LDA and PCA on a dataset containing two classes - machine-learning

I would like to compare the accuracies of running logistic regression on a dataset following PCA and LDA. The dataset I am using is the wisconsin cancer dataset, which contains two classes: malignant or benign tumors and 30 features. I have already conducted PCA on this data and have been able to get good accuracy scores with 10 PCAs. I know that LDA is similar to PCA. My understanding is that you calculate the mean vectors of each feature for each class, compute scatter matricies and then get the eigenvalues for the dataset. Is LDA similar to PCA in the sense that I can choose 10 LDA eigenvalues to better separate my data? I have tried LDA with scikit learn, however it has only given me one LDA back. Is this becasue I only have 2 classes, or do I need to do an addiontional step? I would like to have 10 LDAs in order to compare it with my 10 PCAs. Is this even possible?

Actually both LDA and PCA are linear transformation techniques: LDA is a supervised whereas PCA is unsupervised (ignores class labels). You can picture PCA as a technique that finds the directions of maximal variance.And LDA as a technique that also cares about class separability (note that here, LD 2 would be a very bad linear discriminant).Remember that LDA makes assumptions about normally distributed classes and equal class covariances (at least the multiclass version; the generalized version by Rao).


Linear SVM is used for linearly separating the data which have two features

Can we use KNN and linear SVM classifier for training the model with data which contains 4 features and have 6 classification clusters? Because what i think that linear SVM and KNN are used for linearly separating the data which have two features and have binary classification cluster.
This is possible, you just need to use OneVsAll wrapper, like this one https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier.html
Essentially you will train 6 classifiers, one per cluster, which seeks to locate one class from all the rest.

Train multi-class classifier for binary classification

If a dataset contains multi categories, e.g. 0-class, 1-class and 2-class. Now the goal is to divide new samples into 0-class or non-0-class.
One can
combine 1,2-class into a unified non-0-class and train a binary classifier,
or train a multi-class classifier to do binary classification.
How is the performance of these two approaches?
I think more categories will bring about a more accurate discriminant surface, however the weights of 1- and 2- classes are both lower than non-0-class, resulting in less samples be judged as non-0-class.
Short answer: You would have to try both and see.
Why?: It would really depend on your data and the algorithm you use (just like for many other machine learning questions..)
For many classification algorithms (e.g. SVM, Logistic Regression), even if you want to do a multi-class classification, you would have to perform a one-vs-all classification, which means you would have to treat class 1 and class 2 as the same class. Therefore, there is no point running a multi-class scenario if you just need to separate out the 0.
For algorithms such as Neural Networks, where having multiple output classes is more natural, I think training a multi-class classifier might be more beneficial if your classes 0, 1 and 2 are very distinct. However, this means you would have to choose a more complex algorithm to fit all three. But the fit would possibly be nicer. Therefore, as already mentioned, you would really have to try both approaches and use a good metric to evaluate the performance (e.g. confusion matrices, F-score, etc..)
I hope this is somewhat helpful.

Transfer Learning and linear classifier

In cs231n handout here, it says
New dataset is small and similar to original dataset. Since the data
is small, it is not a good idea to fine-tune the ConvNet due to
overfitting concerns... Hence, the best idea might be to train a
linear classifier on the CNN codes.
I'm not sure what linear classifier means. Does the linear classifier refer to the last fully connected layer? (For example, in Alexnet, there are three fully connected layers. Does the linear classifier the last fully connected layer?)
Usually when people say "linear classifier" they refer to Linear SVM (support vector machine). A linear classifier learns a weight vecotr w and a threshold (aka "bias") b such that for each example x the sign of
<w, x> + b
is positive for the "positive" class and negative for the "negative" class.
The last (usually fully connected) layer of a neural-net can be considered as a form of a linear classifier.

My semi-supervised linear discriminant analysis does not work at all

I am working on LDA (linear discriminant analysis), and you can refer to http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/vip/teach/MLcourse/5_features_dimensions/lecture_notes/LDA/LDA.pdf .
My idea about semi-supervised LDA: I can use labeled data $X\in R^{d\times N}$ to computer all terms in $S_w$ and $S_b$. Now, I also have unlabeled data $Y\in R^{d\times M}$, and such data can be additionally used to estimate the covariance matrix $XX^T$ in $S_w$ by $\frac{N}{N+M}(XX^T+YY^T)$ which intuitively gets a better covariance estimation.
Implementation of different LDA: I also add a scaled identity matrix to $S_w$ for all compared methods, the scaling parameter should be tuned in different methods. I divide training data into two parts: labeled $X\in R^{d\times N}$, unlabeled $Y\in R^{d\times M}$ with $N/M$ ranging from $0.5$ to $0.05$. I run my semi-supervised LDA on three kinds of real datasets.
How to do classification: The eigenvectors of $S_w^{-1}S_b$ are used as the transformation matrix $\Phi$, then
Experiment results: 1) In the testing data, the classification accuracy of my semi-supervised LDA trained on data $X$& $Y$ is always a bit worse than the standard LDA trained only on data $X$. 2) Also, in one real data, the optimal scaling parameter can be very different for these two methods to achieve a best classification accuracy.
Could you tell me the reason and give me suggestion to make my semi-supervised LDA work? My codes have been checked. Many thanks.

Suggested unsupervised feature selection / extraction method for 2 class classification?

I've got a set of F features e.g. Lab color space, entropy. By concatenating all features together, I obtain a feature vector of dimension d (between 12 and 50, depending on which features selected.
I usually get between 1000 and 5000 new samples, denoted x. A Gaussian Mixture Model is then trained with the vectors, but I don't know which class the features are from. What I know though, is that there are only 2 classes. Based on the GMM prediction I get a probability of that feature vector belonging to class 1 or 2.
My question now is: How do I obtain the best subset of features, for instance only entropy and normalized rgb, that will give me the best classification accuracy? I guess this is achieved, if the class separability is increased, due to the feature subset selection.
Maybe I can utilize Fisher's linear discriminant analysis? Since I already have the mean and covariance matrices obtained from the GMM. But wouldn't I have to calculate the score for each combination of features then?
Would be nice to get some help if this is a unrewarding approach and I'm on the wrong track and/or any other suggestions?
One way of finding "informative" features is to use the features that will maximise the log likelihood. You could do this with cross validation.
Another idea might be to use another unsupervised algorithm that automatically selects features such as an clustering forest
In that case the clustering algorithm will automatically split the data based on information gain.
Fisher LDA will not select features but project your original data into a lower dimensional subspace. If you are looking into the subspace method
another interesting approach might be spectral clustering, which also happens
in a subspace or unsupervised neural networks such as auto encoder.
