Process leaked file descriptors jenkins ERROR on Jenkins - jenkins

Can someone help me to solve an issue "process leaked file descriptors jenkins"?
I tried whit BUIL_ID = dontkillme but it doesnt work.

It would help to know more about what you're trying to run but this question came up as a result of troubleshooting an issue I was having so here's how I resolved it. I am using Windows so if you're using something else it may not work for you.
First of all you need to read and understand the Jenkins documentation on the issue:
I had to install Ant first since it was not installed.
The Jenkins documentation gives you an example Ant script:
<exec executable="cscript.exe">
<env key="ANTRUN_TITLE" value="Title for Window" /> <!-- optional -->
<env key="ANTRUN_OUTPUT" value="output.log" /> <!-- optional -->
<arg value="//NoLogo" />
<arg value="antRunAsync.js" /> <!-- this script -->
<arg value="real executable" />
You will change the "real executable" to be the executable you are wanting to run.
See that .js file in the 2nd arg value? You will need to create that. There's a link to this on the Jenkins documentation page too. Grab it here:
I didn't make any edits to the contents, just pasted it right in and saved it as antRunAsync.js
So now you take your Ant example script I posted above and throw that in a text editor, save as build.xml
From this point you should be able to test on the command line by typing ant and pressing enter. Your application should load in a different window.
If you haven't set up Ant in the Jenkins Global Tool Configuration do so now and point it to your Ant install (might have to uncheck the Install checkbox). In the Jenkins project add a build step Invoke Ant. Set that up how you like according to Ant documentation.
Hope this answer helps someone else who has stumbled across this problem and this question.


ant copy task hanging when the source file is missing

In one of our build script, we have following simple copy task added ->
<copy todir="${targetdir}"
This copy task started hanging when the glassfish jar name got changed (version upgrade which are not in our control) at the source location. I was expecting it to error out causing the build failure in that case. Actually at first I was not able to figure out at what particular step build was hanging. Then when I added "-debug" to the ant command and I realized its successfully completing a step prior to this copy task and still there was no trace of copy command that is hung. When I updated the new jar name, it worked fine and build was successful which proved that the copy task is hanging because of filename got changed. To make it easy to debug next time, I added an echo statement like below just prior to that copy task ->
<echo message="Copying glassfish jar to ${targetdir}.."/>
But I am still confused as to why it didn't give error with build failure? I am using Apache Ant version 1.7.1. Could this be a bug? How else I can avoid this situation in future with just the copy task (without using * in the jar name)? TIA
That worked for me. Well, didn't work for me. I got the error message. I am using Ant 1.8 and Ant 1.9.2. I didn't try it with Ant 1.7, but I doubt it's a bug.
Try to use the -v parameter in Ant:
$ ant -v target
And be prepared for a longwinded output. This will give you information what's going on with Ant, and may explain why it's freezing. There's a few things you could do: Use a fileset to specify the file.
<copy todir="${targetdir}">
<fileset dir="${sourcedir}/modules">
<include name="glassfish*.jar"/> <!-- Will catch any glassfish.jar -->
Of course, if the file doesn't exist, you won't get an error or even a warning. However, a <fail/> before will detect the issue:
<fail message="missing file ${sourcedir}/modules/glassfish.jaxb.xjc_1.0.0.0_2-1-12.jar">
To force the build to quit, an alternative way
<available file="${sourcedir}/modules/glassfish.jaxb.xjc_1.0.0.0_2-1-12.jar"
<fail message="you message" unless="glassfish.jaxb.xjc.jar.present"/>
just a few lines less :)
If you want to dig into it, try this:
write a simple build file, which contains only one target with copy, and put it to the same place of your main build file.
<target name="test-copy">
<!-- here use an old (wrong) file name -->
<copy todir="${targetdir}"
run it, check if it fails or hangs.
If this simple build file works, it's very possible that something else in your main build file is causing the bug.

findbugs not generating html report

the below is my taskdef in a ant build file
<target name="findbugs">
<echo message="${findbugs.home}"/>
<findbugs home="${findbugs.home}"
reportLevel="low" >
<sourcePath path="${basedir}/enterpriseapplication/**" />
<class location="${basedir}/**/*.class" />
I checked file permissions on the directry every thing is fine. I get the cli output but no file is generated.
Any help please.
I have run into this problem before. It seems that findbugs is unable to create the file.
Create an empty file named findbugs-report.html in the directory E:\reports\
Hope that helps.
Do not forget to mark an answer as the accepted answer if it solves your question.
There were some problems with the paths that I has put in the configuration. Fixing those paths resolved the problems. Also we need to be sure that the file system has permissions to create/modify files where the result file is placed.
Thanks for all your answers/comments guys.

Is there a way in ANT to extract one class file from a JAR and put it in another JAR?

My ANT build script uses a WebSphere command called createEJBStubs that produces a JAR file with everything plus one new generated class, namely: com/myapp/services/_User_Service_Stub.class.
Since this stub class is only used for running JUnit tests at dev time, I would like it to be in its own JAR file.
How can I tell ANT to copy everything in AAA.JAR that matches, say, _*Stub.class and copy only those files into BBB.JAR (also, maintaining the same directory/package structure)?
Any ideas or pointers would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks,
Ok -- answering my own question -- that was surprisingly easy. Sorry I asked.
<unzip src="AAA.JAR" dest="./temp">
<include name="**/_*Stub.class" />
<zip destfile="BBB.JAR" basedir="./temp" />
Thanks ANT.

Liferay ant deploy failure

I have been having trouble deploying liferay portlets and themes from the command line with ant deploy;
sample execution:
pwd: C:\liferay-plugins-sdk\themes
create.bat deep-blue "Deep Blue"
cd deep-blue-theme
ant deploy
-> Buildfile: C:\liferay-plugins-sdk\themes\deep-blue-theme\build.xml
-> compile:
-> C:\liferay-plugins-stk\themes\build-common-theme.xml:172: C:\liferay-plugins-sdk\themes\deep-blue-theme\liferay-portal-6.0.6 omcat-6.0.29webappsROOT\html\themes_unstyled does not exist.
the problem appears to be with the bold section and how the path is obviously incorrect; where is this directory being set?
the problem was my app.server.dir in build.{username}.properties
The error is a result of the ant build not being able to find a Liferay installation (which contains items needed by the SDK).
By default, the build properties in the SDK are set up on the assumption that your setup looks like this:
- Your Development Directory
- bundles
- data
- deploy
- license
- tomcat-6.0.29
- liferay-plugins-sdk
Where bundles contains a Liferay bundle distribution, including the bundled Tomcat server.
You can see this setup in the file at the root level of your SDK.
# Specify the paths to an unzipped Tomcat bundle.
The recommended way to change this is not to edit this section of, but to create overriding entries in a new file, called (where username is your user name on your computer account).
As you say in the comment to kirkz's answer, you have already set your You obviously have used backslash in there. Here \t is short for the tab character. This explains what you see: ...liferay-portal-6.0.6 omcat... (there's a tab between 6.0.6 and omcat)
Do only use forward-slash in properties files (when you refer to file names, no matter if you're on windows or on any other platforms)
I think to solve this issue just for now. To check weather you are getting unsuccessful build or not you can try this solution:
I have just used the static liferay path in this solution.
<equals arg1="${theme.parent}" arg2="classic" />
<copy todir="docroot" overwrite="true">
<copy todir="docroot/templates" overwrite="true">
After setting up this code in your build-common-theme.xml file you will NOT get omcat-6.0.29webappsROOT\html\themes_unstyled error at least.

checking latest version in version control

i am currently writing an ANT script which will include some intelligence to check for things. I am using SnapshotCM from True Blue Software as my version control and using CruiseControl as a framework for my nightly build.
Basically, I will need to always check for the latest version found in my version control and execute commands. In this case here is an example:
<project name="nightly_build" default="main" basedir="checkout">
<target name="init">
<property file=""/>
<target name="main" depends="init">
<!-- need some code to set variable -->
<!-- need some code to increment variable -->
<!-- need some code here to check for the latest version -->
<exec executable="C:/Program Files/True Blue Software/SnapshotCM/wco.exe">
<arg line='-f -R "C:/Work/7.10.000_Tip/7.10.000_Tip_GUI_TEST/"'/>
In the code above, I will load the "" file.
The algorithm should be as follow:
load the initial properties file
get the build_number
increment build_number by 1 (let this new variable be X)
if X is found, increament X by 1 (if not found jump to 6.)
if X is found, repeat 4 (until X cannot be found)
else use the build number inside the <arg line ='-f -R "C:/..../7.10.100.X..../"'/>
The file is as follow:
can anyone guide me on that?
Ant is not a programming language. It's a dependency matrix language.
That means you don't specify execution order in Ant. Ant will calculate the order it needs to run the targets. It also means Ant doesn't have the ability to do loops, or even change the value of a property once it is set.
There are a few packages that build upon Ant. The old standby is the Antcontrib. Antcontrib has the concept of variables which are like mutable properties. It also has various looping structures. However, I'm not sure if the <foreach> or <for> tasks will do what you want...
Searching sequentially for the next build number is something you can do in a shell script. In fact, I highly recommend this.
I use Ant for builds only and keep my CM functions outside of my build.xml file. Instead, I rely on my build system to do everything that's not related to the build itself. This includes checking out the code, saving the artifacts, and compiling unit tests. This way, if I change the way I use my continuous build system or my version control system, I don't have to modify my build.xml files.
