I noticed that when I use the "Manage Bower Package" by right clicking the project file, the installation will be successful, but the installed files won't go into the wwwroot/lib folder, therefore I won't be able to reference to it.
The only way I discovered so far is:
Right click the project file-Add-New Item
Choose ASP.NET Core-Web
Find "Bower Configuration File"
Add the package from there.
In this way, the installed files will appear in wwwroot/lib.
Does anyone experience the same?
Hope this sharing help someone and also clear my doubt.
I am following this tutorial to install OpenCV with extra modules and CUDA.
I got to the step where I see the OpenCV.sln solution file in PATH_TO_OPENCV_SOURCE/build directory, where I have PATH_TO_OPENCV_SOURCE as C:/Users/me/Downloads/opencv-master
I then opened that in Visual Studio 2017, right clicked on Install and clicked on Build. I now see a bunch of error cannot open input file ..\..\lib\Release\opencv_world440.lib errors.
I noticed that in C:/Users/me/Downloads/opencv-master/build/lib/Release that I see opencv_ts440.lib but not opencv_world440.lib
in VS, when I go to Configuration Properties, I don't see C/C++ or additional include directories anywhere
can anyone help with this?
Lately I created a ASP.NET MVC Core project from scratch using Visual Studio 2017 (15.6.3). I discovered the usual JavaScript frameworks:
But unfortunately all Bower support is gone! There's no bower.json, no .bowerrc and no "Manage Bower Packages..." anymore:
What's wrong with Visual Studio's ASP.NET MVC Core template? Did Bower become obsolete?
Please don't duplicate this question to How to use bower packages in Visual Studio 2017 if Bower is deprecated! I don't like a fix pointing to deprecated technologies.
I'd like to narrow the question: What's the simplest (most intuitive) way to replace Bower by NPM? Like Bower did with its .bowerrc: { "directory": "wwwroot/lib" }?
Bower is actually dead.
Microsoft have a lightweight and currently under the radar solution to this called Library Manager (LibMan).
It's a stripped down json based solution, with a very simple UI - that gives you control over which files to download (no more downloading hundreds of files when you just need 1).
Mads Kristensen did a great little intro to the preview at Build 2017.
(the video should start at the correct place around 43 mins).
At the time of writing this it's still in preview - but due to be released with Visual Studio 15.8.
If you'd like to try it before that you can grab it from the GitHub Repo or Visual Studio Marketplace - instructions in the solution to this question
You can still use npm etc - though here are Microsoft's reasons for using this instead (or as well as) - from the Visual Studio Marketplace:
Reasons for using this extension
For apps not currently using another package manager
For projects where you think Bower and npm are overkill
For developers that don't want to use Bower or npm
For developers that values simplicity in their tools
For using custom or private packages/files
For ASP.NET Core apps where NuGet can't install content packages
Bower is dead. The team of bower is refering to Yarn (an addition on NPM).
Since Visual Studio has some NPM support, I would go for it.
Create in the root of your project a package.json (Todo so, right click your project, add item and search for NPM. You will find a npm Configuration File):
"name": "SomeName",
"version": "1.0.0",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"bootstrap": "3.3.7",
"jquery": "3.3.1",
"jquery-validation": "1.17.0",
"jquery-validation-unobtrusive": "3.2.10",
"jquery-ajax-unobtrusive": "3.2.4",
Everytime you make changes to the json file, simple press CTRL + S. Visual Studio automaticly calls NPM and restores the packages. Also note, you have intellisence for the package names and version numbers.
After migrating myself, I can not remember to not find a package on npm. But if it's the case for you, note you can reference a github repository directly.
The depenencies are saved to node_modules folder. That's for the new package manager.
Now you have the problem you need to bundle it for release (which you should have done with bower too). Bundeling is the process of combining your Javascript/CSS/Image assets to a single bundle.js, bundle.css, sprite.svg. These should be copied to the wwwroot folder.
For doing so, we have a few options (I will only link to a few, since this would explode the scope of the question):
We found bower to be tricky to get setup, npm is well supported and packages can be installed using the Package Installer from Mads Kristensen, this also works well with the Bundler & Minifier extension, from the same developer for copying the relevant files from the node_modules folder to where you want them.
I would suggest just sticking with npm and forget bower for asp.net core projects,i posted a way of using npm in the link below,
How to use yarn in ASP.Net core MVC to install bootstrap in wwwroot folder
The solution is to do the following:
Launch VS 2017 and open Tools - Extensions and Updates from the main menu
In the window that opens, select Online on the left menu and type package in the Search box. Download the Package Installer
Close all VS instances and wait a while, the VS installer will start which will install that package
After installation, start VS and your project that should have a bower
Start Project - Quick Install Package from the menu
Select npm and type upgrade -g bower in the field
The previous command will update the locations of the bower packages. Now create the bower.json file manually as follows:
Right-click on the project and Add - New Item
Select the JSON file and name it bower.json
Open the file and type in the following file: {"name": "myproject"}
Create another JSON file that you will only call .bowerrc
Open the .bowerrc file and type the following:
"directory": "wwwroot / lib /",
"registry": "https://registry.bower.io"
Right-click the bower.json file and select the Manage Bower Package option.
In the Browse section, type mustache.js and install
When you click on Project in the window you will see Manage Bower Package
That is all!
The following blog worked for me, although it claims the issue would be fixed in 15.8 which is the opposite of this issue:
I have updated the .bowerrc file to include:
"registry": "https://registry.bower.io"
I then right clicked the bower.json and Restore packages. Then voila!
Im trying to use an ASP.NET web application downloaded from the internet. Im looking for a way restore all the dependencies/packages in a quick way (clean and building the project did not solve it), rather than installing them via nuget one by one. Is there anyway to download and install/resolve (version issues) all the necessary packages at once?
I tried below package manager console commands, but they did not resolve the package conflicts.
Update-Package -Reinstall,
nuget install packages.config and other solutions here - How do I get NuGet to install/update all the packages in the packages.config?
[resolve/install packages]
Can someone help? Maybe Im using wrong commands or doing something wrong.
If you go into Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Manage Nuget Packages for Solution, it will show a yellow bar at the top asking you if you want to restore missing packages. That's a manual way, but there are also some important VS options you want to look at as well, one being an option to restore packages on build.
There is a generic restore option as well from the package manager console, and that should have worked if it was simply a matter of reimporting the missing packages...
Update-Package -reinstall
You can try to delete the folders, than reinstall using these options. However, is there a possibility there is a .NET framework version mismatch with the version of the DLL's? Maybe some of the DLL's need updated?
Remove package folders from Package folder - don't remove package.config. Next, build you application - nuget should automatically restore all packages.
I have MVC 5 project and I use NuGet to install packages. Yesterday I have installed a couple of packages, but today when I run my application I got an error of missing references. I've realized, that my project doesn't have any of references and files that were added from NuGet.I have all this packages in packages folder in my app, but no records about this packages in packages.config file. If I click Manage NuGet Packages in my solution explorer, in online search it shows me all my packages as installed, but in all installed tab it doesn't show me any of them! I didn't do anything since yesterday? What could happened and how to fix all my packages?
I have had this happen from time to time. There are two things that you can try:
Right click your solution in 'Solution Explorer' and select 'Enable NuGet Package Restore'
Close and Reopen VS
Try Rebuild
Otherwise, just uninstall/reinstall each package.
Hope that helps!
Sometime you added new package does't support to your .net framework which is currently active, so active related .net framework as well.
I just have experienced the same problem. In my case, two different versions of a sample package in the packages.config file causing the problem. After removing the older version of the package from the file, VS shows the list normally.
when I create a build for the Team Foundation Service, I get all kind of reference dll's not found exceptions.
These references are added by nugget packages.
I've added the 'package restore' option on the solution which added 3 files in a .NuGet folder.
When i got the solution from TFS on another pc, i got the same errors (missing dll's), so it's not only the TFS build service having problems.
The missing dll's are are missing files from installed nuget packages (some are part of the default VS template, Unity was a package i added later), which (the packages) are added on the first pc, but then are missing on the next pc (that's why i added the 'or' in the title of this question)
How can i get the Nuget added files on pc2 too?
I guess you've found a solution by now. I write this just to provide an answer for this question.
To have NuGet packages automatically downloaded on another PC, you need to enable NuGet package restore on build. You do this in two steps:
Right click the solution and select Enable NuGet Package Restore.
This will add a .nuget solution folder with NuGet.Config, NuGet.exe and NuGet.targets underneath it. These files should actually be checked in to source control, but the binary file is tiny. It will also modify the MSBuild scripts in all projects of the solution to import the NuGet.targets file to hook NuGet into the build process.
In Tools -> Library Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings make sure the option 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build' is checked.
This step must be done on all machines.
Now the BuildDependsOn property of all project build scripts should make the RestorePackages target in NuGet.targets kick in and download missing packages before you get build errors for missing references.