Multiple recipients using Mandrill and Rails - ruby-on-rails

I'm using ruby to send transactional emails via Mandrill.
As part of my product, I want to be able to send the same email to two recipients and have them see each other's email address.
(Like an introduction mail between two people).
So I filled he "to" field with both emails, and on my dashboard is seems that both are sent.
But unfortunately only one of the recipients receive the mail and the details of the second recipient is hidden.
In conclusion, I have two problems:
Only one recipient gets the mail
Hidden details of the second recipient.

I approached Mandrill support and this is what they replied:
If you'd like to enable this option globally for all of the messages you send, then you'll want to ensure that you have the
"Expose The List Of Recipients When Sending To Multiple Addresses"
option enabled in your Sending Defaults.
If, instead of making that change globally, you'd like to enable it
for individual messages, you'll want to use the
X-MC-PreserveRecipients (SMTP header), or the preserve_recipients (API
parameter), and set it to 'true'.
If you set this option to true, we'll expose the list of recipients to
each other as you would see happen when sending mail from a typical
email client program.
It worked!

If you want both recipients to be able to see each other, you can pass an array of e-mails in the to option.
If you do not want either of them to see each other, you can, in a loop over the users, send said e-mail.
If using ActionMailer it can be done like so:
to: ['', '']
Or in a loop:
[user1, user2].each do |user|
Post your code, I have an idea of what your problem may be. Remember that a method in an ActionMailer class should only return mail() and must not be looped over inside of that method.
tldr: do everything unrelated to e-mail outside mailer, pass through necessary data as params to the method, end method with mail() call.


Sending mail 'to' OpenStruct through mailer

I have an app where users can sign up for workshops and admin has a possibility to write an e-mail to all the participants through the app. The fragment of code to send mail message to the group looks like this
workshop.students_all.each do |user|
WorkshopNotifyGroupMailer.notify_user(user, workshop, subject, body).deliver_later
so it's nothing extraordinary (User and Workshops are instances of models).
Now, I wanted to add one additional e-mail address to be sent each time a group is notified (just to have a copy how does the sent mail look like). I thought of doing it something like that (to keep the code short):
admin = '', first_name: 'Nameless') #These are fields taken from User instance by mailer
WorkshopNotifyGroupMailer.notify_user(admin, workshop, subject, body).deliver_later
Unfortunately, I receive "Unsupported argument type: OpenStruct" error. Is there a way to send an e-mail which uses an instance of a model using some kind of artificial structure? (In this case just assume admin is not on the user list and won't be)

Forward a mail using Tmail & ActionMailer::ARMailer

I'm writing a rake task to go through one of our mailboxes of incoming mail, using Tmail. For certain mails, i just want to forward them on to another address. I'm not sure what the best way to do that is though.
Our regular mails for the website are sent out using ARMailer: i call Mailer.deliver_ and the mail is generated from a template and put into our Email table, which in accessed by ARMailer which actually sends the mails out. So, the class definition of my Mailer class looks like this:
class Mailer < ActionMailer::ARMailer
#list of methods here, one per email type
So, what i want to do, is, in my script when i have a Tmail object representing the incoming mail, is to generate a new mail to stick into our mail queue which is basically the Tmail mail, forwarded onto a new address. I'm not sure what the best way to do that is. I could build up a new multipart mail copying the body, subject and from field from the recieved Tmail object, but that seems like it might be a bit clumsy, and that there should be a nicer way.
Can i do something like
newmail = Mailer.create_forward(my_tmail_object) = ""
Mailer/ARMailer doesn't have the create_forward method but it's something like that that i'm after. Any advice welcome! thanks

Single visible recipient when mass-mailing using ActionMailer

I have a Rails 3 application that will send mails out to members of a group.
I would like to be able to send out the mails with a single ActionMailer call but specify all the recipients as an array of addresses, e.g.
Emailer.send_newsletters(['user1#domain.tld', 'user2#domain.tld'])
def send_newsletters(addresses)
mail :to => addresses, :subject => 'My newsletter to you'
Rails will by default make all the recipients visible when sending the mail but I would like that each recipient only sees his own name instead of all.
I will not use a dummy recipient and BCC all real recipients - it needs to be the right recipient.
Is there any way to send the mails without creating a loop around the addresses myself?
No, there isn't. You can send the email to a list of recipients, but they will see all the other recipients. You can assign the recipients to bcc, but the user won't see its address.
The only way to have the user see its own address is to loop all the elements and send one email for each recipient.

how to add multiple confirmation mail receipents in campaign monitor api used in rails?

If I send the mail to the list of recipients. After that the confirmation mail is send to single person using campaign monitor api.But I want to send the confirmation mail to two or more recipients. could you please answer for this one.
like this:
send = campaign.send!({ :campaignID => campaign.campaignID, :confirmationEmail => #email.from_email, :sendDate => 'Immediately' })
how can i change it for multi recipients.
I don't think Campaign Monitor supports sending multiple campaign confirmations, however you can simply swap out the single email address for an email forwarder on your server which goes to multiple recipients.

How to send emails with return-receipts in Ruby on Rails?

I have to send automatic emails with Return Receipt (aka "acknowledgement of receipt"), to have the confirmation that the receiver have actually received and read the email. The confirmation is a simple email sent to a specified address (the "Disposition-Notification-To" address, given in the email header).
Do you know if there is an easy way to do that with Rails (ActionMailer)? or with Ruby perhaps (TMail, Net/SMTP)?
Thanks in advance for your help.
You set your headers in your mailer def block like so:
headers['Return-Receipt-To'] = ''
headers['Disposition-Notification-To'] = ''
headers['X-Confirm-Reading-To'] = ''
Note that these trigger a dialogue in some, but not all email clients. Also, it is not a guarantee that the receiver actually has read and understood the email.
