tab bar disppears in view from another controller ios - ios

I have two controllers . A HomeVC and a UITabBar VC with 5 tabs. Each Tab has a view associated with it added in storyboard. Default landing page for the application is the view related to first tab. In each of the five tab views , there is a button named "menu" which takes me to the view related to HomeVC. Now, the problem is , when I press menu button and go to HomeVC's view, the tab bar does not appear. Is there a way to retain the tab bar in my Home VC's view with no tab selected?

You just have to embed your UITabBar ViewController in a Navigation Controller.


How to present another view controller under tab bar on button press inside a tab bar controller view?

I have 4 tabs and in the home tab, I have a button to goto profile view controller.
When I use segue, The view changes completely and it's presented over tab bar. So it gets hidden.
I want to present it under the tab bar so that I can quickly navigate to other tabs without a back button.
I am not sure if this is the right way or not. but you can add presenting viewcontroller's view as subview with the same animation.

Tab Bar is not visible with SWRevealviewcontroller

I am using tab bar with four tab bar item.
First tab bar item view is front view of swrevealviewcontrtoller.
I attached storyboard view controllers detail image.
And output with no tab bar.
Hi below i added tabbar and display in viewcontroller.
Step 1:
First Embed the tabbar controller to navigation controller.
Step 2:
Then add the viewcontrollers to the tabbar.
Here i added only one screen navigation controller.
Then i added same swrevealview for side menu.
If u have any doubt let me know.
This is output screen :

Navigation Controller Embedded in Tab Controller - Tab Bar not visible

I have a Tab Bar Controller with 3 views embedded in it : 2 are normal ViewControllers and one is a Navigation Controller which has a ViewController with a CollectionView as in the picture below. Now when I first enter the Tab Bar Controller and navigate between the tabs, everything is fine.
If I press any object in my collectionView, a new view gets pushed onto the navigationController. The problem occurs if I then press the back button and pop that view in order to return to the view containing the collectionView. In this situation, the tab bar on the bottom of the screen becomes invisible.

In swift: how to add tab bar icons to a regular ViewController storyboard?

I would like to add two tab bar icons (table view and collection view), as shown in the first figure below, to a regular ViewController storyboard (as shown in the second figure).
I have tried to embed the ViewController in the TabBarController (Editor -> Embed in -> Tab Bar Controller), but it seems to me that xcode only allows me to add one icon (Tab Bar Item).
You need one view controller per tab in the storyboard, then connect the tab view controller to those controllers using "relationship segue", "view controllers" (ctrl-drag from tab view controller to destination controllers, then select that).
In each controller you then can click the tab item and set an image, in attributes.
add tab bar item to the view controller u want to add in tab bar controller. and then control drag from tab bar view controller and the make "relationship segue as "view controllers"..

Tab Bar Controller is not in all UIViewControllers

I just created a tab bar controller in my project with 4 tabs in total.
It works fine between the 4 UIViewControllers.
However when I navigate to another UIViewController which is not one of the 4 tabs, the tab bar disappears.
I want it to be seen in every page. How can I do this?
The way this is done is by using navigation controllers on each tab.
So, you have your tab bar controller. Then each tab has a navigation controller first and the root view controller of the navigation controller is the page you want in that tab.
Now when you use a push segue the navigation controller pushes the new page and the tab bar controller remains in place.
