
private static bool ValueExists<T>(String Value) where T : class
ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "p");
Expression value = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(pe, "ColumnName"), Expression.Constant(Value));
Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(value, pe);
return MyDataContext.GetTable<T>().Where(predicate).Count() > 0;
Instead of using a switch statement, you can use a lookup dictionary. This is psuedocode-ish, but this is one way to get your table in question. You'll have to manually maintain the dictionary, but it should be much easier than a switch.
It looks like the DataContext.GetTable() method could be the answer to your problem. You can get a table if you know the type of the linq entity that you want to operate upon.
Dictionary<string, Type> lookupDict = new Dictionary<string, Type>
"Colour", typeof(MatchingLinqEntity)
Type entityType = lookupDict[AttributeFromRouteValue];
YourDataContext db = new YourDataContext();
var entityTable = db.GetTable(entityType);
var entity = entityTable.Single(x => x.Id == IdFromRouteValue);
// or whatever operations you need
The Suteki Shop project has some very slick work in it. You could look into their implementation of IRepository<T> and IRepositoryResolver for a generic repository pattern. This really works well with an IoC container, but you could create them manually with reflection if the performance is acceptable. I'd use this route if you have or can add an IoC container to the project. You need to make sure your IoC container supports open generics if you go this route, but I'm pretty sure all the major players do.
