Tab Bar is not visible with SWRevealviewcontroller - ios

I am using tab bar with four tab bar item.
First tab bar item view is front view of swrevealviewcontrtoller.
I attached storyboard view controllers detail image.
And output with no tab bar.

Hi below i added tabbar and display in viewcontroller.
Step 1:
First Embed the tabbar controller to navigation controller.
Step 2:
Then add the viewcontrollers to the tabbar.
Here i added only one screen navigation controller.
Then i added same swrevealview for side menu.
If u have any doubt let me know.
This is output screen :


Why is the navigation bar not appearing in the Simulator?

In my application that I am building, I set up a navigation controller to control navigation through the app. I created a Root View Controller.
I linked that Root View Controller to another View Controller using a show segue. Now the View Controller displays the navigation bar with the Large Titles turned off in the storyboard.
Even though it is showing up in the storyboard when I click the plus button, the navigation bar is not showing up in the Simulator. Does anybody know why?
Here is the complete Storyboard (Navigation Controller on the left - Root View Controller in the middle - Add View Controller on the right).
If someone could help me with this that would be amazing. Thank you.
You can retrace the steps and see where it went wrong:
1: Create a new single page app. Remove the VC and add TableVC. Set as root VC.
2: Select TableVC, Editor -> Embed in navigation controller.
3: Add tab bar item to the added navigation bar of the TableVC.
4: Create another VC and control drag from tab bar item to the VC (a push segue).
Hi!Have you linked the Storyboard with ViewController like picture?That could be one reason.

Show main TabBar for an item which is not a TabBar Item, but is in Menu(Using SWRevealCotroller)

I am using SWRevealViewController for side menu.
and also I have a tabbar controller as main view in my app.
In my menu I have "MenuItem" (which presents MenuItemViewController) and the tab bar items are "TabItem1" and "TabItem2".
Here is what I need:
Show the tab bar in "MenuItemViewController".
To have back button(bar button) that goes back to the TabItem1ViewController.
I do not want to have a new item for "MenuItem" in my tabbar.
What I Have
What I Need
BTW, the top left view controller is the side menu.
I have something that i think will match your requirement, or maybe you'll get an idea from this.
What's happening here is a tab bar with any number of view is embedded inside a navigation bar. and the menu screen is the rear view of swrevealView and navigation bar is the front view. Ask if you have any doubt.

Tab bar not showing on sub pages during runtime

I have a UITabBarController with 4 tabs, suppose A,B,C and D. I have a table view in page A. On clicking on any of the rows, E page opens.
The problem is that on creating show segue from view controller A to E, the tab bar appears below in E in storyboard, whereas during runtime no tab bar is visible on E. Please could anyone help me out in this.
I can add tab bar item to tab bar of subview as below:
This is the view hierarchy :
Note : I want to the tab bar of the main A-D tabs in all sub pages of A-D
I want to show you two images in different conditions. Maybe it's not a answer but will help you in some manner.
!) I have tab bar controller connected with navigation controller. That Tab bar has two items. "Top Rated" view has a button that connected to other view controller. Check right hand side attribute section for this bottom bar is none.
2)Same condition for second image but this time I changed the bottom bar option of this view controller(check attribute section). Now the view controller has tab bar item.
But this will not show in run time because this is not connected with tab bar controller. One more thing you can easily put tab bar item on new view controller that are not connected with navigation and tab bar controller, but when you run it will not there.
This will help you. Try to set navigation inside of tab bar controller. Give tab bar item to navigation controller. Like:
Output is:
When button clicked:
In that manner you can tab bar in all views.
Update 2:
Here I have Navigation then Home view then the above process with tab bar controller and its working fine.
Updated Output:
When button clicked:

In swift: how to add tab bar icons to a regular ViewController storyboard?

I would like to add two tab bar icons (table view and collection view), as shown in the first figure below, to a regular ViewController storyboard (as shown in the second figure).
I have tried to embed the ViewController in the TabBarController (Editor -> Embed in -> Tab Bar Controller), but it seems to me that xcode only allows me to add one icon (Tab Bar Item).
You need one view controller per tab in the storyboard, then connect the tab view controller to those controllers using "relationship segue", "view controllers" (ctrl-drag from tab view controller to destination controllers, then select that).
In each controller you then can click the tab item and set an image, in attributes.
add tab bar item to the view controller u want to add in tab bar controller. and then control drag from tab bar view controller and the make "relationship segue as "view controllers"..

tab bar disppears in view from another controller ios

I have two controllers . A HomeVC and a UITabBar VC with 5 tabs. Each Tab has a view associated with it added in storyboard. Default landing page for the application is the view related to first tab. In each of the five tab views , there is a button named "menu" which takes me to the view related to HomeVC. Now, the problem is , when I press menu button and go to HomeVC's view, the tab bar does not appear. Is there a way to retain the tab bar in my Home VC's view with no tab selected?
You just have to embed your UITabBar ViewController in a Navigation Controller.
