error: cannot find symbol class XYMultipleSeriesRenderer - achartengine

achartengine-1.0.0.jar is in the libs folder, marked to "Add as Library"
In org.chartengine/renderer is XYMultipleSeriesRenderer (not .java)
How can I tell it to bring in all this java code?

Sorry to post the question. Of course I need to import the modules. Just because it's an incredible graphing package does not mean it's hard to use, or in my case not just like all the others.


Erlang modules cant load

I am facing out a problem when I am trying to call some functions from one module A to a module C.
I have two separate .erl files, which are two erlang files, I have some functions in modulo A that would like to see in module C, but it is not working fine.
Maybe someone can help me with this.
I think you are talking about Erlang right? try to correct you Post's title =).
Well it seems that you are not importing the module A into C.
try importing your A module like this:
and export your functions from module A also.
you can find additional information here:
enter link description here
Regards. =)

How to distribute Swift binary for public consumption?

I'd like to create a Swift framework that others can import into their project and use, but I don't want to distribute the source code. I'd like to be able to distribute a binary and allow others to import the module and use the functions. Is this possible?
Note: I'm coming from .NET where you can build an entire project into a single .dll file and allow others to simply reference it.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

How to know what to import?

I have always been confused in finding out what i need to import in order to use a feature.
For example, when i use MFMailComposeViewController I know from googling that i need to
#import <MessageUI/MFMailComposeViewController.h>
and add: MessageUI.framework
From the reference documentation, how do I know that i need these things?
I want to learn how to better use the reference docs without relying on googling sample codes to find out what i need to import in the future, so can someone explain how to figure this out from documentation?
See how at the top it says it's declared in MFMailComposeViewController.h? The question then is what framework that's in. Here's one way to find out.
Start in an actual iOS project in Xcode. Press Shift-Command-O (File > Open Quickly) and paste or type MFMailComposeViewController into it. Open the listing for MFMailComposeViewController.h.
Now read the jump bar at the top of the editor. It says: ... > Frameworks > MessageUI.framework > ...
This lets you deduce that you need the MessageUI framework and that you need to import (not what you said, but) <MessageUI/MessageUI.h>.
This is how I do it and it might be useful to you too..
Have you notice the navigation bar on the top? if you click "MFMailComposeViewController class Reference" field then it will give you something like this..
then you can see the "Message UI Framework Reference" and this page tells you exactly what you need to import.. this is not perfect but it helps most of time...

duplicate symbol

I have two framework(A.framework and B.framework).
B.framework link with A.framework, and I have a project,the project link With A and B,then link error :duplicate symbol
how to solve the problem? thanks
The two frameworks probably define a class or function with the same name. If the libraries are yours, you should rename your symbols using prefixes as described here. If not, see this answer — you probably won't be able to work around this without changing the libraries.

Can any one tell me in which jar file I can find the de.enough.polish.ui.Command?

Hi Everyone I am working on J2ME polish project, which is just an enhancement project. I have no idea about J2ME Polish. I have an error saying that the
import de.enough.polish.ui.Command cannot be resolved. So can any one tell me where can I find that. I have tried googling but could not find it.
You should download j2meploish once downloaded and installed you should look in the $installdirectory/source/j2mepolish-client.jar or something with the word client in.
You should take a look at this website, they probably have the library you are looking for.
