Sending mail 'to' OpenStruct through mailer - ruby-on-rails

I have an app where users can sign up for workshops and admin has a possibility to write an e-mail to all the participants through the app. The fragment of code to send mail message to the group looks like this
workshop.students_all.each do |user|
WorkshopNotifyGroupMailer.notify_user(user, workshop, subject, body).deliver_later
so it's nothing extraordinary (User and Workshops are instances of models).
Now, I wanted to add one additional e-mail address to be sent each time a group is notified (just to have a copy how does the sent mail look like). I thought of doing it something like that (to keep the code short):
admin = '', first_name: 'Nameless') #These are fields taken from User instance by mailer
WorkshopNotifyGroupMailer.notify_user(admin, workshop, subject, body).deliver_later
Unfortunately, I receive "Unsupported argument type: OpenStruct" error. Is there a way to send an e-mail which uses an instance of a model using some kind of artificial structure? (In this case just assume admin is not on the user list and won't be)


Rails—how to see whether an email was sent in the past week

I'm sending an email to inactive users, saying "please sign in within 7 days or your account will be deactivated".
I have a service that will fetch all inactive users and send the email, but I run this daily, and I only want to email each user once, not every day.
class DeactivateOldEmailsService
def run
to_deactivate = User.havent_signed_in_for_n_days(97)
to_deactivate.each { |user| user.update(active: false) }
to_warn = User.havent_signed_in_for_n_days(90)
to_warn.each do |user|
messages_for_user_per_employer = InactiveEmailsMailer.account_will_expire(user).deliver_later
How can I check whether a user has been sent an email already?
It is very hard to check whether an user has been sent a notice email, if you did not save the time the email was sent in the database. There might be still some data in log file, but any sending job are quickly deleted from queue as soon as that email was sent successfully.
From your piece of source code, I guess you might have something like "last_signed_in" in your users table. You can just do it simple and send emails to users if they haven't signed in for exactly 90 days, something like:
to_warn.each do |user|
if user.last_signed_in === 90.days.from_now
messages_for_user_per_employer = InactiveEmailsMailer.account_will_expire(user).deliver_later
Or you can create a new column notice_deactivation_email_sent_at in users table to check whether an user has received the notice email or not.
I'm actually facing something very similar:
Send weekly emails to user (who subscribed to changes that occurred since last sent), this Job is run every day and I don't want user to receive more than one email a day.
My plan is to store this information on a dedicated column last_sent_at on table users, and send email only if condition DateTime.current - last_sent_at > 7.days is true.
EDIT: I should have read last sentence of previous answer... Exactly what I just described... Sorry!

Implementing Pusher Chat in Rails and React

I'm using this repo to create a chat system between 2 users in a Rails and React project. I've been able to log the user input into the console, and I have created messages_controller and message_threads_controller according to the repo.
However, I'm unable to persist the message to Rails db and then authenticate a user with Pusher before sending it to Pusher. Mainly because the from_uid, to_uid and thread_uid are not present by the time the message is been sent to Rails. Sending the message to rails like this:
sendMessage = (event) => {
const {message} = this.state;'/api/v1/messages', {message: message})
.then((response) => {
console.log('send Message')
this.setState({'message': message});
In my routes.rb file I have this
resources :messages
get 'threads/:id', to: 'message_threads#index'
post '/pusher/auth', to: 'pusher#auth'
I'm missing some required parameters, this is the error I get.
Pusher::Error - Bad request: Missing required parameter:
The flow according to this tutorial is that the message needs to be persisted first by the rails database before sending it to Pusher.
My question now is how do I produce the extra parameters (from_uid, thread_uid, to_uid) being used on the React side of the app here, to enable messages to be created?
Also, how do I authenticate the user using Pusher?
According to this Stack Overflow link they are getting from Rails the CSRF value like this - csrf = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'). But I could not implement the same in React.
Answer from the author of the git repo.
The example I created here was pretty bare bones but below are a few bullet points that I hope will explain how you could expand on it.
Add a User model and Thread model to the Rails app
When a User is created, generate a public UID for the user (you can use Ruby's built-in SecureRandom.uuid to generate the id) and save that to the DB. This would become the ID for that user that you would expose in your javascript to allow for communications between users. All users would have a UID.
When a Thread is Created, generated a thread UID this would become the unique id for the conversation taking place
Add a Users_Threads has_and_belongs_to_many relationship so that you can eventually track the users that are subscribed to which threads
When React app loads, use an Ajax request to get a list of the current User's friends (returns list of user details + their uid) and a request to get all threads for current User
So let's say for example a User named Fred clicked on a User named Bob and wanted to send Bob a message but they do not currently have a thread. Fred types the message, clicks Submit and you send an Ajax request containing the message text, from_uid (Fred) and to_uid (Bob) with thread_uid as null (since there is no existing convo and no existing thread).
Your Rails app then receives that requests at a controller and sees that Fred is trying to send Bob a message and the thread ID is null, so the controller create a new thread (with its own UID) and then add two entries to users_threads one for the new thread_uid and bob's uid and another for the new thread_uid and Fred's uid. After that, you'd create a Message with that thread_uid and the participant details.
You'd also probably want users to see that they are part of a new thread without having to reload the page so you'd I think you'd want a Pusher channel subscription just for notifying users of a new thread. So I'd say in the UserThreads model after create a new thread you could send something like Pusher.trigger('threads_channel', user_secret_uid, { thread: new_thread_uid }). You'd also need to make sure in the react app that each user subscribes to the threads_channel for their user_secret_uid. For security, i'd make sure this is a different uid than the messaging otherwise people could subscribe to a list of a different users threads.

Multiple recipients using Mandrill and Rails

I'm using ruby to send transactional emails via Mandrill.
As part of my product, I want to be able to send the same email to two recipients and have them see each other's email address.
(Like an introduction mail between two people).
So I filled he "to" field with both emails, and on my dashboard is seems that both are sent.
But unfortunately only one of the recipients receive the mail and the details of the second recipient is hidden.
In conclusion, I have two problems:
Only one recipient gets the mail
Hidden details of the second recipient.
I approached Mandrill support and this is what they replied:
If you'd like to enable this option globally for all of the messages you send, then you'll want to ensure that you have the
"Expose The List Of Recipients When Sending To Multiple Addresses"
option enabled in your Sending Defaults.
If, instead of making that change globally, you'd like to enable it
for individual messages, you'll want to use the
X-MC-PreserveRecipients (SMTP header), or the preserve_recipients (API
parameter), and set it to 'true'.
If you set this option to true, we'll expose the list of recipients to
each other as you would see happen when sending mail from a typical
email client program.
It worked!
If you want both recipients to be able to see each other, you can pass an array of e-mails in the to option.
If you do not want either of them to see each other, you can, in a loop over the users, send said e-mail.
If using ActionMailer it can be done like so:
to: ['', '']
Or in a loop:
[user1, user2].each do |user|
Post your code, I have an idea of what your problem may be. Remember that a method in an ActionMailer class should only return mail() and must not be looped over inside of that method.
tldr: do everything unrelated to e-mail outside mailer, pass through necessary data as params to the method, end method with mail() call.

rails 3.1: Where to filter out email addresses that have opted out

Trying to figure out the cleanest way prevent sending email to users who have opted out from receiving them in rails 3.1.
I was thinking about overriding Mail.deliver to check the db and determine if the recipients are unsubscribed or not, then conditionally delivering the email.
That seems like the least intrusive way to go about it, but requires creating the Mail objects that are never going to be sent.
Seems like the most resource conscious way would be to do the check in the controller, thus preventing the Mail objects that are never going to be sent from the burden of existence.
This though seems more intrusive and prone to developers forgetting to make the check when creating new mailers.
Is there a standard practice for this situation?
** edit **
This is for managing a collection of users who have opted out of receiving notifications, rather than something like managing subscriptions to a news letter.
If the attribute that determines whether or not to get email notifications is just a field on a model in the DB, you could create a named scope called something like 'want_email_notifications' to get all the users that have subscribed.
So, if you have a User class, and that class has an attribute called opt_out, then you could do something like:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :want_email_notifications, :conditions => ['opt_out = ?', false]
Then, to call it, you do User.want_email_notifications, which gives you an array of all User objects that want email notifications.
Then, when you're checking whether or not a given user should receive an email notification, write a condition similar to:
send_email_notification(user_in_question) if User.want_email_notifications.include?(user_in_question)
In this example, send_email_notification is the method where you would call the associated delivery method, which actually sends the email.

Forward a mail using Tmail & ActionMailer::ARMailer

I'm writing a rake task to go through one of our mailboxes of incoming mail, using Tmail. For certain mails, i just want to forward them on to another address. I'm not sure what the best way to do that is though.
Our regular mails for the website are sent out using ARMailer: i call Mailer.deliver_ and the mail is generated from a template and put into our Email table, which in accessed by ARMailer which actually sends the mails out. So, the class definition of my Mailer class looks like this:
class Mailer < ActionMailer::ARMailer
#list of methods here, one per email type
So, what i want to do, is, in my script when i have a Tmail object representing the incoming mail, is to generate a new mail to stick into our mail queue which is basically the Tmail mail, forwarded onto a new address. I'm not sure what the best way to do that is. I could build up a new multipart mail copying the body, subject and from field from the recieved Tmail object, but that seems like it might be a bit clumsy, and that there should be a nicer way.
Can i do something like
newmail = Mailer.create_forward(my_tmail_object) = ""
Mailer/ARMailer doesn't have the create_forward method but it's something like that that i'm after. Any advice welcome! thanks
